Prefix: ndex
Source: FBI Crminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) Division; Publication: National Data Exchange (N-Dex) Specification (a NIEM IEPD); Version: 2.2; Date: 2013;
Type | Definition | Code Count |
AggravatedAssaultCircumstanceNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that describes the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes. | 62 |
ApprovalStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the status of the request for addition to the approved visitor list. | 4 |
ArrestCategoryJABSCodeSimpleType | A data type for a Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) code that identifies the type of apprehension. | 3 |
ArtObjectCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of art object. | 5 |
AssignmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a subject’s assignment category. | 26 |
AudioVisualRecordingCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of audio visual recording. | 13 |
BiasMotivationCauseCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias. | 29 |
BiasMotivationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes. | 39 |
BicycleCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle. | 6 |
BinaryCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation. | 31 |
BookingCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted. | 3 |
CADCallCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of service call. | 77 |
CADCallSourceCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call. | 10 |
CALCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm. | 70 |
ChargeCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of charge. | 3 |
ClothingCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing. | 43 |
ConstructionMaterialCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material. | 45 |
ConsumableGoodsCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods. | 27 |
ConveyanceFuelCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance. | 16 |
CreditBankIDCardCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card. | 29 |
CriminalActivityCategoryNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes. | 27 |
DataProcessingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of computer hardware and software. | 162 |
DeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of the communication device. | 20 |
DispositionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the disposition of an offense. | 11 |
DomesticViolenceChildImpactCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the impact of domestic violence upon children. | 6 |
DomesticViolenceLevelCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the level of domestic violence involved in the incident. | 12 |
DomesticViolencePatternIndicationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the subject’s pattern of domestic violence. | 9 |
DomesticViolenceSocialHistoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates contributing factors to subject’s domestic violence history. | 11 |
DrillingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of drilling tool. | 51 |
EntertainmentDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of radio, TV, camera, sound or entertainment device. | 111 |
ForensicSpecimenCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected. | 57 |
GamblingEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of games and/or gambling apparatus. | 18 |
GangInvolvementCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies gang involvement of offenders in an offense. | 3 |
GrainCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of grain. | 18 |
HouseholdFurnishingsCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings. | 40 |
HousewaresCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods. | 73 |
IncidentStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident. | 11 |
IndianNationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation. | 44 |
InjuryCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes. | 10 |
InjuryLocationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim’s injury. | 40 |
IntangibleItemCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property. | 45 |
IntellectualPropertySubjectMatterCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights. | 25 |
ItemCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of property. | 22 |
ItemGenderUseCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl’s bicycle or a man’s jacket. | 7 |
ItemStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list. | 24 |
ItemValueCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s). | 5 |
JewelryStoneCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of jewelry gem or imitation gem. | 26 |
JuvenileDispositionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the disposition of the arrest if the arrestee was a juvenile at the time of arrest. | 5 |
KeepsakeCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies items collected as a hobby or given in friendship. | 30 |
KnifeCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a kind of knife. | 34 |
LEOKAActivityCategoryNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of law enforcement activity which the officer was involved in at the time of incident. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes. | 14 |
LivestockCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of livestock/pet. | 31 |
LocationCategoryNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that characterizes a location or area. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes. | 319 |
LocationGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the general type of location. | 6 |
LocationSublocationCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a location inside of another location. | 86 |
MaritalStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies marital status. | 9 |
MetalCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a metal. | 94 |
MethodOfAccessCodeSimpleType | A data type for a method of access. | 53 |
MusicalInstrumentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument. | 43 |
NIBRSReportCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item. | 5 |
OffenseCategoryNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the category of offense. | 3 |
OffenseMOCrimeAndMotiveCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies probable crime types and/or motives based on investigator experience. | 22 |
OffenseNDExCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the offense. | 542 |
OffenseSummaryCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies an offense type being summarized. | 13 |
OfficeEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of office equipment. | 70 |
OpticalEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of optical equipment. | 13 |
OrganizationCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of organization. | 23 |
PassagePointCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense. | 44 |
PersonBuildCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the person’s physique or body shape. | 14 |
PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person. | 24 |
PersonEyewearCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person. | 6 |
PersonFacialHairCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person. | 18 |
PersonHairLengthCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the length of the person’s hair. | 6 |
PersonHairStyleCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the style of a person’s hair. | 26 |
PersonHandedCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using. | 4 |
PersonSexualOrientationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person. | 5 |
PersonSpeechCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person’s speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person. | 24 |
PhotoEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device. | 25 |
PreciousMetalCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity. | 17 |
PremiseSecurityCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident. | 25 |
PrenatalAgeUnitCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child. | 2 |
PretrialReleaseStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation. | 3 |
RACCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the race of the person. | 6 |
RegisteredOffenderCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the category of a person’s offender registration. | 8 |
RiskLevelCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision. | 6 |
SEXCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person. | 7 |
SecuritiesGeneralCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities. | 3 |
SecuritySystemStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident. | 4 |
ServiceUtilityCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service. | 17 |
SportsEquipmentCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment. | 44 |
StreetDirectionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name. | 8 |
StructureCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of structure. | 7 |
StructureCommercialCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit. | 59 |
StructureIndustrialCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment. | 20 |
StructureOccupiedCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy. | 6 |
StructureOtherCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions. | 70 |
StructurePublicCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars. | 78 |
StructureResidentialNonSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy. | 13 |
StructureResidentialSingleOccupancyCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates). | 8 |
StructureStorageCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use. | 15 |
SubjectAttitudeCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the subject’s attitude toward his or her actions. | 5 |
SubjectMOActionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience. | 155 |
SubjectMOGeneralLifestyleCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience. | 19 |
SubjectMOObservationCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject. | 30 |
SubjectMOSexualPracticesCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception. | 17 |
SupervisedReleaseCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release. | 18 |
SupervisedReleaseStatusCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release. | 9 |
TelephoneNumberCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number. | 6 |
ToolDeviceCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies a type of tool. | 292 |
VSTCategoryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the general style of vehicle. | 8 |
VictimMOApproachedCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies how subject initially approached victim based on investigator experience. | 64 |
VictimMOBindingsCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the type of article used by the subject at the crime scene to bind a victim. | 10 |
VictimMODisposalCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the manner of victim body disposal based on investigator perception. | 4 |
VictimMOFoundClothedCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that characterizes clothed condition of the victim. | 11 |
VictimMOGeneralLifestyleCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the victim person based on investigator experience. | 24 |
VictimMORecoveryCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that characterizes the recovery of the victim based on investigator perception. | 21 |
VictimMOSubjectContactConclusionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies how victim subject contact ended based on investigator perception. | 6 |
VictimMOWasCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the actions of the victim at time of incident. | 71 |
VictimPerceptionCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that indicates the victims perception of the subject or actions of the subject. | 5 |
VictimToSubjectRelationshipCodeSimpleType | A data type for a code that identifies the victim’s relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender. | 47 |
A data type for a code that describes the circumstances of either an aggravated assault or homicide. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
Aggravated stalking | Aggravated stalking |
Ambush | Ambush |
Argument | Argument |
Argument over boyfriend | Argument over boyfriend |
Argument over girlfriend | Argument over girlfriend |
Argument over money | Argument over money |
Argument over weapon | Argument over weapon |
Arson | Arson |
Assault on Law Enforcement Officer | Assault on Law Enforcement Officer(s) |
Barroom brawl | Barroom brawl |
Bootlegging | Bootlegging |
Burglary attempt | Burglary attempt |
Child abuse | Child abuse |
Child Playing With Weapon | Child Playing With Weapon |
Criminal Killed by Police Officer | Criminal Killed by Police Officer |
Criminal Killed by Private Citizen | Criminal Killed by Private Citizen |
Domestic argument | Domestic argument |
Drive by shooting assault | Drive-by shooting assault |
Drive by shooting homicide | Drive-by shooting homicide |
Drug Dealing | Drug Dealing |
Fight assault | Fight assault |
Fight homicide | Fight homicide |
Fleeing suspect_police assault | Fleeing suspect_police assault |
Fleeing suspect_police homicide | Fleeing suspect_police homicide |
Gambling assault | Gambling assault |
Gambling homicide | Gambling homicide |
Gangland | GanglandOrganized Crime Involvement |
Gun_Cleaning Accident | Gun-Cleaning Accident |
Homicide_suicide | Homicide_suicide |
Hunting Accident | Hunting Accident |
Juvenile Gang | Juvenile Gang |
Kidnap_murder | Kidnap_murder |
Kidnap_noncustodial parent | Kidnap_non_custodial parent |
Kidnap_stranger | Kidnap_stranger |
Lovers Quarrel | Lovers Quarrel |
Mental problem assault | Mental problem assault |
Mental problem homicide | Mental problem homicide |
Mercy Killing | Mercy Killing |
Mugging assault | Mugging assault |
Mugging homicide | Mugging homicide |
Murder for hire | Murder for hire |
Other Circumstances | Other Circumstances |
Other Felony Involved | Other Felony Involved |
Other Negligent Killings | Other Negligent Killings |
Other Negligent Weapon Handling | Other Negligent Weapon Handling |
Playing with weapon assault | Playing with weapon assault |
Playing with weapon homicide | Playing with weapon homicide |
Police officer killed | Police officer killed |
Race related assault | Race related assault |
Race related homicide | Race related homicide |
Rape attempt_homicide | Rape attempt_homicide |
Rape_Homicide | Rape_Homicide |
Revenge assault | Revenge assault |
Revenge homicide | Revenge homicide |
Robber killed by victim | Robber killed by victim |
Self defense assault | Self defense assault |
Self defense homicide | Self defense homicide |
Stalking | Stalking |
Unknown assault circumstance | Unknown assault circumstance |
Unknown Circumstances | Unknown Circumstances |
Unknown homicide circumstance | Unknown homicide circumstance |
Victim killed by robber | Victim killed by robber |
A data type for a code that identifies the status of the request for addition to the approved visitor list.
Code | Definition |
APPROVED | Approved |
DENIED | Denied |
PENDING | Pending |
REVOKED | Revoked |
A data type for a Joint Automated Booking System (JABS) code that identifies the type of apprehension.
Code | Definition |
FUGITIVE | Fugitive |
PROBABLE CAUSE | Probable Cause |
WARRANT | Warrant |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of art object.
Code | Definition |
LITHOGRAPH | Lithograph |
MODEL | Model |
PAINTING | Painting |
PHOTOGRAPH | Photograph |
SCULPTURE | Sculpture |
A data type for a code that identifies a subject’s assignment category.
Code | Definition |
ACTIVE INMATE | Active Inmate |
DECEASED | Deceased |
DISCHARGED FROM PAROLE | Discharged from Parole |
ESCAPED | Escaped |
IN CUSTODY OF ANOTHER FACILITY OR ORGANIZATION | In Custody of Another Facility or Organization, awaiting opportunity to take possession - includes cases involving a detainer having been filed at another location. |
MEDICAL RESPITE | A period of temporary release granted for reasons of medical treatment, e.g., chronic/terminal illness, or recuperation. (Describe respite in Assignment Description field) |
OUT FOR COURT | Out for Court with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR DEATH BED VISIT | Out for Death Bed Visit with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR FUNERAL VISIT | Out for Funeral Visit with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR HUMANITARIAN VISIT | Out for Humanitarian Visit with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR JAIL | Temporarily housed at another facility while attending court proceedings with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR MEDICAL TREATMENT | Out for Medical Treatment with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR OTHER REASON | Out for Other Reason with expectation of return to facility of supervision. (Describe reason in Assignment Description field) |
OUT FOR STUDY | Out for Study (Education) with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
OUT FOR TREATMENT | Out for Treatment or Programming with expectation of return to facility of supervision. (Describe in Assignment Description field) |
OUT FOR WORK RELEASE | Out for Work Release with expectation of return to facility of supervision. |
PARDONED | Pardoned |
PAROLE | Parole (Describe in Assignment Description field) |
PAROLE ABSCONDER | Parole Absconder |
PAROLE TO DETAINER | Paroled individual with consecutive additional charges sent to serve time in other place. |
RELEASED | Released without obligation to facility of supervision. |
RELEASED BAIL_BOND | Released without obligation to facility of supervision on Bail or Bond. |
RELEASED CONVICTION OVERTURNED | Released without obligation to facility of supervision as a result of conviction being overturned. |
RELEASED DEPORTATION | Released without obligation to facility of supervision for Deportation. |
RELEASED TIME SERVED | Released without obligation to facility of supervision for Time Served. |
RELEASED TREATMENT | Released without obligation to facility of supervision for Treatment. |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of audio visual recording.
Code | Definition |
AUDIO_COMPACT DISC | Audio_Compact Disc (CD) |
AUDIO_LASER COMPACT DISC | Audio_Laser Compact Disc (CD) |
AUDIO_PHONOGRAPH RECORD | Audio_Phonograph Record |
AUDIO TAPE | Audio Tape (all types) |
AUDIO TAPE_CASSETTES | Audio Tape_Cassettes |
AUDIO TAPE_REEL | Audio Tape_Reel |
VIDEO_DISK | Video_Disk (CED, videodisc, laser video disk, LV, reflective optical video disk) |
VIDEO_ FILM | Video_ Film |
VIDEO_SLIDE | Video_Slide |
VIDEO_TAPE | Video_Tape |
VIDEO_TAPE_BETA | Video_Tape_Beta |
A data type for a code that indicates offender was motivated to commit the offense, in whole/part, because of bias.
Code | Definition |
ADVOCACY GROUP MEMBER SUPPORTING TARGETED GROUP | Victim is advocacy group member supporting targeted group |
COINCIDES WITH HOLIDAY | Coincides with recognized_calendar holiday |
COINCIDES WITH SYMBOLIC_SIGNIFICANT DATE | Coincides with Symbolic_significant date relating to a group |
COMMUNITY PERCEPTION | Substantial portion of community where crime occurred perceived incident as bias motivated |
DAMAGE TO A SYMBOL | Damage to a Symbol |
EVIDENCE OF SYMBOLIC_RITUALISTIC ACT | Evidence of symbolic_ritualistic act relating to a group |
GESTURES | Gestures made by offender |
GRAFFITI | Graffiti left at crime scene |
HATE GROUP CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY | Evidence hate group involved_active in locality |
HISTORIC ANIMOSITY | Historic animosity existed between victims and offenders groups |
LOGOS | Logo(s) left at the crime scene |
NEIGHBORHOOD TENSIONS EXIST AGAINST TARGETED GROUP | Victim passing through locality where previous hate crimes were committed |
NONE | None |
OFFENDER ADMITS HATE GROUP MEMBERSHIP | Offender admitted hate group membership |
ORAL COMMENTS | Oral Comment(s) made by offender |
PREVIOUSLY INVOLVED IN HATE CRIME | Offender previously involved in hate crime(s) |
PROMOTING ACTIVITIES OF HIS_HER GROUP | Victim engaged in activities promoting his_her group |
RECENT ANIMOSITY | Recent animosity existed between victims and offenders groups |
RECENT PUBLIC FOCUS | Bias motivated event triggers incident in victims locality |
RETALIATORY ACTIONS | Retaliatory actions |
SERIAL INCIDENTS IN SAME LOCALITY | Several incidents occurred same locality, at or about same time, victims all of same group |
SPECIAL CLOTHING | Special clothing worn by the offender |
SUSPECTED HATE GROUP MEMBER | Offender suspected of hate group membership |
SYMBOL_CROSS BURNING | Symbol_Cross burning by the offender |
SYMBOLS | Symbol(s) left at the crime scene |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
UPSET BALANCE OF RESIDENTIAL DEMOGRAPHICS | Victims group overwhelmingly outnumbered by other residents in a locality |
VICTIM_OFFENDER BELONG TO DIFFERENT GROUPS | Victim_Offender belong to different groups |
WRITTEN WORDS_STATEMENTS | Written word(s)_statement(s) made by offender |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of bias that motivated the offense, if any. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
ANTIAMERICAN INDIAN_ ALASKAN NATIVE | Anti-American Indian or Alaskan Native_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIARAB | Anti-Arab_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIASIAN | Anti-Asian_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIATHEIST_AGNOSTIC | Anti-Atheist or Agnostic_religious bias |
ANTIBISEXUAL | Anti-Bisexual |
ANTIBLACK_AFRICAN AMERICAN | Anti-Black or African American_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIBUDDHIST | Anti-Buddhist_religious bias |
ANTICATHOLIC | Anti-Catholic religion_religious bias |
ANTIDISABLED | AntiDisbled_disability bias |
ANTIEASTERNORTHODOX | Anti-Eastern Orthodox (Russian, Greek, Other)_religious bias |
ANTIFEMALE | Anti-Female_gender bias |
ANTIFEMALE HOMOSEXUAL | Anti-Female Homosexual (Lesbian) _sexual orientation bias |
ANTIGENDER_NONCONFORMING | Anti-Gender Non-Conforming |
ANTIHETEROSEXUAL | Anti-Heterosexual _sexual orientation bias |
ANTIHINDU | Anti-Hindu_religious bias |
ANTIHISPANIC_LATINO | Anti-Hispanic or Latino_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIHOMOSEXUAL | Anti-Homosexual, e.g., Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and transgender (mixed group), _sexual orientation bias |
ANTIISLAMIC | Anti-Islamic, includes muslim_religious bias |
ANTIJEHOVAHWITNESS | Anti-Jehovah’s Witness_religious bias |
ANTIJEWISH | Anti-Jewish_religious bias |
ANTIMALE | Anti-Male_gender bias |
ANTIMALE HOMOSEXUAL | Anti-Male Homosexual (Gay) _sexual orientation bias |
ANTIMENTAL DISABILITY | Anti-Mental Disability_disability bias |
ANTIMORMON | Anti-Mormon_religious bias |
ANTIMULTIRACIAL GROUP | Anti-Multi-Racial Group, e.g., Arab and Asian and American Indian and White and etc._race ethnicity bias |
ANTIMULTIRELIGIOUS GROUP | Anti-Multi-Religious Group, e.g., Catholic and Mormon and Islamic and etc._religious bias |
ANTINATIVEHAWAIIAN_OTHERPACIFICISLANDER | Anti-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIOTHER CHRISTIAN | Anti-Other Christian_religious bias |
ANTIOTHER ETHNICITY_NATIONAL ORIGIN | Anti-Other Race, Ethnicity, Ancestry, or National Origin_race ethnicity bias |
ANTIOTHER RELIGION | Anti-Other Religion_religious bias |
ANTIPHYSICAL DISABILITY | Anti-Physical Disability_disability bias |
ANTIPROTESTANT | Anti-Protestant_religious bias |
ANTISIKH | Anti-Sikh_religious bias |
ANTITRANSGENDER | Anti-Transgender_gender identity |
ANTIWHITE | Anti-White_race ethnicity bias |
GENDER BIAS | Gender Bias_gender bias |
NONE | None (no bias) |
POLITICAL AFFILIATION BIAS | Political Affiliation Bias |
UNKNOWN | Unknown (offender’s motivation not known) |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of bicycle.
Code | Definition |
BICYCLE | Bicycle |
BICYCLE SHOCK | Bicycle Shock |
BICYCLE_TANDEM | Bicycle_Tandem |
BICYCLE_TRAILER | Bicycle_Trailer |
TRICYCLE | Tricycle |
UNICYCLE | Unicycle |
A data type for a code that represents the type of digital representation.
Code | Definition |
AUDIO | Audio (describe object) |
DOCUMENT | Document (describe object) |
DOCUMENT APPROVED TELEPHONE LIST | Document Approved Telephone List |
DOCUMENT EMAIL MESSAGE | Document Email Message, includes email attachment (describe object) |
DOCUMENT EMAIL USAGE LOG | Document Email Usage Log |
DOCUMENT IDENTIFICATION | Document Identification, includes driver license, passport, etc. (describe object) |
DOCUMENT PHONE PEN REGISTER | Document Phone Pen Register, includes trap and trace records |
DOCUMENT TELEPHONE CALL LOG | Document Telephone Call Log |
DOCUMENT TELEPHONE CALL REQUEST LIST | Document Telephone Call Request List |
DOCUMENT TEXTING MESSAGE | Document Texting Message (describe object) |
DOCUMENT VISITOR LOG | Document Visitor Log |
DOCUMENT VISITOR REQUEST LIST | Document Visitor Request List |
IMAGE | Image - photo, sketch, portrait, snapshot, etc., excluding documents, audio, video (describe object) |
IMAGE AERIAL PHOTO | Aerial Photo (describe object) |
IMAGE BIOMETRIC | Image Biometric (describe object) |
IMAGE BIOMETRIC FINGERPRINT | Image Biometric Fingerprint |
IMAGE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY PHOTO | Image Child Pornography Photo |
IMAGE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PHOTO | Criminal Justice Photo - photo taken by criminal justice agency (describe object) |
IMAGE DRIVER LICENSE PHOTO | Person Driver License Photo |
IMAGE EXAMPLE PHOTO | Example Photo - provided as representation for reference (describe reference context) |
IMAGE MEDICAL PHOTO | Medical Photo of a person (including X-Ray and medical procedure photos) - Doctor, Dentist, etc. captured photo (describe object) |
IMAGE MUG SHOT | Mug Shot also called booking photo - law enforcement photo taken of a person at time of booking |
IMAGE PHYSICAL FEATURE | Physical Feature image, including photo of Scars, Marks, and Tattoos (describe object) |
IMAGE POLICE SKETCH | Police Sketch (describe object) |
IMAGE PORTRAIT | Portrait - painting or photograph of a person or animal esp. of the face |
IMAGE PROPERTY ITEM | Image Property Item (describe object) |
IMAGE SNAPSHOT | Snapshot also called candid photo - informal photo (describe object) |
MALWARE | Malware - Virus, Worm, Trojan, etc. (describe object) |
OTHER | Other (describe object) |
VIDEO | Video (describe object) |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of booking conducted.
Code | Definition |
ADMINISTRATIVE | Administrative |
CRIMINAL | Criminal |
INQUIRY | Inquiry |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of service call.
Code | Definition |
Abandoned Auto | Abandoned Auto |
Abduction_Kidnapping | Abduction_Kidnapping |
Accident Conditions Unknown | Accident Conditions Unknown |
Accident Hit And Run Injury | Accident Hit And Run Injury |
Accident Hit And Run Property | Accident Hit And Run Property |
Accident Personal Injury | Accident Personal Injury |
Accident Property Damage | Accident Property Damage |
Agressive Driver | Agressive Driver |
Alarm | Alarm |
Animal Complaint | Animal Complaint |
Arson | Arson |
Assault Aggravated | Assault Aggravated |
Assault Simple | Assault Simple |
Assist Citizen | Assist Citizen |
Assist Fire_Medics | Assist Fire_Medics |
Assist Outside Agency | Assist Outside Agency |
Bad Check-Forgery | Bad Check-Forgery |
Bolo | Bolo |
Bomb Threat | Bomb Threat |
Boot Removal | Boot Removal |
Burglary | Burglary |
Carjacking | Carjacking |
City Property Damage | City Property Damage |
Credit Card Fraud | Credit Card Fraud |
Destruction | Destruction |
Disabled Motorist | Disabled Motorist |
Disorderly Conduct | Disorderly Conduct |
Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence |
Drug Complaint | Drug Complaint |
Drunk Driver | Drunk Driver |
E911 911 Hang Up | E911 911 Hang Up |
Embezzlement | Embezzlement |
Escort | Escort |
False Pretense_Swindle_Confidence | False Pretense_Swindle_Confidence |
Fight | Fight |
Gambling | Gambling |
Grand Larceny Auto | Grand Larceny Auto |
Grand Larceny Auto Recovery | Grand Larceny Auto Recovery |
Hazard | Hazard |
Homicide | Homicide |
Hostage_Barricade Situation | Hostage_Barricade Situation |
Identity Fraud | Identity Fraud |
Impersonating Police Officer | Impersonating Police Officer |
Intelligence Activity | Intelligence Activity |
Intoxicated Subject | Intoxicated Subject |
Larceny | Larceny |
Lockout | Lockout |
Loud Party | Loud Party |
Missing Person | Missing Person |
Noise Violation | Noise Violation |
Parking Complaint | Parking Complaint |
Police Information | Police Information |
Property Found | Property Found |
Property Lost | Property Lost |
Prostitution | Prostitution |
Protective Order Issued | Protective Order Issued |
Prowler_Peeping Tom | Prowler_Peeping Tom |
Public Service | Public Service |
Robbery | Robbery |
Runaway | Runaway |
Sexual Offense | Sexual Offense |
Shoplifting | Shoplifting |
Stalking | Stalking |
Subject Stop | Subject Stop |
Suicide | Suicide |
Suspicious Event | Suspicious Event |
Suspicious Package_Substance | Suspicious Package_Substance |
Telephone Complaint | Telephone Complaint |
Test Call | Test Call |
Traffic Complaint | Traffic Complaint |
Traffic Stop | Traffic Stop |
Trespassing | Trespassing |
Trouble Unknown | Trouble Unknown |
Trouble Unknown_Officer Needs Assistance | Trouble Unknown_Officer Needs Assistance |
Warrant Issued | Warrant Issued |
Warrant Service | Warrant Service |
Weapon Violation | Weapon Violation |
A data type for a code that identifies the source type of a service call.
