
Generate Subset schemas

  • Click Generate Documents.
  • Toggle the Include Documentation? radio button to either include or remove component definitions.
    • By default, this button will be checked yes and definitions will be included.
    • Set this to no if needed to minimize the size of the resulting schemas.
  • Click the link to Save Subset Schema to a file to generate and download a zip file containing the subset schemas.

Generate Schemas

This subset will include a wantlist (wantlist.xml) in the zip file so that it can be loaded in the SSGT at a later date to resume work on the subset.

Generate Wantlist

A wantlist can be generated without the full subset package as a way to save work.

From the same Generate Documents page,

  1. Click Generate Documents.
  2. Click Save current wantlist to file.

Generate Wantlist

Generate Spreadsheet

Generate a spreadsheet representation of the subset:

From the same Generate Documents page,

  1. Click Generate Documents.
  2. Click Save current subset to a spreadsheet file.

Generate Spreadsheet