Code | Definition |
Alarm | Alarm |
E911 | E911 |
Hearing Impaired | Hearing Impaired |
Internet_Email | Internet_Email |
Multiple | Multiple |
Officer | Officer |
Phone | Phone |
Teletype | Teletype |
Unknown | Unknown |
Walk_In | Walk_In |
A data type for a code that identifies the caliber of the firearm.
Code | Definition |
10 | 10 mm, .40 S and W pistol cartridges; also used for 10-gauge shotgun |
11 | 11 mm Mauser |
12 | 12.5 mm is metric for .50-caliber Browning Machine Gun round; also used for 12-gauge shotgun |
13 | 13 mm Gyrojet rocket pistol/carbine |
14 | Used for 14-gauge shotgun |
16 | Used for 16-gauge shotgun |
17 | .17 Remington |
177 | .177 caliber (.17 caliber) is most often used in airguns |
20 | Used for 20-gauge shotgun |
22 | .22 Short/Long/Long Rifle rimfire cartridge family; also .22 Hornet, .22-250, .220 Swift, .222 Remington, .223 Remington, etc.; also used for 22-gauge shotgun |
221 | .221 Remington Fireball |
222 | .222 Remington, .222 Remington Magnum |
223 | .223 Remington/5.56x45 mm NATO |
24 | Used for 24-gauge shotgun |
243 | .243 Winchester |
25 | .25 ACP, .25-06, .25-20, .25-35, .250-3000 Savage, etc. |
250 | .250-3000 Savage |
256 | .256 Newton |
257 | .257 Roberts, .257 Weatherby Magnum |
260 | .260 Magnum Research Lone Eagle, .269 Remington Model XP 100, .260 Savage Striker, .260 Thompson/Center Encore |
264 | .264 Winchester Magnum |
270 | .270 Winchester, .270 Weatherby Magnum |
28 | Used for 28-gauge shotgun |
280 | .280 Remington/7 mm Express |
284 | .284 Winchester |
30 | .30 M1 Carbine, .30-40 Krag, .30-30 Winchester |
300 | .300 Winchester Magnum, .300 Weatherby Magnum, .300 Savage, .300 Holland and Holland Magnum |
3006 | .30-06 U.S. (.30 Springfield) |
303 | .303 British, .303 Savage |
308 | .308 Winchester/7.62x51mm NATO |
32 | .32 ACP, .32 Short Colt, .32 Long Colt, .32 H and R Magnum; also used for 32-gauge shotgun |
3220 | .32-20 Winchester |
338 | .338 Winchester Magnum |
35 | .35 Whelen, .35 Remington, .350 Remington Magnum |
351 | .351 Winchester |
357 | .357 Remington Magnum, .357 Maximum, .357 AutoMag |
36 | .36 caliber markings normally found only on black-powder firearms |
375 | .375 Holland and Holland Magnum, .375 Winchester |
38 | .38 S and W, .38 (S and W) Special, .38 ACP, .38 Super, etc. |
380 | .380 ACP in U.S.; also known in Europe as the 9 mm Kurz/Corto/Short, and the 9x17 |
4 | Used for 4-gauge shotgun |
40 | .40 S and W, 10 mm |
401 | .401 Winchester |
405 | .405 Winchester |
41 | .41 Short Rimfire, .41 Remington Magnum, .41 Action Express, .41 AutoMag |
410 | Used for 410-gauge shotgun |
44 | .44-40 Winchester, .44 Russian, .44 Special, .44 Remington Magnum, .44 AutoMag; also used in black-powder firearms |
444 | .444 Marlin |
45 | .45 ACP, .455 Webley, .45 AutoRim, .45 Long Colt, .45 Winchester Magnum |
455 | .455 Webley or .455 Manstopper |
4570 | .45-70 U.S. Government |
458 | .458 Winchester Magnum |
460 | .460 Weatherby Magnum |
50 | .50 Browning Machine Gun, .50 Action Express; also used in black-powder firearms |
54 | Typically used in black-powder firearms |
556 | 5.56x45 mm NATO/.223 Remington |
58 | Typically used in black-powder firearms; also .577 Nitro Express elephant gun |
6 | 6 mm Remington, .243 Winchester, .240 Weatherby Magnum |
60 | Typically used in black-powder firearms; also the .600 Nitro Express elephant gun |
635 | 6.35 mm/.25 ACP |
65 | 6.5 mm Carcano; may also appear as .65 caliber on black-powder firearms |
7 | 7 mm Remington Magnum, 7 mm Bench Rest, 7 mm-08, 7 mm Weatherby Magnum, 7x57 Mauser, 7.7 Arisaka, .280 Remington, etc. |
735 | 7.35 mm/.32 ACP |
75 | Could either be a metric caliber (7.5 mm) or a .75 caliber. Use the MIS Field to further clarify. |
762 | 7.62x39 Soviet, 7.62x51 NATO/.308 Winchester, 7.62x54R used in Russian Moisin-Nagant and Dragunov rifle |
763 | 7.63 mm/.30 Mauser, 7.62 mm Tokarev |
765 | 7.65 mm Luger/.30 Luger |
8 | 8x57 Mauser, 8 mm Lebel, 8 mm Remington Magnum, used for 8-gauge shotgun |
9 | 9 mm Luger/Parabellum/9x19, 9 mm Kurz/Corto/9x17 (.380 ACP), 9 mm Winchester Magnum, 9 mm Browning Long, 9 mm Steyr, 9 mm Bergmann-Bayard, 9 mm Makarov/9x18, 9x21, 9x23/Largo, etc.; also used for 9-gauge shotgun |
9999 | Used for grenade launchers and guns that fire electrically charged darts. |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of charge.
Code | Definition |
COMPLAINT | An informal charge accusing a person of an offense. |
INDICTMENT | A formal criminal charge made by a grand jury. |
INFORMATION | A formal criminal charge made by a prosecutor without a grand jury indictment. |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of clothing.
Code | Definition |
BANDANA | Bandana |
BELT | Belt |
BRA | Bra |
COAT | Coat |
COVERALLS | Coveralls |
DIAPER | Diaper |
DRESS | Dress |
FUR | Fur |
GLOVES | Gloves |
HANDBAG | Handbag |
HANDKERCHIEF | Handkerchief |
HAT | Hat |
JACKET | Jacket |
JEANS | Jeans |
NIGHTGOWN | Nightgown |
OVERALLS | Overalls |
PANTS | Pants |
PANTS_CARGO | Pants_Cargo |
PANTS_SUIT | Pants_Suit |
PANTS_SWEAT | Pants_Sweat |
PONCHO | Poncho |
PURSE | Purse |
RAINCOAT | Raincoat |
ROBE | Robe |
SCARF | Scarf |
SHIRT | Shirt |
SHIRT_SWEAT | Shirt_Sweat |
SHIRT_TEE | Shirt_Tee |
SHOE | Shoe |
SHORTS | Shorts |
SKIRT | Skirt |
SOCKS | Socks |
SUIT | Suit |
SUIT_BUSINESS | Suit_Business |
SUIT_SWEAT | Suit_Sweat |
SUIT_WIND | Suit_Wind |
SUSPENDERS | Suspenders |
SWEATER | Sweater |
SWIMSUIT | Swimsuit |
TIE | Tie |
UNDERWEAR | Underwear |
VEST | Vest |
WALLET | Wallet |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of construction material.
Code | Definition |
BEAM_METAL | Beam_Metal |
BEAM_WOOD | Beam_Wood |
BLOCK | Block |
BOLTS | Bolts |
BRICK | Brick |
CABLE | Cable |
CONCRETE | Concrete |
CONDUIT | Conduit |
CONDUIT_METAL | Conduit_Metal |
CONDUIT_METAL_ALUMINUM | Conduit_Metal_Aluminum |
CONDUIT_METAL_STEEL | Conduit_Metal_Steel |
CONDUIT_PLASTIC | Conduit_Plastic |
DOOR | Door |
DRYWALL | Drywall |
ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES | Electrical Supplies |
ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES_LIGHTING | Electrical Supplies_Lighting |
FENCE | Fence |
GLASS | Glass |
NAILS | Nails |
PAINT | Paint |
PIPE | Pipe |
PIPE_METAL | Pipe_Metal |
PIPE_METAL_ALUMINUM | Pipe_Metal_Aluminum |
PIPE_METAL_COPPER | Pipe_Metal_Copper |
PIPE_METAL_STEEL | Pipe_Metal_Steel |
PIPE_PLASTIC | Pipe_Plastic |
PLUMBING SUPPLIES | Plumbing Supplies |
REBAR | Rebar |
ROOFING SUPPLIES | Roofing Supplies |
SHINGLES | Shingles |
SIDING | Siding |
SIDING_METAL_ALUMINUM | Siding_Metal_Aluminum |
SIDING_VINYL | Siding_Vinyl |
TILE | Tile |
TRUSS | Truss |
TRUSS_METAL | Truss_Metal |
TRUSS_WOOD | Truss_Wood |
VENTILATION SUPPLIES | Ventilation Supplies |
WINDOW | Window |
WIRE | Wire |
WIRE_ALUMINUM | Wire_Aluminum |
WIRE_COPPER | Wire_Copper |
WIRE_STEEL | Wire_Steel |
WOOD_LUMBER | Wood_Lumber |
WOOD_PLYWOOD | Wood_Plywood |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of consumable goods.
Code | Definition |
ALCOHOL_BEVERAGE | Alcohol_Beverage |
ALCOHOL_BEVERAGE_BEER | Alcohol_Beverage_Beer |
ALCOHOL_BEVERAGE_LIQUOR | Alcohol_Beverage_Liquor |
ALCOHOL_BEVERAGE_WINE | Alcohol_Beverage_Wine |
ALCOHOL_NONBEVERAGE | Alcohol_Nonbeverage |
ALCOHOL_NONBEVERAGE_FUEL | Alcohol_Nonbeverage_Fuel |
BEVERAGE_NONALCOHOLIC | Beverage_Nonalcoholic |
CLEANING PRODUCT | Cleaning Product |
DIESEL_FUEL | Diesel_Fuel |
FIREWOOD_FUEL | Firewood_Fuel |
FOOD | Food |
FOOD_CANNED | Food_Canned |
FOOD_DRIED | Food_Dried |
FOOD_FRESH | Food_Fresh |
FOOD_FROZEN | Food_Frozen |
FUEL | Fuel |
GASOLINE_FUEL | Gasoline_Fuel |
GASOLINE_OIL_FUEL | Gasoline_Oil_Fuel |
GROOMING PRODUCT | Grooming Product |
HYGIENE PRODUCT | Hygiene Product |
KEROSENE_FUEL | Kerosene_Fuel |
MEAT | Meat |
MEDICATION_OFF SHELF | Medication_off shelf |
OIL_FUEL | Oil_Fuel |
TOBACCO | Tobacco |
TOBACCO PRODUCT | Tobacco Product |
TOOTH PASTE | Tooth paste |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of fuel or motive power used to propel a conveyance.
Code | Definition |
Biodiesel | Biodiesel |
Compressed Natural Gas | Compressed Natural Gas |
Diesel | Diesel |
Electric | Electric |
Gasohol | Gasohol |
Gasoline | Gasoline |
Hybrid | Hybrid |
Hydrogen | Hydrogen |
Jet Fuel | Jet Fuel |
Kerosene | Kerosene |
Liquefied Natural Gas | Liquefied Natural Gas |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas_Butane | Liquefied Petroleum Gas_Butane |
Liquefied Petroleum Gas_Propane | Liquefied Petroleum Gas_Propane |
Nuclear | Nuclear |
Steam | Steam |
Wind | Wind |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of Credit/Bank/ID Card.
Code | Definition |
ALIEN REGISTRATION CARD | Alien Registration Card (Green Card) |
BADGE_SHIELD | Badge_Shield |
BANK CARD | Bank Card |
CLUB CARD | Club Card |
CREDENTIALS | Credentials |
CREDENTIALS_FEDERAL ID | Credentials_Federal ID |
CREDENTIALS_LAW ENFORCEMENT | Credentials_Law Enforcement |
CREDIT CARD | Credit Card |
DEBIT CARD | Debit Card |
DINERS CLUB CARD | Diners Club Card |
DOG TAG_MILITARY | Dog Tag_Military |
DRIVERS LICENSE | Drivers License |
DRIVERS LICENSE_CHAUFFEUR | Drivers License_Chauffeur |
DRIVERS LICENSE_MOTORCYCLE | Drivers License_Motorcycle |
DRIVERS LICENSE_PILOT | Drivers License_Pilot |
FISHING_HUNTING_LICENSE | Fishing_Hunting_ License |
HANDICAP PERMIT | Handicap Permit (not a license plate) |
IDENTIFICATION CARD | Identification Card (includes pass) |
IDENTIFICATION CARD_POLICE | Identification Card_Police |
IDENTIFICATION_MILITARY | Identification_Military |
IDENTIFICATION PASS | Identification Pass (includes card) |
INSURANCE CARD | Insurance Card |
PASSPORT | Passport |
PIN CARD | PIN Card (Personal Identification Card) |
SAVINGS ACCOUNT BOOK | Savings Account Book |
SMART CARD | Smart Card |
SOCIAL SECURITY CARD | Social Security Card |
UNION CARD | Union Card |
A data type for a code that identifies additional information on criminal activity of offenders in the offense. N-Dex code list includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
Assisting | Assisting |
Buying | Buying |
Buying_Receiving | Buying_Receiving |
Concealing | Concealing |
Consuming | Consuming |
Cultivating | Cultivating |
Cultivating_Manufacturing_Publishing | Cultivating_Manufacturing_Publishing |
Distributing | Distributing |
Distributing_Selling | Distributing_Selling |
Exploiting Children | Exploiting Children |
Importing | Importing |
Manufacturing | Manufacturing |
None | None |
Operating | Operating |
Operating_Promoting_Assisting | Operating_Promoting_Assisting |
Possessing | Possessing |
Possessing_Concealing | Possessing_Concealing |
Promoting | Promoting |
Publishing | Publishing |
Receiving | Receiving |
Selling | Selling |
Transmitting | Transmitting |
Transporting | Transporting |
Transporting_Transmitting_Importing | Transporting_Transmitting_Importing |
Unknown | Unknown |
Using | Using |
Using_Consuming | Using_Consuming |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of computer hardware and software.
Code | Definition |
ACCELERATOR BOARD | Accelerator Board |
ACOUSTIC COUPLER | Acoustic Coupler |
AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER | Automatic Controller |
BAR CODE KIT | Bar Code Kit |
BAR CODE READER | Bar Code Reader |
BATTERY_CHARGEABLE_COMPUTER | Battery_Chargeable_Computer (for computers) |
BATTERY_COMPUTER | Battery_Computer (for computers) |
BLACKBERRY | Blackberry |
BOARD_CIRCUIT_MEMORY | Board_Circuit_Memory |
BUFFER_INTERFACE MODULE | Buffer_Interface Module |
BUS EXTENDER | Bus Extender (same as that for an extender) |
BUSINESS CARD READER | Business Card Reader (scans business cards into a database; also used for other types of scanners) |
CABLE_TELECOMMUNICATION | Cable_Telecommunication |
CARD_CIRCUIT_MEMORY | Card_Circuit_Memory |
CARRYING CASE FOR PORTABLE COMPUTER | Carrying Case for Portable Computer |
CARTRIDGE TAPE_BLANK | Cartridge Tape_blank |
CARTRIDGE TAPE_ENCODED | Cartridge Tape_encoded |
CASSETTE TAPE_BLANK | Cassette Tape_blank |
CASSETTE TAPE_ENCODED | Cassette Tape_encoded |
CD_ROM BURNER | CD_ROM Burner (stand-alone CD_ROM duplication system_can be used to duplicate all types of CDs, e.g., computer data_compressed audio_video_mixed mode_CD bridge_also used for diskette duplicator) |
CD_ROM DUPLICATOR | CD_ROM Duplicator (stand alone CD_ROM duplication system_can be used to duplicate all types of CDs, e.g., computer data_compressed audio_video_mixed mode_CD bridge_also used for diskette duplicator) |
CIRCUIT BOARD_CARD | Circuit Board_Card |
COMPUTER | Computer |
COMPUTER_CD_COMPACT DISC | Computer_CD_Compact Disc |
COMPUTER CONSOLE | Computer Console |
COMPUTER_DISK | Computer_Disk (floppy or hard diskettes) |
COMPUTER SERVER | Computer Server |
COMPUTER SOFTWARE | Computer Software |
COMPUTER SPEAKERS | Computer Speakers |
COMPUTER TAPE | Computer Tape (all) |
COMPUTER TAPE_BLANK | Computer Tape_blank |
COMPUTER TAPE_ENCODED | Computer Tape_encoded |
COMPUTER TERMINAL | Computer Terminal |
CONTROLLER_AUTOMATIC | Controller_Automatic |
CONTROL PANEL | Control Panel |
CONTROLS_COMPUTER HANDHELD | Controls_Computer Handheld |
COUPLER_ACOUSTIC | Coupler_Acoustic |
CREDIT CARD SCANNER | Credit Card Scanner |
DATA PEN OCR SCANNER | DataPen OCR Scanner (code also used for other types of scanners) |
DATA SET | Data Set |
DATA TABLET_DIGITIZER | Data Tablet_Digitizer |
DECODER MODULE_TELETEXT | Decoder Module_Teletext |
DEMODULATOR | Demodulator |
DESK JET PRINTER | Desk Jet Printer |
DEVICE_VOICE RECOGNITION | Device_Voice Recognition |
DIGITIZER | Digitizer (acoustic coupler_modem) |
DIGITIZER_ACOUSTIC COUPLER | Digitizer_acoustic coupler |
DIGITIZER_DATA TABLET | Digitizer_Data Tablet |
DIGITIZER_ MODEM | Digitizer_ modem |
DISK DUPLICATOR | Disk Duplicator (used to duplicate computer diskettes_code also used for CD_ROM duplicator) |
DOCUMENT PROCESSING SYSTEM | Document Processing System (consists of printer_paper fax_personal computer fax_copier_scanner_and telephone) |
DOCUMENT SCANNER | Document Scanner |
DOT MATRIX PRINTER | Dot Matrix Printer |
DRIVE SYSTEM | Drive System (tape, disk) |
DRIVE SYSTEM_DISK | Drive System_disk |
DRIVE SYSTEM_TAPE | Drive System_tape |
ELECTRONIC DICTIONARY | Electronic Dictionary |
ELECTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | Electronic Encyclopedia |
ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOK | Electronic Notebook |
ELECTRONIC ORGANIZER | Electronic Organizer |
ELECTRONIC SPELLER | Electronic Speller |
EQUIPMENT STAND_COMPUTER | Equipment Stand_Computer |
EXTENDER | Extender |
EXTERNAL FAX MODEM | External Fax Modem |
FLOPPY DISK | Floppy Disk (blank_recorded) |
FLOPPY DISK_BLANK | Floppy Disk_blank |
FLOPPY DISK_RECORDED | Floppy Disk_recorded |
GLIDE POINT DESKTOP | Glide Point Desktop (pressure sensitive device with no moving parts_used instead of a conventional mouse_can be used with fingers or stylus_code also used for computer mouse) |
GRAPHIC ACCELERATOR BOARD | Graphic Accelerator Board (code also used for motherboards and other types of circuit boards) |
GRAPHIC INPUT DRAWING BOARD | Graphic Input Drawing Board |
HAND CONTROLS | Hand Controls (not otherwise coded) |
HAND HELD COMPUTING DEVICE | Hand Held Computing Device |
HARD DISK | Hard Disk |
INKJET PRINTER | Inkjet Printer |
INTERNAL FAX MODEM | Internal Fax Modem |
JOYSTICK_COMPUTER | Joystick_Computer |
KEYBOARD_COMPUTER | Keyboard_Computer |
KEYPAD_COMPUTER | Keypad_Computer |
KEYPUNCH MACHINE | Keypunch Machine (all key data entry devices) |
LABEL PRINTER | Label Printer |
LABEL WRITER | Label Writer |
LAPTOP COMPUTER | Laptop Computer |
LASER PRINTER | Laser Printer |
LIGHT PEN | Light Pen |
LINE FILTER | Line Filter (noise_static) |
LINE POWER_PROTECTION DEVICE | Line Power_Protection Device |
LINE PROTECTOR | Line Protector |
MAGNETIC COMPUTER TAPE | Magnetic Computer Tape |
MAGNETIC DISK | Magnetic Disk (hard_floppy) |
MAGNETIC DISK_FLOPPY | Magnetic Disk_Floppy |
MAGNETIC DISK_HARD | Magnetic Disk_Hard |
MAINFRAME_CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT | Mainframe_Central Processing Unit |
MATH COPROCESSOR | Math Coprocessor |
MEMORY BOARD_CARD | Memory Board_Card |
MEMORY CHIP | Memory Chip (circuit board_card) |
MEMORY MODULE | Memory Module |
MICROFICHE_OPTICAL CHARACTER READER | Microfiche_Optical Character Reader |
MICROFILM_OPTICAL CHARACTER READER | Microfilm_Optical Character Reader |
MICROPROCESSORS | Microprocessors (circuit board_card) |
MODEM | Modem (acoustic coupler_digitizer) |
MODEM_ACOUSTIC COUPLER | Modem_acoustic coupler |
MODEM_COMPUTER | Modem_Computer |
MODEM_COMPUTER_EXTERNAL | Modem_Computer_external |
MODEM_COMPUTER_INTERNAL | Modem_Computer_internal |
MODULATOR | Modulator |
MODULE_INTERFACE | Module_Interface |
MODULE_TELETEXT DECODER | Module_Teletext Decoder |
MODULE_VOICE RECOGNITION | Module_Voice Recognition |
MONITOR_COMPUTER | Monitor_Computer (All) |
MONITOR_COMPUTER_CRT | Monitor_Computer (CRT) |
MONITOR_COMPUTER_FLAT SCREEN | Monitor_Computer_Flat Screen |
MOTHERBOARD | Motherboard (circuit board_card) |
MOUSE | Mouse |
MULTIMEDIA PRESENTER | Multimedia Presenter |
MULTIPLEXOR | Multiplexor (includes concentrators) |
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT_DIRECT COMPUTER INTERFACE | Musical Instrument_Direct Computer Interface |
MUSICAL LEARNING SYSTEM_COMPUTER | Musical Learning System_Computer |
NOISE_STATIC FILTER_LINE PROTECTOR | Noise_Static Filter_Line Protector |
NOTEBOOK_COMPUTER | Notebook_Computer |
OPTICAL CHARACTER READER | Optical Character Reader |
PADDLE_COMPUTER | Paddle_Computer |
PC_PORTABLE COMPUTER_CARRYING CASE | PC_Portable Computer_Carrying Case |
PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT_PDA | Personal Digital Assistant_PDA (Hand-held Computing Device) |
PHOTO READER | Photo Reader (compresses photographs and integrates a scanner algorithm to produce sharper details and colors; photographs can be viewed, enhanced, and organized; code also used for other document scanners) |
PIANO TEACHING SYSTEM_COMPUTER INTERFACE | Piano Teaching System-Computer Interface |
PLOTTERS | Plotters (all types) |
PLUGBOARD | Plugboard (console_control panel) |
POCKET MODEM | Pocket Modem |
POINT PAD | Point Pad (pressure sensitive device with no moving parts_used instead of a conventional mouse_can be used with fingers or stylus_code also used for computer mouse) |
POWERBOOK_COMPUTER | Powerbook_Computer |
POWER PACK_COMPUTER | Power Pack_Computer |
POWER SUPPLY_COMPUTER | Power Supply_Computer |
PRINTER | Printer (all types) |
READER | Reader |
RECHARGEABLE BATTERY FOR COMPUTER | Rechargeable Battery for Computer |
REEL COMPUTER TAPE | Reel Computer Tape (blank_encoded) |
REEL COMPUTER TAPE_BLANK | Reel Computer Tape_Blank |
REEL COMPUTER TAPE_ENCODED | Reel Computer Tape_Encoded |
ROUTER | Router (wireless_computer) |
ROUTER_COMPUTER | Router_Computer |
ROUTER_WIRELESS | Router_Wireless |
SCREEN_COMPUTER | Screen_Computer |
SOUND CARD | Sound Card |
SPEECH SYNTHESIZER | Speech Synthesizer (voice) |
SPIKE PROTECTOR | Spike Protector |
STATIC FILTER_LINE PROTECTOR | Static Filter_Line Protector |
SURGE PROTECTOR | Surge Protector |
SYNTHESIZER_COMPUTER | Synthesizer_Computer |
SYNTHESIZER_SPEECH | Synthesizer_Speech (voice) |
TELETEXT DECODER MODULE | Teletext Decoder Module |
TELETYPEWRITER | Teletypewriter |
TRACKBALL_COMPUTER | Trackball_Computer |
VIDEO ACCELERATOR CARD | Video Accelerator Card |
VOICE RECOGNITION DEVICE_SYNTHESIZER | Voice Recognition Device_Synthesizer |
WORD PROCESSOR | Word Processor |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of the communication device.
Code | Definition |
COMPUTER | Computer |
FAX | Fax |
MESSAGE MACHINE_SERVICE | Message machine_service |
PAGER | Pager |
RADIO_AMATEUR | Radio_Amateur |
RADIO_CB | Radio_CB |
RADIO_FAMILY | Radio_Family |
RADIO_WALKIE TALKIE | Radio_Walkie Talkie |
TELECOPIER_FACSIMILE TRANSCEIVER_FAX | Telecopier_Facsimile Transceiver_Fax |
TELEPHONE_CELL | Telephone_Cell (wireless) |
TELEPHONE_CELL_VIDEO | Telephone_Cell_Video (wireless) |
TELEPHONE_CORDLESS | Telephone_Cordless (wired base) |
TELEPHONE_CORDLESS_VIDEO | Telephone_Cordless_Video (wired base) |
TELEPHONE DIALER_AUTOMATIC | Telephone Dialer_Automatic |
TELEPHONE_SATELLITE | Telephone_Satellite (wireless) |
TELEPHONE_TRACK PHONE | Telephone_Track Phone (wireless) |
TELEPHONE_TRACK PHONE_VIDEO | Telephone_Track Phone_Video (wireless) |
TELEPHONE_WIRED | Telephone_Wired |
TELEPHONE_WIRED_VIDEO | Telephone_Wired_Video |
A data type for a code that identifies the disposition of an offense.
Code | Definition |
ACQUITTED | Acquitted |
CHARGES DROPPED | Charges Dropped |
CONVICTED | Convicted |
DEFERRED | Deferred |
DEFERRED_DIVERSION PROGRAM | Deferred_Diversion Program, includes Pretrial Diversion and Pretrial Intervention |
DISMISSED | Dismissed |
FAILED TO APPEAR | Failed To Appear |
NOT PROSECUTED | Not Prosecuted |
OTHER | Other |
REVOKED | Revoked |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
A data type for a code that indicates the impact of domestic violence upon children.
Code | Definition |
CHILDREN ABUSED BY SUBJECT | Children abused by subject |
CHILDREN AFRAID OF SUBJECT | Children afraid of subject |
CHILDREN INVOLVED IN THE INCIDENT | Children involved in the incident |
CHILDREN PRESENT DURING INCIDENT | Children present during incident |
NO CHILD IMPACT | Children not involved or present |
SUBJECT THREATENED OR ATTEMPTED TO ABDUCT CHILDREN | Subject threatened or attempted to abduct children |
A data type for a code that identifies the level of domestic violence involved in the incident.
Code | Definition |
BODILY IMPAIRMENT | Bodily impairment |
CAUSED VICTIM EXTREME FEAR | Caused victim extreme fear |
FRACTURE | Fracture |
MADE TERRORISTIC THREATS | Made terroristic threats |
MULTIPLE BLOWS, MINOR INJURY | Multiple blows, minor injury |
MULTIPLE BLOWS, SEVERE ABRASIONS OR INJURY | Multiple blows, severe abrasions or injury |
MULTIPLE BLOWS, SIGNIFICANT BRUISING | Multiple blows, significant bruising |
SIGNIFICANT PAIN | Significant pain |
SINGLE BLOW OR MINOR INJURY | Single blow or minor injury |
THREATENED WITH WEAPON | Threatened with weapon |
USED WEAPON DURING INCIDENT | Used weapon during incident |
VICTIM REQUIRED MEDICAL ATTENTION | Victim required medical attention |
A data type for a code that indicates the subject’s pattern of domestic violence.
Code | Definition |
CHOKED | Subject has choked the victim. |
ESCALATING FREQUENCY | Subject is assaulting the victim more frequently. |
ESCALATING VIOLENCE | Subject assaults are becoming more violent, brutal, and/or dangerous. |
INFLICTED SERIOUS INJURY | Subject has seriously injured the victim (victim needed medical attention). |
PET INJURED_INJURY THREATENED | Subject has injured, killed, or threatened to injure or kill the victims pet(s). |
SEXUAL ATTACK_COERCION | Subject abuse of victim has included sexual coercion or attack. |
THREATENED TO KILL | Subject has threatened to kill the victim. |
USED INTIMIDATION | Subject has attempted to intimidate the victim. |
WEAPON USE_THREAT | Subject used a weapon against the victim or threatened to do so. |
A data type for a code that indicates contributing factors to subject’s domestic violence history.
Code | Definition |
ABUSE VICTIM_WITNESS | Subject was abused as a child or witnessed the physical abuse of his/her mother. |
ALCOHOL_DRUG TREATMENT | Subject has had alcohol/drug treatment. |
ALCOHOL PROBLEM | Subject drinks excessively/has alcohol problem. |
DEPRESSION_SUICIDAL | Subject seems seriously depressed or has threatened to commit suicide. |
DRUG USER | Subject uses drugs (speed, cocaine, steroids, crack, etc.). |
HIGH STRESS | Subject has experienced unusually high stress in the past 12 months (loss of job, relationship, or children; death; financial crisis; etc.) |
HOMICIDAL THOUGHTS | Subject has had homicidal thoughts. |
INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE | Subject has been exposed to institutional violence. |
NON VIOLENT CRIME | Subject has committed non violent crimes. |
PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT | Subject has had psychiatric treatment. |
VIOLENCE HISTORY | Subject has a history of violence toward others. |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of drilling tool.
Code | Definition |
BAILER | Bailer (includes cleanout) |
BIT_DRILLING | Bit_Drilling |
BLOWOUT PREVENTER | Blowout Preventer |
CASING CUTTER | Casing Cutter |
CASING ROLLER | Casing Roller |
CATHEAD | Cathead |
CATHEAD_BREAKOUT | Cathead_Breakout |
CATHEAD_MAKEUP | Cathead_Makeup |
CATWORK | Catwork |
COLLAR | Collar |
COLLAR_DIE | Collar_Die |
COLLAR_DRILL | Collar_Drill |
DRAWWORKS | Drawworks |
DRILL | Drill |
DRILL_BLASTHOLE | Drill_Blasthole |
DRILLING UNIT_ROTARY TABLE | Drilling Unit_Rotary Table |
DRILL_ROCK | Drill_Rock |
HYDRA HOOK | Hydra Hook |
KELLY SPINNER | Kelly Spinner |
KEYSEAT WIPER | Keyseat Wiper |
MILL | Mill (all types) |
MUD PIT TANK | Mud Pit Tank |
PACKER | Packer |
PIPELINE_PIG | Pipeline_Pig |
PUMPING UNIT | Pumping Unit |
RATHOLE GUIDE | Rathole Guide |
REAMER | Reamer |
REAMER_ENLARGERS | Reamer_Enlargers |
REAMER_OPENERS | Reamer_Openers |
SHAKER_ SHALE | Shaker_ Shale |
SHOCK | Shock(s) |
SPIDER | Spider |
SPIDER_ELEVATOR | Spider_Elevator |
SPIDER_TUBING | Spider_Tubing |
STABILIZER | Stabilizer |
SUB | Sub |
SUB_BASKET | Sub_Basket |
SUB_KICK | Sub_Kick |
SUB_PIN | Sub_Pin |
SUB_ROD | Sub_Rod |
SUB_SHEAR | Sub_Shear |
SWIVEL | Swivel |
SWIVEL_POWER | Swivel_Power |
TONG | Tong |
TONG_POWER | Tong_Power |
TOOL JOINT | Tool Joint |
TRAVELING BLOCK_CROWN | Traveling Block_Crown |
VALVE CONTROLS | Valve Controls |
VALVE_DRILLING | Valve_Drilling |
WASHOVER SHOE | Washover Shoe |
WRENCH_ SPINNING | Wrench_ Spinning |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of radio, TV, camera, sound or entertainment device.
Code | Definition |
AMPLIFIER | Amplifier (including music) |
ANTENNA | Antenna |
ANTENNA_ACTUATOR | Antenna_Actuator |
AUDIO PROCESSOR | Audio Processor |
AUDIO_SWITCHER | Audio_Switcher |
AUDIO_VIDEO ENHANCER_STABILIZER | Audio_Video Enhancer_Stabilizer |
AUDIO_VIDEO_SWITCHER | Audio_Video_Switcher |
BATTERY PACK_RECHARGEABLE | Battery Pack_Rechargeable (includes audio_video) |
CABLE TV_BOX | Cable TV_Box (includes Z Box) |
CABLE TV_CONVERTER | Cable TV_Converter (HBO control unit) |
CABLE TV_DECODER | Cable TV_Decoder |
CABLE TV_LASHER | Cable TV_Lasher |
CAMCORDER | Camcorder |
CAMERA_VIDEO | Camera_Video |
CHANNEL SELECTOR | Channel Selector |
CITIZENS BAND_RADIO | Citizens Band_Radio |
COMPACT DISC CHANGER | Compact Disc (CD) Changer (same code as for a CD player) |
COMPACT DISC PLAYER | Compact Disc (CD) Player_(audio_video_laser) |
COMPACT DISC PLAYER_RADIO_CASSETTE PLAYER COMBINATION | Compact Disc Player_Radio_Cassette Player Combination |
COMPACT DISC PLAYER_RADIO COMBINATION | Compact Disc (CD) Player_Radio Combination |
COMPACT DISC RECORDER | Compact Disc (CD) Recorder |
CONVERTER_FILM_SLIDE TO VIDEO | Converter_Film_Slide to Video |
CONVERTER_FM | Converter_FM |
CROSSOVER_STEREO | Crossover_Stereo (for stereo system) |
DESCRAMBLER | Descrambler (decodes satellite signals) |
DIGITAL DELAY PROCESSOR | Digital Delay Processor |
DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA DEVICE | Digital Multimedia Device (Plays and/or records formats) |
DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA DEVICE_MP3 | Digital Multimedia Device_MP3 |
DIRECTION FINDER_RADIO | Direction Finder_Radio |
DISC_COMPACT AUDIO | Disc_Compact (CD) Audio |
DVD PLAYER | DVD Player (digital video disc) |
DVD RECORDER | DVD Recorder (digital video disc) |
EARPHONE | Earphone |
EQUALIZER | Equalizer (stereo/sound equipment) |
EQUIPMENT CARRING CASE | Equipment Carring Case (entertaiment device) |
FLASH MEMORY | Flash Memory |
FM CONVERTER | FM Converter |
HAND CONTROLS_VIDEO | Hand Controls_Video |
HAND CONTROLS_VIDEO_KEYPAD CONTROL | Hand Controls_Video_Keypad Control |
HAND CONTROLS_VIDEO_TRACKBALL | Hand Controls_Video_Trackball |
HEADSET | Headset |
INTERCOM | Intercom |
JUKEBOX | Jukebox |
KARAOKE | Karaoke |
LIGHT MIXER | Light Mixer |
MICROPHONE | Microphone |
MONITOR | Monitor |
NOISE REDUCTION UNIT | Noise Reduction Unit |
PAGER | Pager (includes beepers) |
POWER BOOSTER_PACK_AUDIO_VIDEO | Power Booster_Pack_Audio_Video |
PREAMPLIFIER | Preamplifier |
PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM | Public Address System |
RADIO | Radio |
RADIO DIRECTION FINDER | Radio Direction Finder |
RADIO_RECORD PLAYER COMBINATION | Radio_Record Player Combination |
RADIO_TAPE PLAYER COMBINATION | Radio_Tape Player Combination |
RADIO_TELEVISION COMBINATION | Radio_Television Combination |
RADIO_TELEVISION_RECORD PLAYER COMBINATION | Radio_Television_Record Player Combination |
RANGE EXPANDER | Range Expander |
RECEIVER_DIGITAL SATELLITE | Receiver_Digital Satellite |
RECEIVER_STEREO | Receiver_Stereo |
RECORDER_PLAYER_VIDEO CASSETTE | Recorder_Player_Video Cassette |
RECORDER_PLAYER_VIDEO DISK | Recorder_Player_Video Disk |
RECORD PLAYER_MONO | Record Player_Mono |
RECORD PLAYER_STEREO | Record Player_Stereo |
REMOTE CONTROL_AIRPLANE | Remote Control_Airplane |
REMOTE CONTROL_ BOAT | Remote Control_ Boat |
REMOTE CONTROL_CAR | Remote Control_Car |
REMOTE CONTROL_TRUCK | Remote Control_Truck |
REMOTE CONTROL UNIT | Remote Control Unit |
REMOTE CONTROL UNIT_VIDEO_TV_STEREO | Remote Control Unit_Video_TV_Stereo |
REVERBERATOR | Reverberator |
SATELLITE DISH | Satellite Dish |
SCANNER | Scanner |
SLIDE | Slide |
SOUND MIXER_BOARD | Sound Mixer_Board |
SPEAKER | Speaker |
STEREO FACE PLATE | Stereo Face Plate |
STEREO NEEDLE | Stereo Needle (includes stylus, excludes cartridge) |
STEREO RACK SYSTEM | Stereo Rack System |
STEREO TONE ARM CARTRIDGE | Stereo Tone Arm Cartridge |
TAPE_AUDIO | Tape_Audio (all types) |
TAPE_AUDIO_CASSETTE | Tape_Audio_Cassette |
TAPE_AUDIO_REEL | Tape_Audio_Reel |
TAPE DECK | Tape Deck (deck only) |
TAPE PLAYER | Tape Player (plays only) |
TAPE PLAYER_RECORDER | Tape_Recorder (records and plays) |
TAPE_VIDEO | Tape_Video |
TAPE_VIDEO_BETA | Tape_Video_Beta |
TELEPROMPTER | Teleprompter |
TELEVISION | Television |
TELEVISION GAME_ELECTRONIC | Television Game_Electronic |
TRANSCEIVER | Transceiver |
TRANSMITTER | Transmitter |
TUNER | Tuner |
TURNTABLE | Turntable |
VIDEO CASSETTE REWINDER | Video Cassette Rewinder |
VIDEO DISK | Video Disk (CED_LV) |
VIDEO_EQUIPMENT_CARRYING CASE | Video_Equipment_Carrying Case |
VIDEO_EQUIPMENT_CASSETTE RECORDER_TELEVISION COMBINATION | Video_Equipment_Cassette Recorder_Television Combination |
VIDEO_EQUIPMENT_STAND | Video_Equipment_Stand |
VIDEO_MULTIPLEXOR | Video_Multiplexor (rabbit) |
VIDEO_PROCESSOR | Video_Processor |
VIDEO_STILL PRINTER | Video_Still Printer |
VIDEO_SWITCHER | Video_Switcher |
VIDEO_TUNER_TIMER | Video_Tuner_Timer |
VOICE CONTROL UNIT | Voice Control Unit |
WALKIE TALKIE | Walkie Talkie |
WEB TV | Web TV |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of forensic specimen collected.
Code | Definition |
Biologic Sample | Biologic Sample (describe) |
Biologic Sample_Antemortem Hematomas | Biologic Sample_Antemortem Hematomas |
Biologic Sample_Bile | Biologic Sample_Bile |
Biologic Sample_Blood | Biologic Sample_Blood |
Biologic Sample_Blood_Femoral | Biologic Sample_Blood_Femoral |
Biologic Sample_Blood_Heart | Biologic Sample_Blood_Heart |
Biologic Sample_Ear Wax | Ear Wax |
Biologic Sample_Eye Fluid | Biologic Sample_Eye Fluid |
Biologic Sample_Gall Bladder | Biologic Sample_Gall Bladder |
Biologic Sample_Hair | Biologic Sample_Hair |
Biologic Sample_Intestinal Contents | Biologic Sample_Intestinal Contents |
Biologic Sample_Mucus | Biologic Sample_Mucus |
Biologic Sample_Saliva | Biologic Sample_Saliva |
Biologic Sample_Semen | Biologic Sample_Semen |
Biologic Sample_Stomach Contents | Biologic Sample_Stomach Contents (includes Duodenal Contents) |
Biologic Sample_Stool | Biologic Sample_Stool |
Biologic Sample_Sweat | Biologic Sample_Sweat |
Biologic Sample_Tissue | Biologic Sample_Tissue (describe) |
Biologic Sample_Tissue_Brain | Biologic Sample_Tissue_Brain |
Biologic Sample_Tissue_Injection Site | Biologic Sample_Tissue_Injection Site |
Biologic Sample_Tissue_Kidney | Biologic Sample_Tissue_Kidney |
Biologic Sample_Tissue_Liver | Biologic Sample_Tissue_Liver |
Biologic Sample_Urine | Biologic Sample_Urine |
Bite_Tooth Mark | Bite_Tooth Mark |
Body Odor Recording | Body Odor Recording |
Ear Shape Image_Casting | Ear Shape Image_Casting |
Explosive Residue | Explosive Residue |
Facial Image | Facial Image |
Fiber | Fiber |
Fiber_Natural | Fiber_Natural |
Fiber_Synthetic | Fiber_Synthetic |
Finger Geometry | Finger Geometry |
Finger Nail Scrappings | Finger Nail Scrappings |
Finger Print | Finger Print |
Foot Print | Foot Print |
Gait | Gait |
Glass | Glass |
Gun Powder | Gun Powder |
Gunshot Residue | Gunshot Residue |
Gunshot Residue_Primer | Gunshot Residue_Primer |
Hand Geometry | Hand Geometry (captured hand shape, casting or image) |
Hand Print | Hand Print |
Handwriting | Handwriting |
Iris Image | Iris Image |
Keystroke Recording | Keystroke Recording |
Lip Movement Image | Lip Movement Image |
Lip Print | Lip Print |
Paint | Paint |
Palm Print | Palm Print |
Projectile_Casing | Projectile_Casing |
Shoe Impression_Casting | Shoe Impression_Casting |
Thermal Image | Thermal Image |
Thermal Image_ Face | Thermal Image_ Face |
Thermal Image_Hand | Thermal Image_Hand |
Tool Mark | Tool Mark |
Vein Pattern Image | Vein Pattern Image |
Voice Recording | Voice Recording |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of games and/or gambling apparatus.
Code | Definition |
ARCADE GAME | Arcade Game |
ARCADE GAME_COIN OPERATED | Arcade Game_Coin Operated |
BILLIARD TABLE | Billiard Table |
BILLIARD TABLE_POOL | Billiard Table_Pool |
BILLIARD TABLE_SNOOKER | Billiard Table_Snooker |
CARDS | Cards |
CYBER SHADES_GLASSES | Cyber Shades_Glasses (Virtual Reality) enable individuals to immerse themselves into game or video 3D images; may have head tracking and stereo sound; used with computer, VCR, disc player, or camcorder |
DICE | Dice |
ELECTRONIC GAME | Electronic Game (not otherwise coded) |
GAMING MACHINE | Gaming Machine (not otherwise coded) |
GAMING MACHINE_LOTTERY MACHINE | Gaming Machine_Lottery Machine |
GAMING MACHINE_SLOT MACHINE | Gaming Machine_Slot Machine |
GAMING MACHINE_VIDEO POKER | Gaming Machine_Video Poker |
PINBALL MACHINE | Pinball Machine |
POKER CHIPS | Poker Chips |
POKER TABLE | Poker Table |
ROULETTE WHEEL | Roulette Wheel |
TIP BOARD | Tip Board |
A data type for a code that identifies gang involvement of offenders in an offense.
Code | Definition |
G | Other Gang |
J | Juvenile Gang |
N | None/Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of grain.
Code | Definition |
BARLEY | Barley |
CORN | Corn |
COTTON SEED | Cotton Seed |
FEED | Feed (Fodder) |
FERTILIZER | Fertilizer |
GRASS | Grass |
HAY | Hay |
HAY_FEED | Hay_Feed (Fodder) |
HAY_MULCH | Hay_Mulch |
HERBICIDE | Herbicide |
INSECTICIDE | Insecticide |
MILO | Milo |
PEANUT | Peanut |
RYE | Rye |
SILAGE | Silage |
SOYBEAN | Soybean |
STRAW | Straw |
WHEAT | Wheat |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of household furnishings.
Code | Definition |
BED | Bed |
BENCH | Bench (includes Ottoman and Stool) |
BOOKCASE | Bookcase |
BOX SPRING | Box Spring |
BUFFET CABINET_CREDENZA | Buffet Cabinet_Credenza |
CABINET | Cabinet (except file cabinet) |
CARPET | Carpet |
CHAIR | Chair |
CHAIR_MASSAGE THERAPY | Chair_Massage Therapy |
CHEST | Chest |
CHINA | China |
CLOCK | Clock |
COAT RACK_TREE | Coat Rack_Tree |
COUCH | Couch (includes Davenport and Sofa) |
CURTAIN_DRAPES | Curtain_Drapes |
DAVENPORT | Davenport (includes Couch and Sofa) |
DESK | Desk |
DRESSER | Dresser |
ENTERTAINMENT CENTER | Entertainment Center |
HUTCH | Hutch |
LAMP | Lamp |
LINENS | Linens |
LOVESEAT | Loveseat (couch_davenport_sofa) |
LUGGAGE | Luggage |
MATTRESS | Mattress |
NIGHTSTAND | Nightstand |
NURSERY AND INFANT FURNITURE | Nursery and Infant Furniture |
OTTOMAN | Ottoman (includes Bench and Stool) |
POTTERY | Pottery |
RECLINER | Recliner |
RUG | Rug |
SETTEE | Settee (couch_davenport_loveseat) |
SIDEBOARD CABINET | Sideboard Cabinet |
SOFA | Sofa (includes Davenport and Couch) |
STOOL | Stool (includes Bench and Ottoman) |
TABLE | Table |
THERAPY CHAIR | Therapy Chair (all) |
THERAPY CHAIR_MASSAGE | Therapy Chair_Massage |
VASE | Vase (noncollector) |
WASTEBASKET | Wastebasket |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of household goods.
Code | Definition |
AIR CONDITIONER | Air Conditioner |
BATHTUB | Bathtub |
BLENDER | Blender |
BOWL | Bowl |
BOWL_SILVER | Bowl_Silver |
BUFFER_POLISHER | Buffer_Polisher |
BUFFER_POLISHER_FLOOR | Buffer_Polisher_Floor |
CAN OPENER | Can Opener |
COFFEE MAKER | Coffee Maker |
COOKING UTENSILS | Cooking Utensils |
COOKING UTENSILS_KNIFE | Cooking Utensils_Knife |
DEHUMIDIFIER | Dehumidifier |
DISH | Dish |
DISH_SILVER | Dish_Silver |
DISHWASHER | Dishwasher |
DRYER | Dryer |
DRYER_CLOTHES | Dryer_Clothes |
DRYER_HAIR | Dryer_Hair |
FAN | Fan |
FOOD MIXER | Food Mixer |
FOOD PROCESSOR | Food Processor |
FREEZER | Freezer |
FRYER | Fryer |
FURNACE | Furnace |
GARBAGE DISPOSAL | Garbage Disposal |
GRILL | Grill |
HANDHELD MIXER_ELECTRIC | Handheld Mixer_Electric |
HANDHELD MIXER_NONELECTRIC | Handheld Mixer_Nonelectric |
HEAT PUMP | Heat Pump |
HOT TUB | Hot Tub |
HUMIDIFIER | Humidifier |
ICEBOX | Icebox |
ICE CREAM MACHINE | Ice Cream Machine |
ICE MAKER | Ice Maker |
IRON | Iron |
JUICER | Juicer |
MANDOLIN | Mandolin (kitchen tool) |
MEAT SLICER | Meat Slicer |
MICROWAVE_OVEN | Microwave_Oven |
OIL BURNER | Oil Burner |
PITCHER | Pitcher |
PITCHER_SILVER | Pitcher_Silver |
PLATE | Plate (not otherwise coded) |
PLATE_SILVER | Plate_Silver |
POPCORN MAKER | Popcorn Maker |
PORTABLE TOILET | Portable Toilet |
RANGE | Range (includes cook stoves) |
RANGE HOOD | Range Hood |
RANGE_OVEN | Range_Oven |
REFRIGERATOR | Refrigerator |
RUG SHAMPOOER | Rug Shampooer |
SCISSORS | Scissors |
SEWING MACHINE | Sewing Machine |
SILVER_PIECES | Silver_Pieces (tray_ tea set_ etc.) |
SILVERWARE | Silverware |
SMALL APPLIANCE | Small Appliance |
SPACE HEATER | Space Heater |
STEAM CARPET CLEANER | Steam Carpet Cleaner |
TEA SET | Tea Set |
TEA SET_SILVER | Tea Set_Silver |
TOASTER | Toaster |
TOASTER_OVEN | Toaster_Oven |
TRASH BARREL_POLY CART | Trash Barrel_Poly Cart |
TRASH COMPACTOR | Trash Compactor |
TRAY | Tray |
TRAY_SILVER | Tray_Silver |
VACUUM CLEANER | Vacuum Cleaner |
VACUUM CLEANER ATTACHMENTS | Vacuum Cleaner Attachments (ensure attachment has a unique serial number or owner applied number) |
WASHING MACHINE_CLOTHES WASHER | Washing Machine_Clothes Washer |
WATER HEATER | Water Heater |
WATER SOFTENER | Water Softener |
WOODBURNING STOVE | Woodburning Stove |
YOGURT MACHINE | Yogurt Machine |
A data type for a code that identifies the current disposition of the incident.
Code | Definition |
ACTIVE | Active |
ADMINISTRATIVELY CLOSED | Administratively Closed |
CLEARED BY ARREST | Cleared by Arrest |
CLEARED BY EXCEPTIONAL MEANS | Cleared by Exceptional Means |
CLOSED | Closed |
COLD | Cold |
INACTIVE | Inactive |
OPEN | Open |
PENDING | Pending |
RE_OPENED | Re_opened |
UNFOUNDED | Unfounded |
A data type for a code that identifies an American Indian nation.
Code | Definition |
ABSENTEE SHAWNEE | Absentee Shawnee |
APACHE TRIBE | Apache Tribe |
BAD RIVER BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR TRIBE OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS | Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians |
BOIS FORTE BAND OF CHIPPEWA | Bois Forte Band of Chippewa |
CADDO TRIBE | Caddo Tribe |
CHEROKEE NATION | Cherokee Nation |
CHEYENNE_ARAPAHO TRIBES | Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes |
CITIZEN POTAWATOMI NATION | Citizen Band Pottawatomie Tribe/Citizen Potawatomi Nation |
COMANCHE NATION | Comanche Nation |
DELAWARE NATION | Delaware Nation |
DEVILS LAKE SIOUX TRIBE | Devils Lake Sioux Tribe |
EASTERN SHAWNEE TRIBE | Eastern Shawnee Tribe |
FOND DU LAC | Fond du Lac |
GRAND PORTAGE BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA | Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
IOWA TRIBE | Iowa Tribe |
KICKAPOO TRIBE | Kickapoo Tribe |
KIOWA | Kiowa |
LAC DU FLAMBEAU BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA | Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa |
LEECH LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA | Leech Lake Band of Chippewa |
MENOMINEE | Menominee |
MIAMI TRIBE | Miami Tribe |
MILLE LACS | Mille Lacs |
MODOC TRIBE | Modoc Tribe |
MUSCOGEE TRIBE | Muscogee (Creek) Tribe |
OGLALA SIOUX | Oglala Sioux |
ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN | Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin |
OSAGE NATION | Osage Nation |
OTOE_MISSOURIA TRIBE | Otoe-Missouria Tribe |
OTTAWA TRIBE | Ottawa Tribe |
PAWNEE TRIBE | Pawnee Tribe |
PEORIA TRIBE | Peoria Tribe |
PONCA TRIBE | Ponca Tribe |
QUAPAW TRIBE | Quapaw Tribe |
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA | Red Lake/Red Lake Band of Chippewa |
SAC_FOX | Sac and Fox |
SEMINOLE NATION | Seminole Nation |
SENECA_CAYUGA TRIBES | Seneca-Cayuga Tribes |
SHAKOPEE | Shakopee |
TURTLE MOUNTAIN BAND OF CHIPPEWA | Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa |
UNITED KEETOOWAH BAND OF CHEROKEE INDIANS | United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians |
WESTERN DELAWARE TRIBE | Western Delaware Tribe |
WHITE EARTH BAND OF CHIPPEWA | White Earth/White Earth Band of Chippewa |
WICHITA TRIBE | Wichita Tribe |
WYANDOTTE TRIBE | Wyandotte Tribe |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of bodily injury suffered by a person who was the victim of the incident. Includes all NIBRS Codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
Apparent Broken Bones | Apparent Broken Bones |
Apparent Minor Injury | Apparent Minor Injury |
Loss of Teeth | Loss of Teeth |
None | None |
Other | Other Injury |
Other Major Injury | Other Major Injury |
Possible Internal Injury | Possible Internal Injury |
Severe Laceration | Severe Laceration |
Unconsciousness | Unconsciousness |
Undetermined | Undetermined |
A data type for a code that identifies the body location of a victim’s injury.
Code | Definition |
Abdomen | Abdomen |
Anus | Anus |
Arm | Arm |
Back | Back |
Breast_left | Breast_left |
Breast_right | Breast_right |
Breasts | Breasts |
Buttock | Buttock |
Buttock_left | Buttock_left |
Buttock_right | Buttock_right |
Chest | Chest |
Ear_left | Ear_left |
Ear_right | Ear_right |
Ears | Ears |
Eyes | Eyes |
Face | Face |
Feet | Feet |
Finger | Finger |
Foot_left | Foot_left |
Foot_right | Foot_right |
Genitalia | Genitalia |
Groin | Groin |
Hand_left | Hand_left |
Hand_right | Hand_right |
Hands | Hands |
Head | Head |
Leg_left | Leg_left |
Leg_right | Leg_right |
Legs | Legs |
Mouth | Mouth |
Neck_Throat | Neck_Throat |
Nose | Nose |
Shoulder_left | Shoulder_left |
Shoulder_right | Shoulder_right |
Shoulders | Shoulders |
Thigh_left | Thigh_left |
Thigh_right | Thigh_right |
Thighs | Thighs |
Torso | Torso |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of intangible property.
Code | Definition |
FEELINGS | Feelings |
IDENTITY | Identity |
REPUTATION | Reputation (includes all) |
REPUTATION_PROMOTION | Reputation_Promotion (includes receipt of prestige) |
RIGHT | Right (includes all rights and freedoms) |
RIGHT_ASSOCIATION | Right to Association (The right to join with others in a common undertaking that would be lawful if pursued individually.) |
RIGHT_BEAR ARMS | Right to Bear Arms (The constitutional right of persons to own firearms.) |
RIGHT_CHOOSE | Right to Choose (includes right to choose to have an abortion or location to put children in school) (The liberty embodied in the exercise of ones rights.) |
RIGHT_CONTRACT | Right to Contract (The doctrine that people have the right to bind themselves legally.) |
RIGHT_COUNSEL | Right to Counsel (A criminal defendants constitutional right to representation by a court-appointed lawyer if the defendant cannot afford to hire one.) |
RIGHT_ENTRY | Right_Entry (The right of taking or resuming possession of land or other real property in a peaceable manner.) |
RIGHT_EXPRESSION | Right_Expression (The freedom of speech, press, assembly, or religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment; the prohibition of governmental interference with those freedoms.) |
RIGHT_EXPRESSION_ASSEMBLY | Right_Expression_Assembly |
RIGHT_EXPRESSION_PRESS | Right_Expression_Press |
RIGHT_EXPRESSION_RELIGION | Right_Expression_Religion |
RIGHT_EXPRESSION_SPEECH | Right_Expression_Speech |
RIGHT_FAMILY INTEGRITY | Right of Family Integrity (includes right to bear, rear, and guide children according to parents beliefs) (A fundamental and substantive due-process right for a family unit to be free of unjustified state interference.) |
RIGHT_FIRST REFUSAL | Right of First Refusal (A potential buyers contractual right to meet the terms of a third partys higher offer.) |
RIGHT_INFORMATION | Right to Information (The right of the public to access official information so that the public will be better informed and the government will be more accountable for its actions, see Freedom of Information Act) |
RIGHT_KNOW | Right to Know (Requirement that businesses that produce hazardous substances disclose information about the substances both to the community where they are produced or stored and to employees who handle them.) |
RIGHT_PETITION | Right of Petition (The constitutional right of the people to make formal requests to the government, as by lobbying or writing letters to public officials.) |
RIGHT_POSSESSION | Right of Possession (The right to hold, use, occupy, or otherwise enjoy a given property.) |
RIGHT_POSSESSION_LAND | Right_Possession_Land |
RIGHT_POSSESSION_MINERAL | Right_Possession_Mineral |
RIGHT_POSSESSION_STOCK OPTIONS | Right_Possession_Stock Options |
RIGHT_PREEMPTION | Right of Preemption (A potential buyers contractual right to have the first opportunity to buy.) |
RIGHT_PRIVACY | Right to Privacy (The right to personal autonomy.) |
RIGHT_PUBLICITY | Right of Publicity (The right to control the use of ones own name, picture, or likeness and to prevent another from using it for commercial benefit without ones consent.) |
RIGHT_REFUSE TREATMENT | Right to Refuse Treatment (The right of a terminally ill person to refuse life-sustaining treatment.) |
RIGHT_REMAIN SILENT | Right to Remain Silent (A criminal defendants or a witnesss constitutional right guaranteeing that a person cannot be compelled by the government to testify if the testimony might result in the persons being criminally prosecuted.) |
RIGHT_RESCIND | Right to Rescind (The remedy accorded to a party to a contract when the other party breaches a duty that arises independently of the contract.) |
RIGHT_RETAINER | Right of Retainer (A trustees power to withhold trust funds or property from distribution, exercisable, when the beneficiary owes money to the trust.) |
RIGHT_SUPPORT | Right of Support (The right of a landowner to have the land supported by adjacent land and by the underlying earth.) |
RIGHT_TERMINATE | Right to Terminate (The remedy accorded to a party to a contract when the other party breaches a duty that arises under the contract.) |
RIGHT_TRAVEL | Right to Travel (A persons constitutional right to travel freely between states.) |
RIGHT_VOTE | Right to Vote (The right or privilege of casting a vote at a public election.) |
RIGHT_WAY | Right of Way (The right to pass through property owned by another.) |
RIGHT_WHARFING OUT | Right of Wharfing Out (The right to exclusive use of submerged lands, as by establishing a permanent structure or wharf on the land to dock oceangoing vessels.) |
RIGHT_WORK | Right to Work (The right of a person to work without joining a union.) |
SERVICE | Service (includes all) |
SERVICE_FINANCIAL | Financial Service (Providing of monetary resource management) |
SERVICE_LODGING | Lodging Service (Providing of living quarters) |
SERVICE_MEAL | Meal Service (Providing of food) |
SERVICE_MEDICAL | Medical Service (Providing of health related treatment) |
SERVICE_TRANSPORTATION | Transportation Service (Conveying of people or goods) |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of subject matter protected by intellectual property rights.
Code | Definition |
COPYRIGHT | Copyright (general) |
COPYRIGHT_BROADCAST | Copyright_Broadcast |
COPYRIGHT_DRAWING | Copyright_Drawing |
COPYRIGHT_FILM | Copyright_Film (motion picture) |
COPYRIGHT_MUSICAL WORK | Copyright_Musical Work |
COPYRIGHT_NOVEL | Copyright_Novel |
COPYRIGHT_PAINTING | Copyright_Painting |
COPYRIGHT_PERFORMANCE | Copyright_Performance |
COPYRIGHT_PHOTOGRAPH | Copyright_Photograph |
COPYRIGHT_PLAY | Copyright_Play |
COPYRIGHT_POEM | Copyright_Poem |
COPYRIGHT_SCULPTURE | Copyright_Sculpture |
INDUSTRIAL | Industrial (general) |
INDUSTRIAL_COMMERCIAL NAME | Industrial_Commercial Name (includes designations) (Name or designation that identifies an enterprise) |
INDUSTRIAL_COMPETITION PROTECTION | Industrial_Competition Protection (Protection of knowledge, technology, or information which is not protected by a patent but may be required in order to make the best use of a patented invention) |
INDUSTRIAL_DESIGN | Industrial_Design (Visual appeal or ornamental and nonfunctional features of a product that result from design) (Does not include Integrated Circuit Layout) |
INDUSTRIAL_GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATORS | Industrial_Geographical Indicators (A sign used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities or reputation that are due to the place or origin) |
INDUSTRIAL_INTEGRATED CIRCUIT LAYOUT | Industrial_Integrated Circuit Layout (includes designs) (Not considered an industrial design, this is the detailed layout design of the physical location, within an integrated circuit, of each element with an electronic function) |
INDUSTRIAL_INVENTION | Industrial_Invention (Invention in all fields of human endeavor) |
INDUSTRIAL_INVENTION_PROCESS | Industrial_Invention_Process (Invention of new process or method of making a known or new thing; all fields of human endeavor) |
INDUSTRIAL_INVENTION_PRODUCT | Industrial_Invention_Product (Invention of a new product; all fields of human endeavor) |
INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK | Industrial_Trademark (A sign, or a combination of signs, which distinguishes goods or services of one enterprise from another) |
INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_CERTIFICATION MARK | Industrial_Trademark_Certification Mark (A trademark type given in compliance with defined standards, but not confined to membership) |
INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_COLLECTIVE MARK | Industrial_Trademark_Collective Mark (A trademark type used to identify members of a group with a level of quality and requirements set by the group) |
INDUSTRIAL_TRADEMARK_SERVICE MARK | Industrial_Trademark_Service Mark (A trademark type used in connection with services, e.g., hotel, restaurant, airlines) |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of property.
Code | Definition |
ART OBJECT | Art Object |
AUDIO VISUAL EQUIPMENT | Audio Visual Equipment |
AV RECORDING | AV Recording |
BICYCLE | Bicycle |
CLOTHING | Clothing |
COMPUTER HARDWARE_SOFTWARE | Computer Hardware_Software (Includes computer peripherals_storage media_ gameware) |
CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL | Construction Material |
CONSUMABLE GOOD | Consumable Good |
CREDIT_BANK_ID | Credit_Bank_ID |
GAMBLING EQUIPMENT | Gambling Equipment |
GRAIN | Grain |
HOUSEHOLD GOOD | Household Good |
KEEPSAKE | Keepsake |
KNIFE | Knife |
LIVESTOCK_PET | Livestock_Pet |
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT | Musical Instrument |
OFFICE EQUIPMENT | Office Equipment |
OPTICAL EQUIPMENT | Optical Equipment |
OTHER | Other (Physical property that does not fit under the other property types) |
SERVICE UTILITY | Service Utility |
SPORTS_RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT | Sports_Recreational Equipment |
TOOL | Tool |
A data type for a code that identifies the gender for which the property is intended, such as a girl’s bicycle or a man’s jacket.
Code | Definition |
FEMALE | Female |
FEMALE_GIRLS | Female_girls |
FEMALE_WOMENS | Female_womens |
MALE | Male |
MALE_BOYS | Male_boys |
MALE_MENS | Male_mens |
UNISEX | Unisex (Item created for use with no particular gender in mind) |
A data type for a code that identifies the status of property. Expands the NIBRS PropertyLoss code list.
Code | Definition |
Bait | Bait |
Burned | Burned |
Cargo | Cargo |
Contraband | Contraband |
Counterfeited | Counterfeited, includes forged |
Cultivated | Cultivated |
Damaged | Damaged |
Destroyed | Destroyed |
Destroyed_Damaged_Vandalized | Destroyed_Damaged_Vandalized |
Found | Found |
Lost | Lost |
None | None |
Recovered | Recovered (To impound property previously stolen) |
Returned | Returned |
Seized | Seized (To impound property not previously stolen) |
Stolen | Stolen |
Stolen_Bribed | Stolen_Bribed |
Stolen_Defrauded | Stolen_Defrauded |
Stolen_Embezzled | Stolen_Embezzled |
Stolen_Extorted | Stolen_Extorted |
Stolen_Ransomed | Stolen_Ransomed |
Stolen_Robbed | Stolen_Robbed |
Unknown | Unknown |
Vandalized | Vandalized |
A data type for a code that identifies the method used to assign the value of the property item(s).
Code | Definition |
FAIR MARKET VALUE | Fair market value |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FAIR MARKET ESTIMATE | Law enforcement fair market estimate |
REPLACEMENT COST OR ACTUAL CASH COST | Replacement cost or actual cash cost |
VICTIMS VALUATION | Victims valuation |
WHOLESALE COST | Wholesale cost |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of jewelry gem or imitation gem.
Code | Definition |
AGATE | Agate |
ALEXANDRITE | Alexandrite |
AMETHYST | Amethyst |
AQUAMARINE | Aquamarine |
CITRINE | Citrine |
CUBIC ZIRCONIA | Cubic Zirconia |
DIAMOND | Diamond |
EMERALD | Emerald |
GARNET | Garnet |
JADE | Jade |
JASPER | Jasper |
LAPIS IAZULI | Lapis Iazuli |
MOONSTONE | Moonstone |
ONYX | Onyx |
OPAL | Opal |
PADPARADSCHA | Padparadscha |
PEARL | Pearl |
PERIDOT | Peridot |
RUBY | Ruby |
SAPPHIRE | Sapphire |
SPINEL | Spinel |
TANZANITE | Tanzanite |
TOPAZ | Topaz |
TOURMALINE | Tourmaline |
TURQUOISE | Turquoise |
ZIRCON | Zircon |
A data type for a code that identifies the disposition of the arrest if the arrestee was a juvenile at the time of arrest.
Code | Definition |
C | Referred to Criminal (Adult) Court |
H | Handled Within Department |
J | Referred to Juvenile Court |
R | Referred to Other Authorities |
w | Referred to Welfare Agency |
A data type for a code that identifies items collected as a hobby or given in friendship.
Code | Definition |
BOOK_COLLECTOR | Book_Collector (rare) |
CARD | Card (includes all trading cards) |
CARD_NONSPORT | Card_Nonsport (includes all nonsport trading cards) |
CARD_SPORT | Card_Sport (includes all sports trading cards) |
CARD_SPORT_BASEBALL | Card_Sport_Baseball |
CARD_SPORT_BASKETBALL | Card_Sport_Basketball |
CARD_SPORT_FOOTBALL | Card_Sport_Football |
CARD_SPORT_HOCKEY | Card_Sport_Hockey |
CARPET_ORIENTAL | Carpet_Oriental |
COIN SET | Coin Set (commemorative, collector) |
DOLL | Doll |
FIGURINE | Figurine |
FIGURINE_STATUE | Figurine_Statue |
INGOT_BULLION | Ingot_Bullion (all types, includes bars) |
INGOT_BULLION_GOLD | Ingot_Bullion_gold |
INGOT_BULLION_SILVER | Ingot_Bullion_silver |
MODEL | Model (collectible miniature replica model) |
MODEL_AIRPLANE | Model_Airplane (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_ATV | Model_ATV (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_AUTOMOBILE | Model_Automobile (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_BOAT | Model_Boat (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_MOTORCYCLE | Model_Motorcycle (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_TRACTOR | Model_Tractor (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_TRAILER | Model_Trailer (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_TRAIN | Model_Train (collectible miniature replica) |
MODEL_TRUCK | Model_Truck (collectible miniature replica) |
PAINTING_ART | Painting_art |
PLATE | Plate (collector_signed_numbered) |
PRINT_ART | Print_art |
VASE | Vase (collector_signed_ numbered) |
A data type for a code that identifies a kind of knife.
Code | Definition |
BAYONET | Bayonet |
BONING | Boning |
BOWIE | Bowie |
BREAD | Bread |
BUCK | Buck |
BUTCHER | Butcher |
BUTCHER_KITCHEN | Butcher_Kitchen |
CARVING | Carving |
CARVING_PARING | Carving_Paring |
CHEFS | Chefs |
CLEAVER | Cleaver |
DAGGER | Dagger |
DIRK | Dirk |
DIRK_DAGGER_STILETTO | Dirk_Dagger_Stiletto |
DIVERS | Divers |
FISH FILLET | Fish Fillet |
FIXED BLADE | Fixed Blade |
FOLDED BLADE | Folded Blade |
HUNTING | Hunting |
HUNTING_BOWIE | Hunting_Bowie |
JACKKNIFE | Jackknife |
KITCHEN | Kitchen |
LOCKING BLADE | Locking Blade |
PARING | Paring |
SIMULATED | Simulated |
STEAK | Steak |
STILETTO | Stiletto |
SURVIVAL | Survival |
SWISS ARMY STYLE | Swiss Army style |
SWITCHBLADE | Switchblade |
TOY | Toy |
US ARMY STYLE | US Army style |
UTILITY | Utility |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of law enforcement activity which the officer was involved in at the time of incident. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
Ambush_No warning | Ambush_No warning |
Attempting other arrest | Attempting other arrest |
Burglary in progress or pursuing | Burglary in progress or pursuing |
Civil disorder | Civil disorder (Riot, etc.) |
Domestic Disturbance | Domestic Disturbance |
Handling_Transporting prisoner | Handling_Transporting prisoner |
Investigation_Suspicious person | Investigation_Suspicious person |
Mentally deranged assailant | Mentally deranged assailant |
Other | All Other |
Responding to disturbance call | Responding to disturbance call |
Robbery in progress or pursuing | Robbery in progress or pursuing |
Traffic Pursuit | Traffic Pursuit |
Traffic Pursuit_Stop | Traffic Pursuit_Stop |
Traffic Stop | Traffic Stop |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of livestock/pet.
Code | Definition |
ALLIGATOR | Alligator |
ALPACA | Alpaca |
BEE | Bee |
BIRD | Bird |
BUFFALO | Buffalo |
CAT | Cat |
CATTLE | Cattle |
CHICKEN | Chicken |
DOG | Dog |
EMU | Emu |
FERRET | Ferret |
FISH | Fish |
FOWL | Fowl |
GERBIL | Gerbil |
HAMSTER | Hamster |
HORSE | Horse |
INSECT | Insect |
LION | Lion |
LIZARD | Lizard |
LLAMA | Llama |
MICE_RAT | Mice_Rat |
OSTRICH | Ostrich |
PARROT | Parrot |
PIG | Pig |
PIGEON | Pigeon |
SHEEP | Sheep |
SNAKE | Snake |
TIGER | Tiger |
TURKEY | Turkey |
TURTLE | Turtle |
WORM | Worm |
A data type for a code that characterizes a location or area. Includes all NIBRS codes, plus additional codes.
Code | Definition |
ABANDONED_CONDEMNED STRUCTURE | Abandoned_Condemned Structure |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_COMMERCIAL | Airport_Terminal_Commercial |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_CONCOURSE | Airport_Terminal_Concourse |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_FREIGHT | Airport_Terminal_Freight |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_HANGAR | Airport_Terminal_Hangar |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_INTERNATIONAL | Airport_Terminal_International |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_MILITARY | Airport_Terminal_Military |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_PRIVATE | Airport_Terminal_Private |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_RAMP | Airport_Terminal_Ramp |
AIRPORT_TERMINAL_RUNWAY | Airport_Terminal_Runway |
ASSEMBLY LINE | Assembly Line (factory or plant) |
ATM | ATM (stand alone) |
AUTO SHOP | Auto shop (repair) |
BAR | Bar (all) |
BAR_LOUNGE | Bar_Lounge |
BARN | Barn |
BAR_NIGHTCLUB | Bar_Nightclub |
BAR_STRIP CLUB | Bar_Strip Club |
BOARDING HOUSE | Boarding House |
BRIDGE | Bridge (all kinds) |
BRIDGE_OVERPASS | Bridge_Overpass |
BRIDGE_TRESTLE | Bridge_Trestle |
BRIDGE_VIADUCT | Bridge_Viaduct |
BUSINESS OFFICE | Business Office |
CABIN | Cabin |
CAMP | Camp |
CAMPGROUND | Campground |
CAMPUS | Campus |
CARGO CONTAINER | Cargo Container |
CARGO CONTAINER_RENTAL STORAGE | Cargo Container_Rental Storage |
CASINO | Casino |
CASINO_RACE TRACK | Casino_Race Track |
CEMETERY | Cemetery |
CHECK POINT_BORDER CROSSING | Check Point_Border Crossing |
COMMERCIAL BUILDING | Commercial Building (all) |
COMMERCIAL BUILDING_VACANT | Commercial Building_Vacant |
COMMUNITY CENTER | Community Center |
COMMUNITY CENTER_SENIOR CITIZENS | Community Center_Senior Citizens |
CONSTRUCTION SITE | Construction Site |
CONVALESCENT_HOME | Convalescent_Home |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY | Correctional Facility (all) |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_JAIL | Correctional Facility_Jail |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_JUVENILE DETENTION | Correctional Facility_Juvenile Detention |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_PENITENTIARY | Correctional Facility_Penitentiary |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_PRISON | Correctional Facility_Prison |
DAYCARE | Daycare (Child or Adult) |
DEALERSHIP | Dealership (all commercial) |
DEALERSHIP_BOAT | Dealership_Boat |
DEALERSHIP_VEHICLE | Dealership_Vehicle (includes all vehicles, e.g., car, bus, farm equipment, truck, snowmobile, motorcycle, etc.) |
DESERT | Desert |
FACTORY | Factory |
FAIRGROUNDS | Fairgrounds |
FARM | Farm |
FARM_BARN | Farm_Barn |
FARM_GARDEN | Farm_Garden |
FARM_GRAIN ELEVATOR | Farm_Grain Elevator |
FARM_SHED | Farm_Shed |
FARM_SILO | Farm_Silo |
FARM_STABLE | Farm_Stable |
FARM_TACK ROOM | Farm_Tack Room |
FIELD | Field |
FIELD_WOODS | Field_Woods |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION | Financial Institution (All) |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINE | Financial Institution_Automated Teller Machine |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_BANK | Financial Institution_Bank |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_BANK_DRIVE THRU | Financial Institution_Bank_Drive Thru |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_CREDIT UNION | Financial Institution_Credit Union |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_MORTGAGE COMPANY | Financial Institution_Mortgage Company |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_SAVINGS LOAN | Financial Institution_Savings Loan |
FIRE STATION | Fire Station |
FOOTHILLS | Foothills |
GARAGE | Garage |
GARDEN | Garden |
GOLF COURSE | Golf Course |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING | Government Building (all) |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_CITY | Government Building_City |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_COUNTY | Government Building_County |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_FEDERAL | Government Building_Federal |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_MILITARY | Government Building_Military (includes military base) |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_MUNICIPAL | Government Building_Municipal |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_STATE | Government Building_State |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_TOWN | Government Building_Town |
GYM | Gym (includes fitness facility) |
HOTEL | Hotel |
HOTEL_MOTEL_INN | Hotel_Motel_Inn |
HOUSE_VACANT | House_Vacant |
INN | Inn |
LANDFILL_DUMP | Landfill_Dump |
LAUNDROMAT | Laundromat |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY | Law Enforcement Facility |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_CITY | Law Enforcement Facility_City |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_COUNTY | Law Enforcement Facility_County |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_FEDERAL | Law Enforcement Facility_Federal |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_STATE | Law Enforcement Facility_State |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_TRIBAL | Law Enforcement Facility_Tribal |
LIBRARY | Library |
LOT | Lot (undeveloped residential area) |
LOT_VACANT | Lot_Vacant |
MALL_RETAIL COMPLEX | Mall_Retail Complex |
MEDICAL CENTER | Medical Center |
MEDICAL CENTER_DENTIST | Medical Center_Dentist |
MEDICAL CENTER_DOCTOR OFFICE | Medical Center_Doctor Office |
MEDICAL CENTER_DOCTOR OFFICE_CLINIC | Medical Center_Doctor Office_Clinic |
MEDICAL CENTER_DRUG_STORE | Medical Center_Drug_Store |
MEDICAL CENTER_HOSPITAL | Medical Center_Hospital |
MEDICAL CENTER_HOSPITAL_CONVALESCENT | Medical Center_Hospital_Convalescent |
MEDICAL CENTER_OFFICE | Medical Center_Office |
MEDICAL CENTER_SUPPLY BUILDING | Medical Center_Supply Building |
MEETING HALL_COMMUNITY CENTER | Meeting Hall_Community Center |
MILITARY INSTALLATION | Military Installation |
MILL | Mill |
MINE | Mine |
MONUMENT | Monument |
MOTEL | Motel |
MOUNTAINS | Mountains |
MOVIE THEATER | Movie Theater |
MUSEUM | Museum |
NURSING HOME | Nursing Home |
OFFICE BUILDING | Office Building |
OIL FIELD | Oil Field |
OPEN FIELD | Open Field |
OUTBUILDING | Outbuilding |
PARK | Park (non industrial) |
PARK_CITY | Park_City |
PARK_FEDERAL | Park_Federal |
PARKING_GARAGE | Parking_Garage |
PARKING LOT | Parking Lot |
PARKING LOT_GARAGE | Parking Lot_Garage |
PARK_NATIONAL | Park_National |
PARK_PLAYGROUND | Park_Playground (non school) |
PARK_ROADSIDE | Park_Roadside |
PARK_STATE | Park_State |
PIPELINE | Pipeline |
PLANT | Plant |
PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY | Public Works Facility _Government Building |
QUARRY | Quarry |
RAIL YARD | Rail Yard |
RECREATION FACILITY | Recreation Facility (all) |
RECREATION FACILITY_AMUSEMENT PARK | Recreation Facility_Amusement Park |
RECREATION FACILITY_CIVIC CENTER | Recreation Facility_Civic Center |
RECREATION FACILITY_RACE TRACK | Recreation Facility_Race Track (vehicle) |
RECREATION FACILITY_SPORTS ARENA | Recreation Facility_Sports Arena |
RECREATION FACILITY_STADIUM | Recreation Facility_Stadium |
RECREATION FACILITY_SWIMMING POOL | Recreation Facility_Swimming Pool (includes Water Parks) |
RECREATION FACILITY_ZOO | Recreation Facility_Zoo |
REFINERY | Refinery |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING | Religious Building (all) |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_CHAPEL | Religious Building_Chapel |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_CHURCH | Religious Building_Church |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_MOSQUE | Religious Building_Mosque |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_SYNAGOGUE | Religious Building_Synagogue |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_TEMPLE | Religious Building_Temple |
RESERVATION | Reservation (includes all Native American tribal lands, communities, and/or trust lands) |
RESERVOIR | Reservoir |
RESIDENTIAL_AIRPLANE_AFFIXED | Residential_Airplane_Affixed |
RESIDENTIAL_APARTMENT | Residential_Apartment |
RESIDENTIAL_ APARTMENT COMPLEX | Residential_ Apartment Complex |
RESIDENTIAL_BOAT_AFFIXED | Residential_Boat_Affixed |
RESIDENTIAL_CONDOMINIUM | Residential_Condominium |
RESIDENTIAL_DORMITORY | Residential_Dormitory |
RESIDENTIAL_DUPLEX | Residential_Duplex |
RESIDENTIAL_FLAT | Residential_Flat |
RESIDENTIAL_HOUSE | Residential_House |
RESIDENTIAL_MOBILIE HOME | Residential_Mobilie Home |
RESIDENTIAL_RV_AFFIXED | Residential_RV_Affixed |
RESIDENTIAL_TENEMENT | Residential_Tenement |
RESIDENTIAL_TOWNHOUSE | Residential_Townhouse |
RESIDENTIAL_VAN_AFFIXED | Residential_Van_Affixed |
RESTAURANT | Restaurant |
RESTAURANT_CAFETERIA | Restaurant_Cafeteria |
RESTAURANT_FAMILY DINING | Restaurant_Family Dining |
RESTAURANT_FAST FOOD | Restaurant_Fast Food |
RESTAURANT_SNACK BAR | Restaurant_Snack Bar |
RIGHT OF WAY | Right of Way |
RIGHT OF WAY_RAILBED_TRAIN | Right of Way_Railbed_Train |
RIGHT OF WAY_ROAD | Right of Way_Road |
RIGHT OF WAY_UTILITY | Right of Way_Utility (all kind of utility) |
ROADWAY | Roadway (all) |
ROADWAY_ALLEY | Roadway_Alley |
ROADWAY_CITY | Roadway_City |
ROADWAY_COUNTY | Roadway_County |
ROADWAY_CROSSWALK | Roadway_Crosswalk |
ROADWAY_CUL_DE_SAC | Roadway_Cul_de_sac |
ROADWAY_DIRT ROAD | Roadway_Dirt Road |
ROADWAY_FIRE ROAD | Roadway_Fire Road |
ROADWAY_FREEWAY | Roadway_Freeway |
ROADWAY_HIGHWAY | Roadway_Highway |
ROADWAY_INTERCHANGE | Roadway_Interchange |
ROADWAY_INTERSTATE | Roadway_Interstate |
ROADWAY_REST AREA | Roadway_Rest Area |
ROADWAY_ROAD | Roadway_Road |
ROADWAY_SERVICE ROAD | Roadway_Service Road |
ROADWAY_STATE | Roadway_State |
ROADWAY_STREET | Roadway_Street |
ROADWAY_TOLL ROAD | Roadway_Toll Road |
SCHOOL_COLLEGE | School_College (includes universities and adult trade schools) |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12 | School_Combined K_12 |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12_PRIVATE | School_Combined K_12_Private |
SCHOOL COMBINED K_12_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School Combined K_12_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12_PUBLIC | School_Combined (K_12) Public |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY | School_Elementary |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PRIVATE | School_Elementary_Private |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Elementary_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PUBLIC | School_Elementary_Public |
SCHOOL_HIGH | School_High |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PRIVATE | School_High_Private |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_High_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PUBLIC | School_High_Public |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE | School_Middle |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE_PRIVATE | School_Middle_Private |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Middle_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PAROCHIAL | School_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL | School_Preschool |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL_PRIVATE | School_Preschool_Private |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Preschool_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL_PUBLIC | School_Preschool_Public |
SCHOOL_PRIVATE | School-Private |
SCHOOL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PUBLIC | School_Public |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL | School_Technical |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PRIVATE | School_Technical_Private |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Technical_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PUBLIC | School_Technical_Public |
SCHOOL_VOCATIONAL | School_Vocational |
SHELTER | Shelter (all) |
SHELTER_FAMILY | Shelter_Family |
SHELTER_WOMANS | Shelter_Woman’s |
SHIP YARD | Ship Yard |
SHOPPING CENTER | Shopping Center |
SIDEWALK | Sidewalk |
SKY | Sky |
STABLES | Stables |
STORAGE FACILITY | Storage Facility (all) |
STORAGE FACILITY_TANK | Storage Tank (includes Towers) |
STORAGE FACILITY_UNIT | Storage Unit (includes mini-storage and self-storage) |
STORE | Store (all) |
STORE_ARCADE | Store_Arcade |
STORE_AUTO PARTS | Store_Auto Parts |
STORE_CANDY | Store_Candy |
STORE_COIN | Store_Coin |
STORE_CONVENIENCE | Store_Convenience |
STORE_DEPARTMENT | Store_Department |
STORE_DEPARTMENT_DISCOUNT | Store_Department_Discount |
STORE_DISCOUNT | Store_Discount |
STORE_DOLL | Store_Doll |
STORE_DRESS | Store_Dress |
STORE_DRUG | Store_Drug |
STORE_ELECTRONIC | Store_Electronic |
STORE_FUR | Store_Fur |
STORE_GAS STATION | Store_Gas Station |
STORE_GAS STATION_SERVICE STATION | Store_Gas Station_Service Station |
STORE_GROCERY | Store_Grocery |
STORE_GROCERY_SUPERMARKET | Store_Grocery_Supermarket |
STOREHOUSE | Storehouse |
STORE_JEWELRY | Store_Jewelry |
STORE_LIQUOR | Store_Liquor |
STORE_MARKET | Store_Market |
STORE_MINIMART | Store_Minimart |
STORE_MUSIC | Store_Music |
STORE_PAWN SHOP | Store_Pawn Shop |
STORE_PHARMACY | Store_Pharmacy |
STORE_SECOND HAND | Store_Second Hand |
STORE_SERVICE STATION | Store_Service Station |
STORE_SEX | Store_Sex |
STORE_SPECIALTY | Store_Specialty |
STORE_STAMP | Store_Stamp |
STORE_STRIP MALL_RETAIL COMPLEX | Store_Strip Mall_Retail Complex |
STORE_SUPERMARKET | Store_Supermarket |
STORE_TV | Store_TV |
STORE_VIDEO | Store_Video |
TERMINAL | Terminal (includes all) |
TERMINAL_AIRPORT | Terminal_Airport |
TERMINAL_BOAT | Terminal_Boat |
TERMINAL_BUS | Terminal_Bus |
TERMINAL_BUS STOP | Terminal_Bus Stop |
TERMINAL_NONPASSENGER | Terminal_Nonpassenger |
TERMINAL_NONPASSENGER_AIRPORT | Terminal_Nonpassenger_Airport |
TERMINAL_NONPASSENGER_BOAT | Terminal_Nonpassenger_Boat |
TERMINAL_NONPASSENGER_TRAIN | Terminal_Nonpassenger_Train |
TERMINAL_NONPASSENGER_TRUCK | Terminal_Nonpassenger_Truck |
TERMINAL_PASSENGER_AIRPORT | Terminal_Passenger_Airport |
TERMINAL_PASSENGER_BOAT | Terminal_Passenger_Boat |
TERMINAL_PASSENGER_BUS | Terminal_Passenger_Bus |
TERMINAL_PASSENGER_TRAIN | Terminal_Passenger_Train |
TERMINAL_PASSENGER_TRAIN_SUBWAY | Terminal_Passenger_Train_Subway |
THEATER_COMMUNITY | Theater_Community |
TRAILER PARK | Trailer Park |
TUNNEL | Tunnel |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
UTILITY_STATION_PLANT | Utility_Station_Plant |
UTILITY_STATION_PLANT_ELECTRIC | Utility_Station_Electric (May include Hydroelectric dams) |
WAREHOUSE | Warehouse |
WATERWAY | Waterway |
WATERWAY_AQUEDUCT | Waterway_Aqueduct |
WATERWAY_BEACH | Waterway_Beach |
WATERWAY_CANAL | Waterway_Canal |
WATERWAY_DAM | Waterway_Dam |
WATERWAY_DOCK | Waterway_Dock |
WATERWAY_HARBOR | Waterway_Harbor |
WATERWAY_LAKE | Waterway_Lake |
WATERWAY_LOCK | Waterway_Lock |
WATERWAY_OCEAN | Waterway_Ocean |
WATERWAY_RIVER | Waterway_River |
WATERWAY_STREAM | Waterway_Stream |
WATERWAY_SWAMP | Waterway_Swamp |
WATERWAY_WHARF | Waterway_Wharf |
WOODS | Woods |
YARD | Yard (production yards) |
YARD_JUNK | Yard_Junk |
YARD_PIPE | Yard_Pipe |
YARD_RAIL | Yard_Rail |
YARD_SHIP | Yard_Ship |
A data type for a code that identifies the general type of location.
Code | Definition |
Commercial | Commercial (The characterization of a location_area where goods or services are exchanged for profit, e.g., store, restaurant, office building, daycare, financial institution, hotel, etc.) |
Industrial | Industrial (The characterization of a location_area where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment, e.g., factory, plant, mine, assembly line.) |
Open Area | Open Area (The characterization of a location_area with little to no building structures, e.g., field, camp, woods, lake, right of way, cemetary, etc.) |
Public_Non Residential | Public_Non Residential (The characterization of a location_area open to the public and_or maintained using tax dollars, e.g., school, medical center, terminal, government building, fire department, religious building, meeting hall.) |
Residential | Residential (The characterization of a location_area where persons or groups of persons reside, e.g., house, townhouse, mobile home, etc.) |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies a location inside of another location.
Code | Definition |
Attic | Attic |
Boat | Boat |
Boat_Aircraft Carrier | Boat_Aircraft Carrier |
Boat_Barge | Boat_Barge |
Boat_Boat | Boat_Boat |
Boat_Canoe | Boat_Canoe |
Boat_Charter Fishing | Boat_Charter Fishing |
Boat_Commercial Fishing | Boat_Commercial Fishing |
Boat_Cruise Ship | Boat_Cruise Ship |
Boat_Freighter | Boat_Freighter |
Boat_House | Boat_House |
Boat_Kayak | Boat_Kayak |
Boat_Motorboat | Boat_Motorboat |
Boat_Raft | Boat_Raft |
Boat_Rowboat | Boat_Rowboat |
Boat_Sailboat | Boat_Sailboat |
Boat_Speed | Boat_Speed |
Boat_Submarine | Boat_Submarine |
Drilling Site_Platform | Drilling Site_Platform |
Driveway | Driveway (of a Location place) |
Entryway_Exterior | Entryway_Exterior |
Entryway_Interior | Entryway_Interior |
Freezer | Freezer (walk-in) |
Garage | Garage (when attached to a residence) |
Hallway_Exterior | Hallway_Exterior |
Hallway_Interior | Hallway_Interior |
Internet | Internet |
Kitchen | Kitchen |
Mail Box | Mail Box |
Patio | Patio |
Patio_Porch | Patio_Porch |
Playground | Playground |
Porch | Porch |
Room_Basement | Room_Basement |
Room_Bathroom_Restroom | Room_Bathroom_Restroom |
Room_Bedroom | Room_Bedroom |
Room_Bedroom_Children | Room_Bedroom_Children |
Room_Bedroom_Guest | Room_Bedroom_Guest |
Room_Bedroom_Master | Room_Bedroom_Master |
Room_Breakfast Nook | Room_Breakfast Nook |
Room_Breakroom | Room_Breakroom |
Room_Cellar | Room_Cellar |
Room_Classroom | Room_Classroom |
Room_Closet | Room_Closet |
Room_Conference | Room_Conference |
Room_Den | Room_Den |
Room_Family Room | Room_Family Room |
Room_Kitchen | Room_Kitchen |
Room_Laundry Room | Room_Laundry Room |
Room_Living_Family Room | Room_Living_Family Room |
Room_Living Room | Room_Living Room |
Room_Office | Room_Office |
Room_Pantry | Room_Pantry |
Room_Restroom_Family | Room_Restroom_Family |
Room_Restroom_Men | Room_Restroom_Men |
Room_Restroom_Portable | Room_Restroom_Portable |
Room_Restroom_Unisex | Room_Restroom_Unisex |
Room_Restroom_Women | Room_Restroom_Women |
Room_Stock Room | Room_Stock Room |
Room_Waiting Room | Room_Waiting Room |
Sidewalk | Sidewalk |
Tack Room | Tack Room (of a barn or stable) |
Vehicle | Vehicle |
Vehicle_Automobile | Vehicle_Automobile |
Vehicle_Automobile_Taxi | Vehicle_Automobile_Taxi |
Vehicle_Bus | Vehicle_Bus |
Vehicle_Cable Car | Vehicle_Cable Car |
Vehicle_Car | Vehicle_Car |
Vehicle_Catering Truck | Vehicle_Catering Truck |
Vehicle_Commercial | Vehicle_Commercial |
Vehicle_Motorcycle | Vehicle_Motorcycle |
Vehicle_Pick up Truck | Vehicle_Pick_up Truck |
Vehicle_Recreational | Vehicle-Recreational |
Vehicle_Semi | Vehicle_Semi |
Vehicle_Snowmobile | Vehicle_Snowmobile |
Vehicle_Street Car | Vehicle_Street Car |
Vehicle_Tractor Trailer | Vehicle_Tractor Trailer |
Vehicle_Train | Vehicle_Train |
Vehicle_Train_Freight | Vehicle_Train_Freight |
Vehicle_Train_Freight_Heavy Rail | Vehicle_Train_Freight_Heavy Rail |
Vehicle_Train_Freight_Light Rail | Vehicle_Train_Freight_Light Rail |
Vehicle_Train_Passenger | Vehicle_Train_Passenger |
Vehicle_Train_Passenger_Heavy Rail | Vehicle_Train_Passenger_Heavy Rail |
Vehicle_Train_Passenger_Light Rail | Vehicle_Train_Passenger_Light Rail |
Vehicle_Train_Railway Car | Vehicle_Train_Railway Car |
Vehicle_Truck | Vehicle_Truck |
A data type for a code that identifies marital status.
Code | Definition |
ANNULLED | A person whose previous marriage is considered to never have existed, been deemed null through declaration of nullity. |
COHABITATING | A couple that is attached, yet unmarried with each other. |
DIVORCED | A couple who previously lived together and was previously bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age. Excludes annulled marriages. |
ENGAGED | A person who has promised to give their hand in marriage to another person. |
MARRIED | A couple who lives together and is bound by a contract before the state or the church with legal age. |
SEPARATED | Legally bound despite a member of the couples not living with them, not in the household. |
SINGLE | A person who is unmarried, or unattached to someone. |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
WIDOWED | A person whose spouse is dead. |
A data type for a code that identifies a metal.
Code | Definition |
ACTINIUM | Actinium |
ALUMINUM | Aluminum |
ALUMINUM_BRONZE | Aluminum_Bronze |
AMALGAM | Amalgam |
ANTIMONY | Antimony |
ARSENIC | Arsenic |
BARIUM | Barium |
BERYLLIUM | Beryllium |
BISMUTH | Bismuth |
BORON | Boron |
BRASS | Brass |
BRONZE | Bronze |
BRONZE_ARSENIC | Bronze_Arsenic |
BRONZE_TIN | Bronze_Tin |
CADMIUM | Cadmium |
CALCIUM | Calcium |
CERIUM | Cerium |
CESIUM | Cesium |
CHROMIUM | Chromium |
COBALT | Cobalt |
COPPER | Copper |
DYSPROSIUM | Dysprosium |
ERBIUM | Erbium |
EUROPIUM | Europium |
FRANCIUM | Francium |
GADOLINIUM | Gadolinium |
GALLIUM | Gallium |
GERMANIUM | Germanium |
GOLD | Gold |
HAFNIUM | Hafnium |
HOLMIUM | Holmium |
INDIUM | Indium |
IRIDIUM | Iridium |
IRON | Iron |
LANTHANUM | Lanthanum |
LEAD | Lead |
LITHIUM | Lithium |
LUTETIUM | Lutetium |
MAGNESIUM | Magnesium |
MANGANESE | Manganese |
MERCURY | Mercury |
MOLYBDENUM | Molybdenum |
NEODYMIUM | Neodymium |
NICKEL | Nickel |
NIOBIUM | Niobium |
OSMIUM | Osmium |
PALLADIUM | Palladium |
PEWTER | Pewter |
PLATINUM | Platinum |
POLONIUM | Polonium |
POTASSIUM | Potassium |
PRASEODYMIUM | Praseodymium |
PROMETHIUM | Promethium |
PROTACTINIUM | Protactinium |
RADIUM | Radium |
RHENIUM | Rhenium |
RHODIUM | Rhodium |
RUBIDIUM | Rubidium |
RUTHENIUM | Ruthenium |
SAMARIUM | Samarium |
SCANDIUM | Scandium |
SELENIUM | Selenium |
SILICON | Silicon |
SILVER | Silver |
SODIUM | Sodium |
STEEL | Steel |
STEEL_STAINLESS | Steel_Stainless |
STRONTIUM | Strontium |
TANTALUM | Tantalum |
TECHNETIUM | Technetium |
TELLURIUM | Tellurium |
TERBIUM | Terbium |
THALLIUM | Thallium |
THORIUM | Thorium |
THULIUM | Thulium |
TIN | Tin |
TRANSURANIUM | Transuranium |
TRANSURANIUM_AMERICIUM | Transuranium_Americium |
TRANSURANIUM_BERKELIUM | Transuranium_Berkelium |
TRANSURANIUM_CALIFORNIUM | Transuranium_Californium |
TRANSURANIUM_CURIUM | Transuranium_Curium |
TRANSURANIUM_EINSTEINIUM | Transuranium_Einsteinium |
TRANSURANIUM_FERMIUM | Transuranium_Fermium |
TRANSURANIUM_LAWRENCIUM | Transuranium_Lawrencium |
TRANSURANIUM_MENDELEVIUM | Transuranium_Mendelevium |
TRANSURANIUM_NEPTUNIUM | Transuranium_Neptunium |
TRANSURANIUM_NOBELIUM | Transuranium_Nobelium |
TRANSURANIUM_PLUTONIUM | Transuranium_Plutonium |
TUNGSTEN | Tungsten |
URANIUM | Uranium |
VANADIUM | Vanadium |
YTTRIUM | Yttrium |
ZINC | Zinc |
ZIRCONIUM | Zirconium |
A data type for a method of access.
Code | Definition |
Attempt Only | Attempt Only |
Bodily Force | Bodily Force |
Body Force_Kicked | Body Force_Kicked |
Broke | Broke |
Broke Door Panel | Broke Door Panel |
Broke Glass | Broke Glass |
Broke Padlock | Broke Padlock |
Broke_Removed_Cut Door Panel | Broke_Removed_Cut Door Panel |
Chopped | Chopped |
Cut | Cut |
Cut_Broke Glass | Cut_Broke Glass |
Cut_Broke Padlock | Cut_Broke Padlock |
Cut Door Panel | Cut Door Panel |
Cut Glass | Cut Glass |
Cut Padlock | Cut Padlock |
Hid in Building | Hid in Building |
Kicked | Kicked |
Knob Twist | Knob Twist |
Lawful | Lawful |
Let In | Let In |
Let In_Ruse | Let In_Ruse |
Lock Box | Lock Box |
Lock Broken | Lock Broken |
Lock Cut | Lock Cut |
Lock Cut_Broken | Lock Cut or Broken |
Lock Key | Lock Key |
Lock Pick | Lock Pick |
Lock Punch | Lock Punch |
Lock Slip | Lock Slip |
Lock Slip_Key_Pick | Lock Slip_Key_Pick |
No Force | No Force |
Open | Open |
Open For Business | Open For Business |
Open_Unlocked | Open_Unlocked |
Phone | Phone |
Picked | Picked |
Picked Lock | Picked Lock |
Picked_Slipped Lock | Picked_Slipped Lock |
Pried | Pried |
Removed | Removed |
Removed Door Panel | Removed Door Panel |
Ruse | Ruse |
Sawed | Sawed |
Slipped Lock | Slipped Lock |
Smashed | Smashed |
Through Unlocked Door | Through Unlocked Door |
Through Unlocked Window | Through Unlocked Window |
Took Apart | Took Apart |
Tunneled | Tunneled |
Twisted Doorknob | Twisted Doorknob |
Unbolted Gate | Unbolted Gate |
Unlocked | Unlocked |
Unsecured | Unsecured |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of musical instrument.
Code | Definition |
ACCORDION | Accordion |
AUTOHARP | Autoharp |
BAGPIPES | Bagpipes |
BANJO | Banjo |
BARITONE | Baritone |
BASS | Bass |
BASSOON | Bassoon |
BELLS | Bells |
BELLS_ MARCHING BAND | Bells_ Marching Band |
BELLS_ORCHESTRA | Bells_Orchestra |
BUGLE | Bugle |
CELLO | Cello |
CLARINET | Clarinet |
CORNET | Cornet |
CYMBAL | Cymbal |
DRUM | Drum |
FIDDLE | Fiddle |
FLUTE | Flute |
GUITAR | Guitar |
HARMONICA | Harmonica |
HARP | Harp |
HORN | Horn |
INSTRUMENT_STAND | Instrument_Stand |
KEYBOARD_MUSICAL | Keyboard_Musical |
MANDOLIN | Mandolin |
MELLOPHONE | Mellophone |
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT CASE | Musical Instrument Case |
MUSIC_STAND | Music_Stand |
OBOE | Oboe |
ORGAN | Organ |
PIANO | Piano |
PICCOLO | Piccolo |
RECORDER | Recorder |
SAXOPHONE | Saxophone |
SOUSAPHONE | Sousaphone |
SYNTHESIZER | Synthesizer |
TROMBONE | Trombone |
TRUMPET | Trumpet |
TUBA | Tuba |
UKULELE | Ukulele |
VIOLA | Viola |
VIOLIN | Violin |
XYLOPHONE | Xylophone |
A data type for a code that identifies the kind of report contained in the NIBRS extracted data item.
Code | Definition |
Group A Incident Report | Group A Incident Report |
Group A Incident Report_LEOKA | Group A Incident Report - LEOKA |
Group A Incident Report_Time Window | Group A Incident Report - Time Window |
Group B Arrest Report | Group B Arrest Report |
Zero Report | Zero Report |
A data type for a code that indicates the category of offense.
Code | Definition |
FELONY | A serious crime usually punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or by death, e.g., arson, rape, murder. Also termed major crime or serious crime. |
MISDEMEANOR | A crime that is less serious than a felony and is usually punishable by fine, penalty, forfeiture, or confinement (usually for a brief term) in a place other than prison, e.g., county jail. Also termed minor crime. |
OTHER | Other |
A data type for a code that identifies probable crime types and/or motives based on investigator experience.
Code | Definition |
Argument_Conflict | Argument_Conflict |
Bias_Hate | Bias_Hate |
Burglary | Burglary |
Carjacking | Carjacking |
Child Abduction | Child Abduction (victim 17 years or younger) |
Contract | Contract |
Crime Concealment | Crime Concealment |
Domestic Violence | Domestic Violence |
Drug Related | Drug Related |
Financial Gain | Financial Gain |
Gang Related | Gang Related |
Home Invasion | Home Invasion |
Identity Theft | Identity Theft |
Kidnapping | Kidnapping (victim 18 years or older) |
Murder_Suicide | Murder_Suicide |
Police Officer Involved | Police Officer Involved |
Revenge | Revenge |
Sexual | Sexual |
Terrorism | Terrorism |
Thrill_Amusement | Thrill_Amusement |
Unknown | Unknown |
Witness Elimination | Witness Elimination |
A data type for a code that identifies the offense.
Code | Definition |
ABDUCTION_NO RANSOM OR ASSAULT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will or of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. |
ABORTIFACIENT | A drug, article, or other thing designed or intended to produce an abortion. |
ABORTION | An artificially induced termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of destroying an embryo or fetus. [Describe Offense] |
ABORTIONAL ACT ON OTHER | An artificially induced termination of a pregnancy, performed or supervised by another with the consent of the mother, for the purpose of destroying an embryo or fetus. |
ABORTIONAL ACT ON SELF | An artificially induced termination of a pregnancy performed by the mother for the purpose of destroying an embryo or fetus. |
ABORTIONAL ACT_SUBMISSION TO | Submission to an artificially induced termination of a pregnancy for the purpose of destroying an embryo or fetus. |
ABSCOND WHILE ON PAROLE | The act of a person on parole who leaves the control of the supervising agency without permission. |
ABSCOND WHILE ON PROBATION | The act of a person on probation who leaves the control of the supervising agency without permission. |
ABUSE_NONVIOLENT | Nonviolent injury to a person caused by an atmosphere of fear, intimidation, or unpredictability. [Describe Offense] |
ACCESSORY_AFTER THE FACT | An accessory who was not at the scene of the crime but knows that a crime has been committed and who helps the offender try to escape arrest or punishment. [Describe Offense] |
ACCESSORY_BEFORE THE FACT | An accessory who assists or encourages another to commit a crime but who is not present when the offense is actually committed. [Describe Offense] |
ACCIDENTAL DEATH | A death that results from an unusual event, one that was not voluntary, intended, expected, or foreseeable. [Describe Offense] |
ACCOSTING | The act of physically confronting a person. [Describe Offense] |
ADULTERATED_FOOD_DRUG_COSMETICS | A food, drug, or cosmetic that does not have the strength, quality, or purity represented or expected. [Describe Offense] |
ADULTERY | Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person other than the offender’s spouse. [Describe Offense] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT | An unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Describe Offense] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_FAMILY_GUN | An unlawful attack by one person upon another in the same family wherein the offender uses a gun or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers apparent gun shot wound(s). |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_FAMILY_STRONGARM | An unlawful attack by one person upon another in the same family wherein the offender uses or threatens physical force not involving a weapon, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by physical force not involving a weapon, including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_FAMILY_WEAPON | An unlawful attack by one person upon another in the same family wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by use of a weapon including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Specify Weapon] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_GUN | An unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a gun or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers apparent gun shot wound(s). |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_NONFAMILY_GUN | An unlawful attack by one person upon another, not within the same family, wherein the offender uses a gun or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers apparent gun shot wound(s). |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_NONFAMILY_STRONGARM | An unlawful attack by one person upon another, not within the same family, wherein the offender uses or threatens physical force not involving a weapon, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by physical force not involving a weapon, including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_NONFAMILY_WEAPON | An unlawful attack by one person upon another not within the same family wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by use of a weapon including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Specify Weapon] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_POLICE OFFICER_GUN | An unlawful attack upon a police officer wherein the offender uses a gun or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers apparent gun shot wound(s). |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_POLICE OFFICER_STRONGARM | An unlawful attack upon a police officer wherein the offender uses or threatens physical force not involving a weapon, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by physical force not involving a weapon, including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_POLICE OFFICER_WEAPON | An unlawful attack upon a police officer wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by use of a weapon involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Specify Weapon] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_PUBLIC OFFICIAL_GUN | An unlawful attack upon a public official wherein the offender uses a gun or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers apparent gun shot wound(s). |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_PUBLIC OFFICIAL_STRONGARM | An unlawful attack upon a public official wherein the offender uses or threatens physical force not involving a weapon, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by physical force not involving a weapon, including apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_PUBLIC OFFICIAL_WEAPON | An unlawful attack upon a public official wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by use of a weapon involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Specify Weapon] |
AGGRAVATED ASSAULT_WEAPON | An unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner, or the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury apparently caused by use of a weapon involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. [Specify Weapon] |
AIDING AND ABETTING | To assist or facilitate the commission of a crime, or to promote its accomplishment. [Describe Offense] |
AIDING PRISONER ESCAPE | The crime of helping a prisoner escape custody. [Identify Type of Institution] |
ANARCHISM | Advocating the overthrow of organized government by force or violence. |
ANTITRUST | The body of law designed to protect trade and commerce from restraints, monopolies, price-fixing, and price discrimination. [Describe Offense] |
ARSON | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device. [ Describe Offense] |
ARSON_BURNING OF | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a particular item of real or personal property by fire or incendiary device. [Identify Object] |
ARSON_BUSINESS | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a business structure by fire or incendiary device. |
ARSON_BUSINESS_DEFRAUD INSURER | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a business structure by fire or incendiary device in order to fraudulently collect insurance. |
ARSON_BUSINESS_ENDANGERED LIFE | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a business structure by fire or incendiary device which results in endangering someone’s life. |
ARSON_PUBLIC_BUILDING | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a public building by fire or incendiary device. |
ARSON_PUBLIC_BUILDING_ENDANGERED LIFE | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a public building by fire or incendiary device which results in endangering someone’s life. |
ARSON_RESIDENTIAL | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a residential structure by fire or incendiary device. |
ARSON_RESIDENTIAL_DEFRAUD INSURER | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a residential structure by fire or incendiary device in order to fraudulently collect insurance. |
ARSON_RESIDENTIAL_ENDANGERED LIFE | To unlawfully and intentionally damage or attempt to damage a residential structure by fire or incendiary device which results in endangering someone’s life. |
ASSAULT | The threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery. [Describe Offense] |
ASSEMBLY_UNLAWFUL | A meeting of three or more persons who intend either to commit a violent crime or to carry out some act, lawful or unlawful, that will constitute a breach of the peace. |
BAD CHECKS | Knowing and intentionally writing and/or negotiating checks drawn against insufficient or nonexistent funds. |
BAIL_PERSONAL RECOGNIZANCE | Jumping bail after being released on personal recognizance (no surety supplied or bond posted). [Describe Original Offense] |
BAIL_SECURED BOND | Jumping bail after supplying a surety or posting bond. [Describe Original Offense] |
BESTIALITY | Sexual activity between a human and an animal. |
BETTING_WAGERING | To unlawfully stake money or something else of value on the happening of an uncertain event or on the ascertainment of a fact in dispute. |
BIGAMY | The act of marrying one person while legally married to another. |
BLUE LAW VIOLATIONS | The statute regulating or prohibiting commercial activity on Sundays. [Describe Offense] |
BOATING LAW VIOLATIONS | Violations of laws regulating the use of boats. [Describe Offense] |
BRIBE | The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value to sway the judgment or action of a person in a position of trust or influence. [Describe Offense] |
BRIBE_GIVING | The giving of anything of value with the expectation of swaying the judgment or action of a person in a position of trust or influence. |
BRIBE_OFFERING | The offering of anything of value with the expectation of swaying the judgment or action of a person in a position of trust or influence. |
BRIBE_RECEIVING | The receiving or soliciting of anything of value by a person in a position of trust or influence to sway their judgment or action. |
BRIBERY | The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting of anything of value (i.e., a bribe, gratuity, or kickback) to sway the judgment or action of a person in a position of trust or influence. [Describe Offense] |
BRIBERY_GRATUITY | The offering, giving, or receiving of anything of value, without preconditions, which sways the judgment or action of a person in a position of trust or influence to benefit the giver. [Describe Offense] |
BRIBERY_GRATUITY_GIVING | The giving of anything of value to a person in a position of trust or influence, without preconditions, which sways their judgment or actions to benefit the giver. |
BRIBERY_GRATUITY_OFFERING | The offering of anything of value to a person in a position of trust or influence, without preconditions, which sways their judgment or actions to benefit the giver. |
BRIBERY_GRATUITY_RECEIVING | Receiving, without precondition, anything of value by a person in a position of trust or influence which sways their judgment or actions to benefit the giver. |
BRIBERY_KICKBACK | Giving back, offering back or receiving back a portion of a payment transaction, usually as a result of coercion or a secret agreement. [Describe Offense] |
BRIBERY_KICKBACK_GIVING | Giving back of a portion of payment received, usually as a result of coercion or a secret agreement. |
BRIBERY_KICKBACK_OFFERING | Offering to give back of a portion of payment received, usually as a result of coercion or a secret agreement. |
BRIBERY_KICKBACK_RECEIVING | Receiving back of a portion of payment provided, usually as a result of a secret agreement. |
BUGGERY | Sodomy (Consensual) or bestiality. [Describe Offense] |
BURGLARY | The unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. [Describe Offense] |
BURGLARY_BANKING TYPE INSTITUTION | The unlawful entry into a banking type institution with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY_FORCED ENTRY_NONRESIDENCE | The unlawful forced entry into a nonresidential building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY_FORCED ENTRY_RESIDENCE | The unlawful forced entry into a residence with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY_NO FORCED ENTRY_NONRESIDENCE | The unlawful entry without force into a nonresidential building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY_NO FORCED ENTRY_RESIDENCE | The unlawful entry without force into a residence with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY_SAFE_VAULT | The unlawful entry including accessing a safe or vault with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
BURGLARY TOOLS POSSESSION | Possession of an implement designed to assist a person in committing a burglary. |
CANVASSING_ILLEGAL | Violation of election laws for canvassing. [Describe Offense] |
CARJACKING_ARMED | The forcible theft of a vehicle from a motorist; the unlawful commandeering of an automobile. |
CIVIL RIGHTS | The body of law designed to protect the individual rights of personal liberty guaranteed by the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th Amendments, as well as by legislation such as the Voting Rights Act. [Describe Offense] |
COMBINATIONS IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE | An express or tacit agreement between two or more persons or entities designed to raise prices, reduce output, or create a monopoly. [Describe Offense] |
COMMERCIALIZED VICE | Includes Prostitution and Pornography-Obscene Material Offenses. [Describe Offense] |
COMMERCIAL SEX | To solicit customers or transport persons for prostitution purposes; to own, manage, or operate a dwelling or other establishment for the purpose of providing a place where prostitution is performed; or to otherwise assist or promote prostitution. [Describe Offense] |
COMMERCIAL SEX_HOMOSEXUAL PROSTITUTION | To unlawfully engage in sexual relations for profit. |
COMPOUNDING CRIME | Unlawful agreement by a person to forebear or cease prosecution, or assistance in prosecution, in return for reparation or any other payment of money or thing of value. |
COMPUTER_INTERFERENCE WITH GOVERNMENT FUNCTION | Unlawful damage to or interference with a computer system used by or for a government entity in furtherance of the administration of justice, national defense, or national security. [Describe Offense] |
COMPUTER_PHYSICAL HARM TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY | Unlawful modification, impairment, potential modification or potential impairment, to a computer system, which causes physical harm or has potential to cause physical harm to persons or property. [Describe Offense] |
CONDITIONAL RELEASE VIOLATION | Violation of a conditional release. |
CONFLICT OF INTEREST | A real or seeming incompatibility between one’s private interests and one’s public or fiduciary duties. |
CONSENSUAL SODOMY | “Consensual” only: having, expressing, or occurring with full consent; also termed consentaneous; consentient. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of natural resources; the rotection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION_ANIMALS | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of animal-related natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION_BIRDS | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of bird-related natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION_ENVIRONMENT | The body of law designed to protect the environment. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION_FISH | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of fish-related natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
CONSERVATION_LICENSE_STAMP | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of natural resources through the use of licenses and stamps; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT | An agreement by two or more persons to commit an unlawful act, coupled with an intent to achieve the agreement’s objective, and action or conduct that furthers that agreement. [Describe Offense] |
CONTEMPT OF CONGRESS | Deliberate interference with the duties and powers of Congress. |
CONTEMPT OF COURT | Deliberate interference with the duties and powers of a court. |
CONTEMPT OF LEGISLATURE | Deliberate interference with the duties and powers of a legislature. |
CONTRIBUTING DELINQUENCY MINOR | The offense of an adult’s engaging in conduct involving a minor - or in the presence of a minor - likely to result in delinquent conduct. |
CORRUPT CONDUCT BY JUROR | A juror’s violation of the court’s charge or the law, committed either during trial or in deliberations after trial, such as (1) communicating with outsiders, witnesses, attorneys, bailiffs, or judges about the case, (2) bringing into the jury room information about the case but not in evidence, and (3) conducting experiments regarding theories of the case outside the court’s presence. [Describe Offense] |
COSMETICS_ADULTERATED | A cosmetic that does not have the strength, quality, or purity represented or expected. |
COSMETICS_HEALTH OR SAFETY | Health or safety violations involving cosmetics. |
COSMETICS MISBRANDED | The act of falsely labeling cosmetics or labeling them in a misleading way. |
COUNTERFEITED_PASS | Use ‘pass’ for ‘utter’ and_or ‘distribute’; Passing the identified object which the holder knows has been counterfeited, without authorization and with the intent to deceive or defraud by presenting the item as genuine. [Identify Object] |
COUNTERFEITED_POSSESSING | Possessing the identified object which the holder knows has been counterfeited, without authorization and with the intent to deceive or defraud by presenting the item as genuine. [Identify Object] |
COUNTERFEITED_TRANSPORTING | Transporting the identified object which the holder knows has been counterfeited, without authorization and with the intent to deceive or defraud by presenting the item as genuine. [Identify Object] |
COUNTERFEITING | The altering, copying, or imitation of something, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy or thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated thing with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Describe Offense] |
COUNTERFEITING_FORGERY | The altering, copying, or imitation of something, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy or thing altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated thing with the intent to deceive or defraud. |
COUNTERFEITING OF | Counterfeiting of the identified object. [Identify Object] |
CRIMES AGAINST PERSON | A category of criminal offenses in which the perpetrator uses or threatens to use force. [Describe Offense] |
CRIMINAL DEFAMATION | The act of harming the reputation of another by making false statement to a third person; a false written or oral statement that damages another’s reputation – libel; slander. [Describe Offense] |
CRIMINAL LIBEL | Any statement written or in print maliciously attacking a living person, thus inflicting damage to his/her reputation, causing him/her humiliation, and exposing him/her to public ridicule. [Describe Offense] |
CRIMINAL SLANDER | Language used to defame a person, leading to his embarrassment, tending to hurt his reputation, or interfering with his business or livelihood. [Describe Offense] |
CROSSING POLICE LINES | Crossing police lines. |
CRUELTY TO ANIMALS | A malicious or criminally negligent act that causes an animal to suffer pain or death. [Describe Offense] |
CRUELTY TOWARD DISABLED | The intentional and malicious infliction of mental or physical suffering on a disabled person. |
CRUELTY TOWARD ELDERLY | The intentional and malicious infliction of mental or physical suffering on an elderly person. |
CURFEW_LOITERING_VAGRANCY VIOLATIONS | The violation of a court order, regulation, ordinance, or law requiring the withdrawal of persons from the streets or other specified areas; prohibiting persons from remaining in an area or place in an idle or aimless manner; or prohibiting persons from going from place to place without visible means of support. [Describe Offense] |
DAMAGE PROPERTY | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. [Describe Offense] |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_BUSINESS | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure business property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_BUSINESS_WITH EXPLOSIVE | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure business property using explosives without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_PRIVATE | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure private property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_PRIVATE_WITH EXPLOSIVE | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure private property using explosives without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_PUBLIC | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure public property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DAMAGE PROPERTY_PUBLIC_WITH EXPLOSIVE | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure public property using explosives without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DESECRATING FLAG | Any behavior that tends to disturb the public peace or decorum, scandalize the community, or shock the public sense of morality. |
DESTRUCTION_DAMAGE_VANDALISM OF PROPERTY | To willfully or maliciously destroy, damage, deface, or otherwise injure real or personal property without the consent of the owner or the person having custody or control of it. |
DISINTERMENT UNLAWFUL | The removal of a body from a grave. [Describe Offense] |
DISORDERLY CONDUCT | Any behavior that tends to disturb the public peace or decorum, scandalize the community, or shock the public sense of morality. [Describe Offense] |
DIVULGE_EAVESDROP INFORMATION | Illegally divulging details about plans or activities to intercept communications. |
DIVULGE EAVESDROP ORDER | Illegally divulging the existence of authorized plans or activities to intercept of communications. |
DIVULGE MESSAGE CONTENTS | Illegally divulging the content of intercepted communications. |
DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE | Driving or operating a motor vehicle or common carrier while mentally or physically impaired as the result of consuming an alcoholic beverage or using a drug or narcotic. |
DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE_DRUGS | Driving or operating a motor vehicle or common carrier while mentally or physically impaired as the result using a drug or narcotic. |
DRIVING UNDER INFLUENCE_LIQUOR | Driving or operating a motor vehicle or common carrier while mentally or physically impaired as the result of consuming an alcoholic beverage. |
DRUG_EQUIPMENT VIOLATIONS | The unlawful manufacture, sale, purchase, possession, or transportation of equipment or devices utilized in preparing and/or using drugs or narcotics. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_AMPHETAMINE | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of an amphetamine substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_AMPHETAMINE MANUFACTURE | The unlawful manufacture of an amphetamine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_AMPHETAMINE POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of an amphetamine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_AMPHETAMINE SELLING | The unlawful sale of an amphetamine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_BARBITURATE | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of a barbiturate substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_BARBITURATE MANUFACTURE | The unlawful manufacture of a barbiturate substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_BARBITURATE POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of a barbiturate substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_BARBITURATE SELLING | The unlawful selling of a barbiturate substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_COCAINE | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of a cocaine substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_COCAINE POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of a cocaine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_COCAINE SELLING | The unlawful sale of a cocaine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_COCAINE SMUGGLE | The unlawful smuggling of a cocaine substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_DANGEROUS DRUGS | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of any controlled drug or narcotic substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC EQUIPMENT_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of equipment or devices utilized in taking and/or using drugs or narcotics. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HALLUCINOGEN | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of any hallucinogenic substance other than marijuana. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HALLUCINOGEN_DISTRIBUTING | The unlawful distribution of any hallucinogenic substance other than marijuana. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HALLUCINOGEN_MANUFACTURING | The unlawful manufacture of any hallucinogenic substance other than marijuana. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HALLUCINOGEN_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of any hallucinogenic substance other than marijuana. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HALLUCINOGEN_SELLING | The unlawful sale of any hallucinogenic substance other than marijuana. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HEROIN | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of a heroin substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HEROIN_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of a heroin substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HEROIN_SELLING | The unlawful sale of a heroin substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_HEROIN_SMUGGLE | The unlawful smuggling of a heroin substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_MARIJUANA | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of a marijuana substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_MARIJUANA_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of a marijuana substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_MARIJUANA_PRODUCING | The unlawful production of a marijuana substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_MARIJUANA_SELLING | The unlawful sale of a marijuana substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_MARIJUANA_SMUGGLE | The unlawful smuggling of a marijuana substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_OPIUM OR DERIVATIVE | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of an opium or opium derivative substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_OPIUM OR DERIVATIVE_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of an opium or opium derivative substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_OPIUM OR DERIVATIVE_SELLING | The unlawful sale of an opium or opium derivative substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_OPIUM OR DERIVATIVE_SMUGGLE | The unlawful smuggling of an opium or opium derivative substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_SYNTHETIC NARCOTIC | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of a synthetic narcotic substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_SYNTHETIC NARCOTIC_POSSESSION | The unlawful possession of a synthetic narcotic substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_SYNTHETIC NARCOTIC_SELLING | The unlawful sale of a synthetic narcotic substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC_SYNTHETIC NARCOTIC_SMUGGLE | The unlawful smuggling of a synthetic narcotic substance. |
DRUG_NARCOTIC VIOLATIONS | The unlawful cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, purchase, use, possession, transportation, or importation of any controlled drug or narcotic substance. [Describe Offense] |
DRUGS ADULTERATED | A drug that does not have the strength, quality, or purity represented or expected. |
DRUGS HEALTH OR SAFETY | Health or safety violations involving drugs. [Describe Offense] |
DRUGS MISBRANDED | The act of falsely labeling drugs or labeling them in a misleading way. |
DRUNKENNESS | To drink alcoholic beverages to the extent that one’s mental faculties and physical coordination are substantially impaired. [Describe Offense] |
EAVESDROP EQUIPMENT | Unauthorized use of eavesdropping equipment. [Describe Offense] |
EAVESDROPPING | The act of secretly listening to the private conversation of others without their consent. Cf. Bugging; Wiretapping. [Describe Offense] |
ECOLOGY LAW VIOLATIONS | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
ELECTION LAWS | Violations of election laws; Also see Canvassing_illegal. [Describe Offense] |
EMBEZZLEMENT | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some ther thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control. [Describe Offense] |
EMBEZZLEMENT_BANKING_TYPE INSTITUTION | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control which involves a banking type institution. |
EMBEZZLEMENT_BUSINESS PROPERTY | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control which involves business property. |
EMBEZZLEMENT_INTERSTATE SHIPMENT | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control which involves interstate shipment. |
EMBEZZLEMENT_POSTAL | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control involving use of postal service. |
EMBEZZLEMENT_PUBLIC PROPERTY | The unlawful misappropriation by an offender to his/her own use or purpose of money, property, or some other thing of value entrusted to his/her care, custody, or control involving public property. |
ENTICEMENT OF MINOR FOR INDECENT PURPOSES | The act or offense of inviting, persuading, or attempting to persuade a child to enter a vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent of committing an unlawful sexual act against the child. |
ENTICEMENT OF MINOR FOR INDECENT PURPOSES_TELECOMMUNICATIONS | The act or offense of inviting, persuading, or attempting to persuade a child via telecommunications to enter a vehicle, building, room, or secluded place with the intent of committing an unlawful sexual act against the child. |
ENTICEMENT OF MINOR FOR PROSTITUTION | The act or offense of inviting, persuading, or attempting to persuade a child to engage in prostitution. |
ENVIRONMENT LAW VIOLATIONS | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
ESCAPE | Enter Date of Escape in the Warrant Date Field; The act or an instance of breaking free from confinement, restraint, or an obligation. [Identify Type of Institution] |
ESCAPE FROM CUSTODY | An unlawful departure from legal custody without the use of force. [Describe Offense] |
ESPIONAGE | The practice of using spies to collect information about what another government or company is doing or plans to do. |
EVIDENCE DESTROYING | The unlawful destruction of evidence. |
EXPLOITATION_ENTICEMENT | The act or offense of inviting, persuading, or attempting to pursuade for the purpose of taking unjust advantage of another for one’s own benefit. [Describe Offense] |
EXPLOSIVES POSSESSING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the possession of explosives. [Identify Type of Explosive] |
EXPLOSIVES TEACHING USE | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting teaching the use of explosives. [Identify Type of Explosive] |
EXPLOSIVES TRANSPORTING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the transportation of explosives. [Identify Type of Explosive] |
EXPLOSIVES USING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the use of explosives. [Identify Type of Explosive] |
EXTORTION BLACKMAIL | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, through the use or threat of force, misuse of authority, threat of criminal prosecution, treat of destruction of reputation or social standing, or through other coercive means. [Describe Offense] |
EXTORTION THREAT_ACCUSE PERSON OF CRIME | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threatening to accuse a person of a crime. |
EXTORTION THREAT_DAMAGE PROPERTY | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threatening to damage property. |
EXTORTION THREAT_INJURE PERSON | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threatening to injure a person. |
EXTORTION THREAT_INJURE REPUTATION | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threatening to injure a person’s reputation. |
EXTORTION THREAT_OF INFORMING OF VIOLATION | To unlawfully obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threatening to inform authorities of a violation. |
FACILITATION OF | The act or instance of aiding or helping to make it easier for another person to commit a crime. [Identify Act] |
FAILING TO MOVE ON | Obstructing the police by failing to move on. |
FAILURE REPORT CRIME | Obstructing the police by failing to report a crime. [Identify Act] |
FAILURE TO APPEAR | Obstructing judiciary, congress, legislature or a commission by failure to appear. [Identify Institution] |
FAILURE TO REGISTER AS A SEX OFFENDER | Failure to register as a sex offender. |
FALSE ARREST | An arrest made without proper legal authority. |
FALSE CITIZENSHIP | Falsely claiming citizenship. |
FALSE FIRE ALARM | Falsely reporting / announcing a fire. [Describe Offense] |
FALSE IMPRISONMENT_MINOR_NONPARENT | Restraint of a minor by a nonparent in a bounded area without justification or consent. |
FALSE IMPRISONMENT_MINOR_PARENT | Restraint of a minor by a parent in a bounded area without justification or consent. |
FALSE REPORT | The criminal offense of informing law enforcement about a crime that did not occur. |
FALSE STATEMENT | An untrue statement knowingly made with the intent to mislead. |
FAMILY OFFENSE | Unlawful, nonviolent acts by a family member (or legal guardian) that threaten the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member and that are not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, Incest, Statutory Rape, etc. [Describe Offense] |
FAMILY OFFENSES_CRUELTY TOWARD CHILD | Unlawful, nonviolent cruelty toward a child by a legal guardian that threatens physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals and is not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, Incest, Statutory Rape, etc. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_CRUELTY TOWARD WIFE | Unlawful, nonviolent cruelty by a man toward his wife that threatens physical, mental, or economic well-being and is not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, etc. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_NEGLECT CHILD | Unlawful, neglect of a child by a legal guardian, such as refusal to provide the necessary care and medical services, that threatens the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of the child and is not classifiable as another offense, such as Assault, Incest, Statutory Rape, etc. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_NEGLECT FAMILY | Unlawful, neglect by a family member (or legal guardian) that threatens the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member and that are not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, Incest, Statutory Rape, etc. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_NONPAYMENT OF ALIMONY | NONPAYMENT Failure to pay a debt, according to an agreement. Nonpayment may serve as the basis for a suit to recover. ALIMONY - A court-ordered allowance that one spouse pays to the other spouse for maintenance and support while they are separated, while they are involved in a matrimonial lawsuit, or after they are divorced. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_NONSUPPORT OF PARENT | Unlawful, nonsupport of a parent which threatens the physical, mental, or economic well-being of the parent and is not classifiable as another offense. |
FAMILY OFFENSES_NONVIOLENT | Unlawful, nonviolent acts by a family member (or legal guardian) that threaten the physical, mental, or economic well-being or morals of another family member and that are not classifiable as other offenses, such as Assault, Incest, Statutory Rape, etc. |
FEDERAL_MATERIAL WITNESS | Justification to issue a federal material witness warrant. |
FISH AND GAME LAW VIOLATIONS | The body of law designed to protect the supervision, management, and maintenance of natural resources; the protection, improvement, and use of natural resources in a way that ensures the highest social as well as economic benefits. [Describe Offense] |
FLIGHT_ESCAPE | The act or an instance of breaking free from confinement, restraint, or an obligation. [Describe Offense] |
FLIGHT TO AVOID | The act or an instance of fleeing, esp. to evade arrest or prosecution. |
FOOD ADULTERATED | A food that does not have the strength, quality, or purity represented or expected. |
FOOD HEALTH OR SAFETY | Health or safety violations involving food. |
FOOD MISBRANDED | The act of falsely labeling food or labeling it in a misleading way. |
FORCIBLE FONDLING | The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. [Describe Offense] |
FORCIBLE PURSE SNATCHING | The taking of attempting to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm. |
FORCIBLE RAPE | The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. [Describe Offense] |
FORCIBLE SODOMY | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. [Describe Offense] |
FORGED_PASS | Use ‘pass’ for ‘utter’ and_or ‘distribute’; Passing a forged document as that which is original or genuine with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Identify Object] |
FORGED_POSSESSING | Possession of an altered, copied, or imitated document with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Identify Object] |
FORGED_TRANSPORTING | Transporting an altered, copied, or imitated document with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Identify Object] |
FORGERY | The altering, copying, or imitation of a document, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated document with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Describe Offense] |
FORGERY OF | The altering, copying, or imitation of the identified object, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated document with the intent to deceive or defraud. [Identify Object] |
FORGERY OF CHECKS | The altering, copying, or imitation of a check(s), without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing it as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated check with the intent to deceive or defraud. |
FORNICATION_CONSENSUAL | Voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons. [Describe Offense] |
FRAUD | The intentional perversion of the truth for the purpose of inducing another person or other entity in reliance upon it to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right. [Describe Offense] |
FRAUD AND ABUSE_COMPUTER | Use of a computer to intentionally misrepresent existing fact or conditions or otherwise facilitate a deceptive scheme or device to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. |
FRAUD_BY WIRE | The use of an electric or electronic communications facility to intentionally transmit a false and/or deceptive message in furtherance of a fraudulent activity. |
FRAUD_CONFIDENCE GAME | The intentional misrepresentation of existing fact or condition or the use of some other deceptive scheme or device to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. |
FRAUD_CREDIT CARD_AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINE | The unlawful use of a credit (or debit) card or automatic teller machine for fraudulent purposes. |
FRAUD_FALSE PRETENSES_SWINDLE_CONFIDENCE GAME | The intentional misrepresentation of existing fact or condition or the use of some other deceptive scheme or device to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. |
FRAUD_FALSE STATEMENT | Knowingly making an untrue statement in order to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. |
FRAUD_IMPERSONATION | Falsely representing one’s identity of position and acting in the character or position thus unlawfully assumed to deceive others and thereby gain a profit or advantage, enjoy some right or privilege or subject another person or entity to an expense, charge, or liability that would not have otherwise been incurred. |
FRAUD_INSUFFICIENT FUNDS CHECK | Knowing and intentionally writing and/or negotiating checks drawn against insufficient or nonexistent funds. |
FRAUD_MAIL FRAUD | Use of mail to intentionally misrepresent existing fact or condition or present some other deceptive scheme or device to obtain money, goods, or other things of value. |
FRAUD_SWINDLE | To cheat (a person) out of property by use of some deceptive scheme or device. |
FRAUD_WELFARE FRAUD | The use of deceitful statements, practices, or devices to unlawfully obtain welfare benefits. |
FREQUENT HOUSE ILL FAME | Frequenting a brothel. |
GAMBLING | To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a game of chance, lottery, or other gambling activity. [Describe Offense] |
GAMBLING_BOOKMAKING | To unlawfully take and record bets on an event, such as a horse race. |
GAMBLING_CARD GAME | To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a card game. |
GAMBLING_CARD GAME_OPERATING | To unlawfully operate a card game. |
GAMBLING DEVICE | To unlawfully manufacture, sell, buy, possess, or transport a gambling device. |
GAMBLING DEVICE_NOT REGISTERED | To unlawfully operate a gambling device which is not registered. |
GAMBLING DEVICE_POSSESSION | To unlawfully possess a gambling device. |
GAMBLING DEVICE_TRANSPORT | To unlawfully transport a gambling device. |
GAMBLING_DICE GAME | To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a dice game. |
GAMBLING_DICE GAME OPERATING | To unlawfully operate a dice game. |
GAMBLING EQUIPMENT VIOLATION | To unlawfully manufacture, sell, buy, possess, or transport equipment, devices, and/or goods used for gambling purposes. |
GAMBLING_ESTABLISH GAMBLING PLACE | To unlawfully establish a gambling place. |
GAMBLING GOODS | To unlawfully manufacture, sell, buy, possess, or transport goods used for gambling purposes. |
GAMBLING GOODS_POSSESSION | To unlawfully possess goods used for gambling purposes. |
GAMBLING GOODS_TRANSPORT | To unlawfully transport goods used for gambling purposes. |
GAMBLING_LOTTERY | To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a lottery. [Describe Offense] |
GAMBLING_LOTTERY_OPERATING | To unlawfully operate a lottery. |
GAMBLING_LOTTERY_RUNNER | To unlawfully run a lottery. |
GAMBLING_OPERATING_PROMOTING_ASSISTING | To unlawfully operate, promote, or assist in the operation of a game of chance, lottery, or other gambling activity. |
GAMBLING_TRANSMIT WAGER INFORMATION | To unlawfully transmit wager information. |
HARASSING COMMUNICATION | Communicating anonymously or otherwise by telephone, mail or any other form of written or electronic communication, in a manner likely to harass or cause alarm. May include making telephone calls and hanging up or use of lewd or obscene language. |
HARASSMENT | Words, conduct, or action (usu. Repeated or persistent) that, being directed at a specific person, annoys, alarms, or causes substantial emotional distress in that person and serves no legitimate purpose; harassment is actionable in some circumstances, as when a creditor uses threatening or abusive tactics to collect a debt. [Describe Offense] |
HARBORING ESCAPEE_FUGITIVE | The act of affording lodging, shelter, or refuge to a person, esp. a criminal or illegal alien. |
HEALTH_SAFETY | Health or safety violations involving drugs, food or cosmetics. [Describe Offense] |
HIT AND RUN | A law requiring a motorist involved in an accident to remain at the scene and to give certain information to the police and others involved. |
HOMICIDE | The killing of one person by another. [Describe Offense] |
HOMICIDE_JOHN OR JANE DOE_NO WARRANT | Homicide where the investigation is open with the victim’s identification missing at the time the body was located and agencies are unable to obtain a “John or Jane Doe” warrant. |
HOMICIDE_NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER_VEHICLE | Negligent manslaughter with a vehicle. |
HOMICIDE_NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER_WEAPON | Negligent manslaughter with a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_FAMILY_GUN | Willful killing of a family member with a gun. |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_FAMILY_WEAPON | Willful killing of a family member with a specified weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_GUN | Willful killing with a gun. |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_NONFAMILY_GUN | Willful killing of a nonfamily member with a gun. |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_NONFAMILY_WEAPON | Willful killing of a nonfamily member with a specified weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_POLICE OFFICER_GUN | Willful killing of a police officer with a gun. |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_POLICE OFFICER-WEAPON | Willful killing of a police officer with a specified weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_PUBLIC OFFICIAL_GUN | Willful killing of a public official with a gun. |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_PUBLIC OFFICIAL_WEAPON | Willful killing of a public official with a specified weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMICIDE_WILLFUL KILLING_WEAPON | Willful killing with a specified weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
HOMOSEXUAL ACT | Performance of a homosexual act. [Describe Offense] |
HOMOSEXUAL ACT_WITH BOY | Performance of a homosexual act with a boy. |
HOMOSEXUAL ACT_WITH GIRL | Performance of a homosexual act with a girl. |
HOMOSEXUAL ACT_WITH MAN | Performance of a homosexual act with a man. |
HOMOSEXUAL ACT_WITH WOMAN | Performance of a homosexual act with a woman. |
HUMAN TRAFFICKING_COMMERCIAL SEX ACTS | Inducing a person by force, fraud or coercion to participate in commercial sex acts, or in which ther pseron induced to perform such act(s) has not attained 18 years of age. [Describe Offense] |
HUMAN TRAFFICKING_INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE | The obtaining of a person(s) through recruitment, harboring, transportation, or provision, and subjecting such persons by force, fraud, or coercion into involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery (not to include commercial sex acts). [Describe Offense] |
ILLEGAL ARREST | Making an arrest without proper legal authority. |
ILLEGAL ENTRY | The unlawful act of going into a building with the intent to commit a crime. |
IMMIGRATION | The unauthorized entrance of an alien into the United States by arriving at the wrong time or place, by evading inspection, or by fraud. [Describe Offense] |
INCENDIARY DEVICE_POSSESSION | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the possession of incendiary devices. [Identify Type of Device] |
INCENDIARY DEVICE_TEACHING USE | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting teaching the use of incendiary devices, do not use if ARSON. [Identify Type of Device] |
INCENDIARY DEVICE_USING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting use of incendiary devices. [Identify Type of Device] |
INCEST | Nonforcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law. [Describe Offense] |
INCEST WITH ADULT | Nonforcible sexual intercourse between adults who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law. |
INCEST WITH MINOR | Nonforcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other, one of which is a minor, within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law. |
INCOME TAX | Offenses involving income taxes. [Describe Offense] |
INDECENT EXPOSURE | A offensive display of one’s body to minors and adults in public, esp. of the genitals. |
INDECENT EXPOSURE TO ADULT | A offensive display of one’s body to adult(s) in public, esp. of the genitals. |
INDECENT EXPOSURE TO MINOR | A offensive display of one’s body to minor(s) in public, esp. of the genitals. |
INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION STOLEN VEHICLE | Transportation of stolen vehicle(s) across state line(s). |
INTIMIDATION | To unlawfully place another person in reasonable fear of bodily harm through the use of threatening words and/or other conduct but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack. |
INVADE PRIVACY | An unjustified exploitation of one’s personality or intrusion into one’s personal activity, [Describe Offense] |
JURY TAMPERING | The attempt to corrupt or instruct a jury to reach a particular conclusion by means other than presenting evidence or argument in court, as by bribing or threatening jurors; a corrupt or wrongful attempt to influence a juror’s vote on a verdict. [Describe Offense] |
JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE | The killing of a perpetrator of a serious criminal offense by a peace officer in the line of duty, or the killing, during the commission of a serious criminal offense, of the perpetrator by a private individual. [Describe Offense] |
KEEPING HOUSE ILL FAME | To operate a dwelling or other establishment for the purpose of providing a place where prostitution is performed. |
KIDNAPPING | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will or of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. [Describe Offense] |
KIDNAPPING ADULT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of an adult person against his/her will. |
KIDNAPPING ADULT FOR RANSOM | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of an adult person against his/her will for the purpose of obtaining ransom. |
KIDNAPPING ADULT TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of an adult person against his/her will for the purpose of sexually assaulting them. |
KIDNAPPING_HIJACK AIRCRAFT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of person(s) on a hijacked aircraft against their will. |
KIDNAPPING HOSTAGE FOR ESCAPE | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will for the purpose of facilitating an escape. |
KIDNAPPING MINOR | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. |
KIDNAPPING MINOR FOR RANSOM | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian for the purpose of obtaining ransom. |
KIDNAPPING MINOR_NONPARENT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a minor by a nonparent without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. |
KIDNAPPING MINOR_PARENT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a minor by a parent without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. |
KIDNAPPING MINOR TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT | The unlawful seizure, transportation, and/or detention of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian for the purpose of sexually assaulting them. |
LARCENY | The unlawful taking and carrying away of someone else’s personal property with the intent to deprive the possessor of it permanently. [Describe Offense] |
LARCENY_AIRCRAFT THEFT | The theft of an aircraft. |
LARCENY_ALL OTHER | All thefts that do not fit any of the definitions of the specific NIBRS subcategories of Larceny/Theft. [Describe Offense] |
LARCENY_FROM AUTO | The theft of articles from a motor vehicle, locked or unlocked. |
LARCENY_FROM BANKING TYPE INSTITUTION | A theft from a banking-type institution. |
LARCENY_FROM BUILDING | A theft from within a building which is either open to the general public or to which the offender has legal access. |
LARCENY_FROM COIN OPERATED MACHINE | A theft from a machine or device that is operated or activated by the use of coins. |
LARCENY_FROM INTERSTATE SHIPMENT | A theft from an interstate shipment. |
LARCENY_FROM MAILS | A theft from mails. |
LARCENY_FROM SHIPMENT | A theft from a shipment. |
LARCENY_FROM YARDS | A theft from yards. |
LARCENY_ON US GOVERNMENT RESERVATION | A theft which takes place on a US Government Reservation. |
LARCENY_PARTS FROM VEHICLE | A theft of parts from a vehicle. |
LARCENY_POSTAL | A theft of postal property. |
LEWD OR LASCIVIOUS ACTS WITH MINOR | Performing acts with a minor which are lewd or lascivious. |
LIQUOR LAW VIOLATIONS | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession or use of alcoholic beverages. [Describe Offense] |
LIQUOR_MANUFACTURING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. |
LIQUOR_POSSESSION | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the possession of alcoholic beverages. |
LIQUOR_SELLING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages. |
LIQUOR TAX | Violation of laws involving taxes on alcoholic beverages. [Describe Offense] |
LIQUOR_TRANSPORTING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the transportation of alcoholic beverages. |
LITTERING | Violation of laws prohibiting the throwing, discarding or dropping of trash onto public property, private property not owned by the violator, or into waterways. [Describe Offense] |
MAKING FALSE REPORT | The criminal offense of informing law enforcement about a crime that did not occur. |
MANDATORY RELEASE VIOLATION | Violation by a released prisoner of a condition of their mandatory release. |
MILITARY DESERTION | The willful and unjustified abandonment of a person’s duties or obligations to military service. |
MILITARY LAW VIOLATION | The branch of public law governing military discipline and other rules regarding service in the armed forces. It is exercised both in peacetime and in war, is recognized by civil courts, and includes rules far broader than for the punishment of offenders. [Describe Offense] |
MISAPPROPRIATION OF GOVERNMENT FUNDS | Offenses involving misappropriation of government funds. |
MISCONDUCT_JUDICIAL OFFICER | Misconduct of a judicial officer involving corrupt violation of assigned duties by malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance. |
MOLESTATION OF MINOR | Any indecent or sexual activity on, involving, or surrounding a minor. |
MONEY LAUNDERING | The act of transferring illegally obtained money through legitimate people or accounts so that its original source cannot be traced. [Describe Offense] |
MONOPOLY IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE | An agreement between or combination of businesses intended to eliminate competition, create a monopoly, artificially raise prices, or otherwise adversely affect the free market. [Describe Offense] |
MORALS_DECENCY CRIMES | Violations involving morals and decency. [Describe Offense] |
MOTOR VEHICLE THEFT | The theft of a motor vehicle. |
MURDER AND NONNEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER | The willful (nonnegligent) killing of one human being by another. [Describe Offense] |
NEGLECT DISABLED | The omission of proper attention to a disabled person, whether inadvertent, negligent, or willful. |
NEGLECT ELDERLY | The omission of proper attention to an elderly person, whether inadvertent, negligent, or willful. |
NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER | The killing of another person through negligence. [Describe Offense] |
OBSCENE COMMUNICATION | OBSCENE ONLY Extremely offensive under contemporary community standards of morality and decency; grossly repugnant to the generally accepted notions of what is appropriate. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_DISTRIBUTING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the distribution of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_MAILING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the mailing of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_MANUFACTURING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_PORNOGRAPHY | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, publishing, sale, purchase, or possession of pornography. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_POSSESSION | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the possession of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_SELLING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the sale of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENE MATERIAL_TRANSPORTING | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the transporting of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. |
OBSCENITY | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, publishing, sale, purchase, or possession of sexually explicit material, e.g., literature or photographs. [Describe Offense[ |
OBSTRUCT | Interference with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. [Specify Judiciary] |
OBSTRUCT CORRESPONDENCE | Thefts that have the effect of obstructing correspondence through the postal system. |
OBSTRUCT COURT ORDER | Interference of any kind with the lawful service or execution or a court order. |
OBSTRUCT CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION | Interference of any kind with a criminal investigation. |
OBSTRUCT JUSTICE | Interference with the orderly administration of law and justice, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer or prosecutor, or by harming or intimidating a witness or juror. |
OBSTRUCT POLICE | Interference with functions or tasks of the police, as by giving false information to or withholding evidence from a police officer. [Describe Offense] |
OPENING SEALED COMMUNICATION | Invasion of privacy by unlawfully opening sealed communications. |
PAROLE VIOLATION | Violation of the conditions of parole. [Describe Offense] |
PEEPING TOM | To secretly look through a window, doorway, keyhole, or other aperture for the purpose of voyeurism. |
PERJURY | The act or an instance of a person’s deliberately making material false or misleading statements while under oath. |
PERJURY_SUBORNATION OF | The crime of persuading another to commit perjury. Sometimes shortened to subornation. To convince someone to take a false oath and to give false testimony. [Identify Entity] |
POCKET PICKING | The theft of articles from another person’s physical possession by stealth where the victim usually does not become immediately aware of the theft. |
POLYGAMY | The state of being simultaneously married to more than one spouse; multiple marriages. |
POSSESSING TOOLS FOR FORGERY_COUNTERFEITING | Unlawful possession of tools used for forgery or counterfeiting. |
PRIVACY_INVASION OF | An unjustified exploitation of one’s personality or intrusion into one’s personal activity, actionable under tort law and sometimes under constitutional law. [Describe Offense] |
PROBATION VIOLATION | Violation of the conditions of probation. [Describe Offense] |
PROCURE FOR PROSTITUTE | To solicit customers for a prostitute, usually in return for a share of the prostitute’s earnings. |
PROCURE FOR PROSTITUTE WHO IS A MINOR | To solicit customers for a prostitute who is a minor, usually in return for a share of the prostitute’s earnings. |
PROCURE FOR PROSTITUTE WHO IS AN ADULT | To solicit customers for a prostitute who is an adult, usually in return for a share of the prostitute’s earnings. |
PROPERTY CRIMES | A category of criminal offenses in which the perpetrator seeks to derive an unlawful benefit from - or do damage to - another’s property without the use of threat or force. [Describe Offense] |
PROSTITUTION | To unlawfully engage in sexual relations for profit. |
PROSTITUTION_ASSISTING OR PROMOTING | To solicit customers or transport persons for prostitution purposes; to own, manage, or operate a dwelling or other establishment for the purpose of providing a place where prostitution is performed; or to otherwise assist or promote prostitution. |
PUBLIC ORDER CRIMES | Behavior that tends to disturb the public order. [Describe Offense] |
PUBLIC PEACE | Any behavior that tends to disturb the public peace or decorum, scandalize the community, or shock the public sense of morality. [Describe Offense] |
PURSE SNATCHING_NO FORCE | The grabbing or snatching of a purse, handbag, etc., from the physical possession of another person. |
QUARANTINE VIOLATION | Unlawful violation of a quarantine. [Describe Offense] |
RACKETEERING | 1. A system of organized crime traditionally involving the extortion of money from businesses by intimidation, violence, or other illegal methods. 2. A pattern of illegal activity (such as bribery, extortion, fraud, and murder) carried out as part of an enterprise (such as a crime syndicate) that is owned or controlled by those engaged in the illegal activity. [Describe Offense] |
RAPE | The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. [Describe Offense] |
RAPE_DISABLED | Rape of a disabled person. |
RAPE_DRUG INDUCED | Use of a drug on a victim to perpetrate forcible rape. |
RAPE_ELDERLY | Rape of an elderly person. |
RAPE_GUN | Use of a gun or threat of a gun to perpetrate forcible rape. |
RAPE_STATUTORY | Nonforcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent. |
RAPE_STRONGARM | Rape wherein the offender uses or threatens physical force not involving a weapon. |
RAPE WITH WEAPON | Use of a weapon or threat of a weapon to perpetrate forcible rape. [Specify Weapon] |
RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT | The criminal offense of putting another person at substantial risk of death or serious injury. [Describe Offense] |
RECKLESS OPERATION OF AIRCRAFT | Reckless Operation of an Aircraft, Characterized by the creation of a substantial and unjustifiable risk of harm to others and by a conscious (and sometimes deliberate) disregard for or indifference to that risk; heedless; rash. [Describe Offense] |
REFUSING TO AID OFFICER | Refusing to aid a police officer. |
RELEASE VIOLATION_CONDITIONAL | Violation by a released prisoner of a condition of their conditional release. |
RELEASE VIOLATION_MANDATORY | Violation by a released prisoner of a condition of their mandatory release. |
RESISTING OFFICER | Obstructing the police by resisting an officer. |
REVENUE LAW VIOLATIONS | Violations of tax revenue laws. [Describe Offense] |
RIOT | An assemblage of three or more persons in a public place for the purpose of accomplishing by concerted action - and in a turbulent and disorderly manner - a common purpose. [Describe Offense] |
RIOT_ENGAGING IN | Participating in a riot. |
RIOT_INCITING | To provoke or stir up persons to engage in a riot. |
RIOT_INTERFERE FIREARM | Interference involving a firearm during a riot. |
RIOT_INTERFERE OFFICER | Interference with a police officer during a riot. |
ROBBERY | The taking or attempting to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm. [Describe Offense] |
ROBBERY_BANKING TYPE INSTITUTION | Robbery of a banking type institution. |
ROBBERY_BUSINESS_GUN | Robbery of a business using a gun. |
ROBBERY_BUSINESS_STRONGARM | Robbery of a business involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
ROBBERY_BUSINESS_WEAPON | Robbery of a business involving use of or threat a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
ROBBERY_RESIDENCE_GUN | Robbery at a residence involving use of or threat of a gun. |
ROBBERY_RESIDENCE_STRONGARM | Robbery at a residence involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
ROBBERY_RESIDENCE_WEAPON | Robbery at a residence involving use of or threat of a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
ROBBERY_STREET_GUN | Robbery along a street involving use of or threat of a gun. |
ROBBERY_STREET_STRONGARM | Robbery along a street involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
ROBBERY_STREET_WEAPON | Robbery along a street involving use of or threat of a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
ROUT | The offense that occurs when an unlawful assembly makes some move toward the accomplishment of its participants’ common purpose. |
RUNAWAY | A person under 18 years of age who has left home without the permission of his/her parent(s) or legal guardian. [Describe Offense] |
SABOTAGE | 1. The destruction, damage, or knowingly defective production of materials, premises, or utilities used for national defense or for war. 2. The willful and malicious destruction of an employer’s property or interference with an employer’s normal operation, especially during a labor dispute. [Describe Offense] |
SALES TAX | Violations involving sales tax. [Describe Offense] |
SANITATION LAW VIOLATIONS | Violations involving sanitation laws. [Describe Offense] |
SCALPING_TICKETS | The practice of selling something (esp. a ticket) at a price above face value once it becomes scarce (usu. just before a high-demand event begins). [Describe Offense] |
SEDITION | An agreement, communication, or other preliminary activity aimed at inciting treason or some lesser commotion against public authority; advocacy aimed at inciting or producing— and like to incite or produce— imminent lawless action. [Describe Offense] |
SEDUCTION | The offense that occurs when a man entices a woman of previously chaste character to have unlawful intercourse with him by means of persuasion, solicitation, promises, or bribes, or other means not involving force. [Describe Offense] |
SEDUCTION OF ADULT | The offense that occurs when a man entices an adult woman of previously chaste character to have unlawful intercourse with him by means of persuasion, solicitation, promises, or bribes, or other means not involving force. [Describe Offense] |
SELECTIVE SERVICE | Violations of selective service laws. |
SEX ASSAULT | Any sexual act directed against another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent. [Describe Offense] |
SEX ASSAULT_CARNAL ABUSE | An illegal sex act, esp. one performed against a minor by an adult. |
SEX ASSAULT_DISABLED | Sexual assault against a disabled person. |
SEX ASSAULT_ELDERLY | Sexual assault against an elderly person. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_BOY_GUN | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a boy, by force of a gun. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_BOY_STRONGARM | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a boy involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_BOY_WEAPON | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a boy involving use of or threat of force involving a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_GIRL_GUN | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a girl, by force of a gun. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_GIRL_STRONGARM | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a girl involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_GIRL_WEAPON | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a girl involving use of or threat of force involving a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_MAN_GUN | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a man, by force of a gun. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_MAN_STRONGARM | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a man involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_MAN_WEAPON | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a man involving use of or threat of force involving a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_WOMAN_GUN | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a woman, by force of a gun. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_WOMAN_STRONGARM | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a woman involving use of or threat of physical force not involving a weapon. |
SEX ASSAULT_SODOMY_WOMAN_WEAPON | Oral or anal sexual intercourse with a woman involving use of or threat of force involving a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
SEX OFFENDER REGISTRATION VIOLATION | Violations involving sex offender registration. |
SEX OFFENSE | Sex offense violations not involving sexual assault or commercialized sex. [Describe Offense] |
SEX OFFENSE_AGAINST CHILD_FONDLING | The touching of the private body parts of a child for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. |
SEX OFFENSE_DISABLED | Sex offense violations against the disabled. |
SEX OFFENSE_ELDERLY | Sex offense violations against the elderly. |
SEXUAL ASSAULT_DRUG_INDUCED | Sexual assault which involves drugging the victim. |
SEXUAL ASSAULT WITH AN OBJECT | To use an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will or not forcibly or against the person’s will in instances where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_EXHIBITION OF MINOR | Exhibiting a child (minor) for sexual gratification of the viewers, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_MATERIAL_FILM | Filming/video a child (minor) for the purpose of creating pornographic material, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child.) |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_MATERIAL_PHOTOGRAPH | Photographing a child (minor) for the purpose of producing pornographic material, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_MATERIAL_TRANSPORTING | Transporting a child (minor) for the purpose of creating pornographic material, the creation of which has caused or could cause serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_PROSTITUTION | Use of a child (minor) in prostitution, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_SEX PERFORMANCE | Use of a child (minor) to perform sex, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF MINOR_VIA TELECOMMUNICATIONS | Use of a child (minor) for pornography via telecommunications, causing or potentially causing serious emotional injury to the child. |
SEXUALLY VIOLATE HUMAN REMAINS_NECROPHILIA | Sexual violation of human remains (necrophilia). |
SHOPLIFTING | The theft by someone other than an employee of the victim of goods or merchandise exposed for sale. |
SIMPLE ASSAULT | An unlawful physical attack by one person upon another where neither the offender displays a weapon, nor the victim suffers obvious severe or aggravated bodily injury involving apparent broken bones, loss of teeth, possible internal injury, severe laceration, or loss of consciousness. |
SMUGGLE CONTRABAND | The crime of importing or exporting illegal articles. |
SMUGGLE CONTRABAND INTO PRISON | The crime of importing illegal articles into prison. [Identify Type] |
SMUGGLE TO AVOID PAYING DUTY | The crime of importing articles without paying duties. [Identify Type of Property] |
SMUGGLING | The crime of importing or exporting illegal articles or articles on which duties have not been paid. [Describe Offense] |
SMUGGLING ALIENS | The crime of transporting aliens across enforced boundaries. |
SOLICITATION TO COMMIT FELONY | To command, encourage or request another person to engage in specific conduct which would constitute a felony or to attempt to commit such crime or which would establish his complicity in its commission or attempted commission. [Describe Offense] |
SOVEREIGNTY | Offenses involving sovereignty. [Describe Offense] |
SPORTS TAMPERING | To unlawfully alter, meddle in, or otherwise interfere with a sporting contest or event for the purpose of gaining a gambling advantage. [Describe Offense] |
STATE_LOCAL_MATERIAL WITNESS | Justification to issue a state or local material witness warrant. |
STOLEN PROPERTY_CONCEAL | Concealing property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken. |
STOLEN PROPERTY OFFENSES | Receiving, buying, selling, possessing, concealing, or transporting any property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken, as by Burglary, Embezzlement, Fraud, Larceny, Robbery, etc. [Describe Offense] |
STOLEN PROPERTY_POSSESSING | Possessing property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken. |
STOLEN PROPERTY_RECEIVE | Receiving property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken. |
STOLEN PROPERTY_SALE | Selling property with the knowledge that it has been unlawfully taken. |
STOLEN PROPERTY_TRANSPORTING INTERSTATE | Interstate transportation of stolen property. |
STOLEN VEHICLE | Theft of a motor vehicle. [Describe Offense] |
STOLEN VEHICLE_POSSESSING | Possession of a stolen vehicle. |
STOLEN VEHICLE_RECEIVE | Acquiring or controlling a vehicle known to have been stolen by another person. |
STRIP STOLEN VEHICLE | The theft of any part or accessory affixed to the interior or exterior of a motor vehicle in a manner which would make the item an attachment of the vehicle or necessary for its operation. |
SUICIDE | The act of taking one’s own life. Also termed self-killing; self-destruction; self-slaughter; self-murder; felony-de-se; death by one’s own hand. [Describe Offense] |
TAX REVENUE | Offenses involving payment of taxes. [Describe Offense] |
THEFT AND SALE VEHICLE | Theft and sale of a motor vehicle. |
THEFT AND STRIP VEHICLE | Theft of a motor vehicle and removal of parts. |
THEFT AND USE VEHICLE OTHER CRIME | Theft of a motor vehicle and use of it in another crime. |
THEFT FROM BUILDING | A theft from within a building which is either open to the general public which the offender has legal access. |
THEFT OF MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS OR ACCESSORIES | The theft of any part or accessory affixed to the interior or exterior of a motor vehicle in a manner which would make the item an attachment of the vehicle or necessary for its operation. |
THEFT OF US GOVERNMENT PROPERTY | All thefts that do not fit any of the definitions of the specific subcategories of Larceny/Theft. |
THEFT VEHICLE BY BAILEE | Theft of a motor vehicle by a bailee. |
THREAT_FEDERAL PROTECTEES | A communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on federal protectees (President, Vice President, etc.). |
THREAT_TERRORISTIC_STATE OFFENSES | Offenses involving threats of violence with the purpose of (1) terrorizing another, (2) causing the evacuation of a building, place of assembly, or facility of public transportation, (3) causing serious public inconvenience, or (4) recklessly disregarding the risk of causing such terror or inconvenience. |
THREAT TO BOMB | A communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another or on another’s property through the use of a bomb. [Describe Offense] |
THREAT TO BURN | A communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another or on another’s property through the use of fire. [Describe Offense] |
TRAFFIC OFFENSE | Traffic law violations. [Describe Offense] |
TRANSPORTING DANGEROUS MATERIAL | Offenses involving transportation of dangerous materials. |
TRANSPORTING FEMALE INTERSTATE FOR IMMORAL PURPOSES | Transporting a female across state lines for immoral purposes. |
TRANSPORTING INTERSTATE FOR COMMERCIALIZED SEX | Transporting across state lines for commercialized sex. |
TRANSPORTING INTERSTATE FOR SEXUAL ACTIVITY | Transporting across state lines for sexual activity. |
TRANSPORTING TOOLS FOR FORGERY_COUNTERFEITING | Transporting tools for forgery / counterfeiting. |
TREASON | The offense of attempting to overthrow the government of the state to which one owes allegiance, either by making war against the state or by materially supporting its enemies. |
TREASON MISPRISION | Concealment or nondisclosure of someone else’s treason. |
TRESPASSING | Offenses involving an act committed against the person or property of another; esp./., wrongful entry on another’s real property. [Describe Offense] |
TRESSPASS OF REAL PROPERTY | To unlawfully enter land, a dwelling, or other real property. [Describe Offense] |
UNAUTHORIZED COMMUNICATION WITH PRISONER | Unauthorized communication with a prisoner. |
UNAUTHORIZED USE OF VEHICLE | The illegal driving of someone else’s vehicle without permission, but with no intent to deprive the owner of it permanently. |
VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER | Accidentally causing the death of another through grossly negligent operation of a motor vehicle, is distinguishable type of involuntary manslaughter in some penal codes. |
VIOLATION OF A COURT ORDER | Violation of a court order. |
VIOLATION OF RESTRAINING ORDER | Violation of a restraining order. |
VOYEURISM | Deriving gratification from observing the genitals or sexual acts of others, usu. secretly. |
WEAPON LAW_ALTERING IDENTIFICATION ON WEAPON | Altering identification on a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPON | Carrying a weapon that is not visible by ordinary observation. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_CARRYING PROHIBITED WEAPON | Carrying a weapon which is forbidden by law. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_FIRING WEAPON | Illegal firing of a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_LICENSING_REGISTRATION WEAPON | Violations involving licensing or registration of a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_POSSESSING OF WEAPON | Illegal possession of a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW_SELLING WEAPON | Illegally selling a weapon. [Specify Weapon] |
WEAPON LAW VIOLATIONS | The violation of laws or ordinances prohibiting the manufacture, sale, purchase, transportation, possession, concealment, or use of firearms, cutting instruments, explosives, incendiary devices, or other deadly weapons. [Describe Offense] |
WEAPON OFFENSE | Offenses involving weapons. [Describe Offense] |
WEAPON TRAFFICKING | Illegal trading or dealing in goods, esp. illicit drugs or other contraband. [Specify Weapon] |
WIRETAP_FAILURE TO REPORT | Failure to report information gained from electronic or mechanical eavesdropping. |
WITNESS_DECEIVING | Deceiving a witness with intent to affect their testimony. |
WITNESS_DISSUADING | Dissuading or preventing a witness from attending. |
A data type for a code that identifies an offense type being summarized.
Code | Definition |
ASSAULT | Offenses related to the act of threat or use of force on another that causes that person to have a reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact; the act of putting another person in reasonable fear or apprehension of an immediate battery by means of an act amounting to an attempt or threat to commit a battery. |
BURGLARY | Offenses related to the act of unlawful entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a felony or a theft. |
EXTORTION | Offenses related to the unlawful attempt to obtain money, property, or any other thing of value, either tangible or intangible, by threat. |
FIREARMS | Offenses related to the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of firearms. |
FORGERY | Offenses related to the unlawful altering, copying, or imitation of a document, without authority or right, with the intent to deceive or defraud by passing the copy altered or imitated as that which is original or genuine or the selling, buying, or possession of an altered, copied, or imitated document with the intent to deceive or defraud. |
HOMICIDE | Offenses related to the act of killing one or more person by another. |
IMMIGRATION | Offenses related to the act of entering a country with the intent of settling there. |
KIDNAPPING | Offenses related to the act of seizing and taking away a person by force or fraud, often with a demand for ransom. |
NARCOTICS | Offenses related to the unlawful possession, production, use, or distribution of narcotic drugs. |
OTHER | A non explicit summarized grouping of offenses for which there are arrests and or convictions. |
RAPE | Offenses related to the act of sexual intercourse committed by a man with a woman through force and against her will. |
ROBBERY | Offenses related to the act of taking or attempting to take anything of value under confrontational circumstances from the control, custody, or care of another person by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear of immediate harm. |
WEAPONS | Offenses related to the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of non firearm weapons. |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of office equipment.
Code | Definition |
ACCOUNTING MACHINE | Accounting Machine |
ADDING MACHINE | Adding Machine |
ADDRESSING MACHINE | Addressing Machine |
CALCULATOR | Calculator |
CALLER ID BOX_UNIT | Caller ID Box_Unit |
CANDY MACHINE | Candy Machine |
CAR PHONE | Car Phone |
CART | Cart |
CASH REGISTER | Cash Register |
CASTING MACHINE | Casting Machine |
CHECK PROTECTOR | Check Protector |
CHECKWRITER | Checkwriter |
COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER | Communications Manager (same code as for an answering machine_a voice mail_message center) |
COMPOSER | Composer |
COMPTOGRAPH | Comptograph |
COPY MACHINE | Copy Machine |
DICTATING MACHINE | Dictating Machine |
DISPENSER_AUTOMATIC TAPE | Dispenser_Automatic Tape |
DITTO MACHINE | Ditto Machine |
DRAFTING MACHINE | Drafting Machine |
DUPLICATOR | Duplicator |
ENVELOPE MACHINE | Envelope Machine |
FILE CABINET | File Cabinet |
FILE CABINET_LATERAL | File Cabinet_lateral |
FILE CABINET_VERTICAL | File Cabinet_vertical |
FOLDING MACHINE | Folding Machine |
IMPRINT MACHINE | Imprint Machine |
LABELER | Labeler |
LANGUAGE TEACHING MACHINE | Language Teaching Machine |
LECTERN_PODIUM | Lectern_Podium |
MAILING MACHINE | Mailing Machine |
MIMEOGRAPH | Mimeograph |
MONEY_BANK BAG | Money_Bank Bag |
MONEY CHANGER | Money Changer (bill or coin or combo) |
MONEY CHANGER_BILL | Money Changer_Bill |
MONEY CHANGER_COIN | Money Changer_Coin |
MONEY ORDER MACHINE | Money Order Machine |
MULTIPLIER | Multiplier |
ORDERING MACHINE | Ordering Machine |
PAGER | Pager |
PHONE | Phone (telephone) |
PHOTOCOPY MACHINE | Photocopy Machine |
POSTAGE METER | Postage Meter |
POSTING MACHINE | Posting Machine |
SAFE | Safe |
SHIPPING CONTAINER | Shipping Container (not overseas) |
SHREDDER | Shredder |
SLIDE RULER | Slide Ruler |
SOFT DRINK MACHINE | Soft Drink Machine |
STAMP MACHINE | Stamp Machine |
STENCIL MACHINE | Stencil Machine |
STENOTYPE | Stenotype |
STORAGE CONTAINER | Storage Container (not overseas) |
TABULATOR | Tabulator |
TAPE DISPENSER_AUTOMATIC | Tape Dispenser_Automatic |
TELECOPIER_FACSIMILE TRANSCEIVER_FAX | Telecopier_Facsimile Transceiver_Fax |
TELEPHONE | Telephone |
TELEPHONE ANSWERING MACHINE | Telephone Answering Machine |
TELEPHONE_CELLULAR | Telephone_Cellular |
TELEPHONE DIALER_AUTOMATIC | Telephone Dialer_Automatic |
TELERECORDER | Telerecorder |
TRANSCRIBER | Transcriber |
TRANSPORTATION CONTAINER | Transportation Container (not overseas) |
TYPESETTER | Typesetter |
TYPEWRITER | Typewriter |
VALIDATION PLATE_POST OFFICE | Validation Plate_Post Office |
VENDING MACHINE | Vending Machine |
VOICEWRITER | Voicewriter |
WATER COOLER | Water Cooler |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of optical equipment.
Code | Definition |
BINOCULARS | Binoculars |
BINOCULARS_FIELD GLASSES | Binoculars_Field Glasses |
BINOCULARS_SPYGLASS | Binoculars_Spyglass |
EYEGLASSES | Eyeglasses |
EYEGLASSES_FRAMES | Eyeglasses_Frames (just frames) |
MICROSCOPE | Microscope |
NIGHT VISION GOGGLES | Night Vision Goggles |
PERISCOPE | Periscope |
SCOPE | Scope (gun or telescope) |
SCOPE_GUN | Scope_gun |
SCOPE_ TELESCOPE | Scope_ telescope |
TELESCOPE | Telescope |
VIEWER | Viewer |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of organization.
Code | Definition |
BUSINESS | Business (for profit) |
CHARITY | Charity |
COMMUNITY_SOCIAL | Community_Social (includes Users Group, Internet clubs, common interest clubs, e.g. chess club, game club, boat club, book club, sports clubs, professional clubs, and groups based on common social interest) |
CRIMINAL JUSTICE | Criminal Justice |
CRIMINAL JUSTICE_ENFORCEMENT UNIT | A unit of an agency responsible for enforcing the law and maintaining peace |
CRIMINAL JUSTICE_SUPERVISORY ORGANIZATION | An agency which exercises control over a subject prior to or as a result of adjudication |
CRIMINAL JUSTICE_TASK FORCE | A special criminal justice organization institutionalizing teamwork among multiple local, state, tribal, and/or federal agencies formed expressly for the purpose of addressing a particular problem or set of problems through synchronization of investment and strategy |
EDUCATION | Education |
FOUNDATION | Foundation |
GANG | Gang |
GANG_JUVENILE | Juvenile Gang |
GANG_MOTORCYCLE | Motorcycle Gang |
GANG_PRISON | Prison Gang |
GOVERNMENT | Government |
ORGANIZED CRIME | Organized Crime |
POLITICAL GROUP | Political Group |
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION | Professional Association |
RELIGIOUS | Religious |
SERVICE CLUB | Service Club (voluntary organization where members meet regularly for social outings and to perform charitable works either by direct hands-on efforts or by raising money for other organizations.) |
SOCIETY | Society (for primary use in depicting cases where society is victim) |
SPORTS_RECREATION | Sports_Recreation |
TERRORIST | Terrorist |
THREAT GROUP | Threat Group |
A data type for a code that identifies the point of entry to the premises for an offense.
Code | Definition |
Adjacent Building | Adjacent Building |
Adjoining Area_Attached garage | Adjoining Area_Attached Garage |
Attic | Attic |
Balcony_Fire Escape | Balcony_Fire Escape |
Basement | Basement |
Camper Motorhome | Conveyance Camper Motorhome (includes shell campers) |
Ceiling | Ceiling |
Convertible | Conveyance Convertible Top |
Crawlspace | Crawlspace |
Door | Door (includes structure and conveyance doors) |
Door_Basement | Door_Basement |
Door_Driver Side | Door_Driver Side |
Door_Front | Door_Front |
Door_Overhead | Door_Overhead |
Door_Passenger Side | Door_Passenger Side (Conveyance) |
Door_Patio_Sliding | Door_Patio_Sliding |
Door_Rear | Door_Rear |
Door_Side | Door_Side |
Fence_Gate | Fence_Gate |
Fireplace | Fireplace |
Floor | Floor |
Garage | Garage |
Ground Level | Ground Level |
Hidden within | Hidden within |
Hood | Conveyance Hood |
House Being Fumigated | House Being Fumigated |
Louvre | Louvre |
Mail Slot | Mail Slot |
Pet Door | Pet Door |
Roof | Roof |
Roof_Skylight | Roof_Skylight |
Roof_Sunroof | Roof_Sunroof (includes T-Tops for Conveyance) |
Truck Bed | Conveyance Truck Bed |
Trunk | Conveyance Trunk |
Unknown | Unknown |
Upper Level | Upper Level |
Ventilation System_Air duct | Ventilation System_Air duct |
Wall | Wall |
Window | Window (includes structure and conveyance window) |
Window_Basement | Window_Basement |
Window_Front | Window_Front |
Window_Rear | Window_Rear |
Window_Side | Window_Side |
Windwing | Windwing |
A data type for a code that identifies the person’s physique or body shape.
Code | Definition |
AVERAGE | Average |
HEAVY | Heavy |
LARGE | Large |
MEDIUM | Medium |
MUSCULAR | Muscular |
OBESE | Obese |
POT BELLY | Pot Belly |
ROTUND | Rotund |
SLIM | Slim |
SMALL | Small |
STOCKY | Stocky |
THIN | Thin |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
VERY THIN | Very Thin |
A data type for a code that identifies dental characteristics for the person.
Code | Definition |
BRACES | Braces |
BRIDGE | Bridge |
BROKEN_CHIPPED | Broken_Chipped |
BUCKED | Bucked |
CROOKED | Crooked |
DECAYED_DECOLORED | Decayed_Decolored |
DENTURE LOWER | Denture Lower |
DENTURE UPPER | Denture Upper |
DIAMOND | Diamond |
FALSE | False |
FILLINGS | Fillings |
GAPPED | Gapped |
IRREGULAR | Irregular |
MISSING | Missing (some or all) |
NONE | None |
NORMAL | Normal |
OVERBITE_PROTRUSION | Overbite_Protrusion |
RESTORATIONS_CAPS | Restorations_Caps |
STAINED | Stained |
STAR | Star |
UNDERBITE | Underbite |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
VISIBLE GOLD | Visible Gold |
VISIBLE SILVER | Visible Silver |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of glasses or other eyewear worn by a person.
Code | Definition |
BIFOCALS | Bifocals |
CONTACTS | Contacts |
GLASSES | Glasses |
NONE | None |
SUNGLASSES | Sunglasses |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of facial hair of a person.
Code | Definition |
CLEAN SHAVEN | Clean Shaven |
COMBO BEARD_MUSTACHE | Combo Beard_Mustache |
FULL BEARD | Full Beard |
FU MANCHU | Fu Manchu |
GOATEE | Goatee |
HANDLEBAR MUSTACHE | Handlebar Mustache |
HEAVY BROWS | Heavy Brows |
HEAVY MUSTACHE | Heavy Mustache |
LIGHT BROWS | Light Brows |
LIGHT MUSTACHE | Light Mustache |
LONG SIDEBURNS | Long Sideburns |
MUSTACHE | Mustache |
MUTTON CHOPS | Mutton Chops |
NEEDS A SHAVE | Needs a Shave |
SIDEBURNS | Sideburns |
SLIGHT BEARD | Slight Beard |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
UNSHAVEN | Unshaven |
A data type for a code that identifies the length of the person’s hair.
Code | Definition |
BALD_BALDING | Bald_Balding |
LONG | Long |
MEDIUM_SHOULDER LENGTH | Medium_Shoulder Length |
SHORT_COLLAR LENGTH | Short_Collar Length |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
WORE HAIR PIECE | Wore Hair Piece |
A data type for a code that identifies the style of a person’s hair.
Code | Definition |
AFRO | Afro |
AFRO_NATURAL | Afro_Natural |
BRAIDED | Braided |
BUSHY | Bushy |
BUTCH | Butch |
COMBED BACK | Combed Back |
CREW CUT | Crew Cut |
CURLERS | Curlers |
CURLY | Curly |
CURLY_WAVY | Curly_Wavy |
DREADLOCKS | Dreadlocks |
FADE | Fade |
GREASY | Greasy |
HAIR NET | Hair Net |
JHERI CURL | Jheri Curl |
MILITARY_FLAT TOP | Military_Flat Top |
MULLET | Mullet |
NATURAL | Natural |
PONY TAIL | Pony Tail |
PROCESSED | Processed |
PUNKY | Punky |
SHAVED HEAD | Shaved Head |
STRAIGHT | Straight |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
WAVY | Wavy |
WIG_HAIR PIECE | Wig_Hair Piece |
A data type for a code that identifies the hand the person is more adept with using.
Code | Definition |
AMBIDEXTROUS | Ambidextrous |
LEFT | Left |
RIGHT | Right |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies the sexual orientation of a person.
Code | Definition |
BESTIALITY | Bestiality |
BISEXUAL | Bisexual |
HETEROSEXUAL | Heterosexual |
HOMOSEXUAL | Homosexual |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies impediments that affect a person’s speech or other speech characteristics that may help distinguish a person.
Code | Definition |
ACCENT | Accent |
DISGUISED | Disguised |
FOREIGN | Foreign |
HIGH PITCH | High pitch |
LISPS | Lisps |
LOUD | Loud |
LOW PITCH | Low pitch |
MEDIUM | Medium |
MONOTONE | Monotone |
MUMBLES | Mumbles |
NASAL | Nasal |
NORMAL | Normal |
OFFENSIVE | Offensive |
QUIET | Quiet |
RAPID | Rapid |
RASPY | Raspy |
SLOW | Slow |
SLURRED | Slurred |
SOFT_LOW | Soft_Low |
STREET TALK | Street talk |
STUTTERS | Stutters |
TALKATIVE | Talkative |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
VULGAR_PROFANE | Vulgar_Profane |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of camera or imaging device.
Code | Definition |
CAMERA | Camera |
CAMERA BACK | Camera Back |
CAMERA BODY | Camera Body |
CAMERA CASE | Camera Case |
CAMERA FILTER | Camera Filter |
CAMERA LENS | Camera Lens |
CAMERA WINDER | Camera Winder (auto/power) |
DIGITAL CAMERA | Digital Camera (delivers images directly to a computer_no processing or film needed_some used with VCRs and TVs) |
ENLARGER | Enlarger |
EXPOSURE METER_LIGHT METER | Exposure Meter_Light Meter |
FILM MAGAZINE | Film Magazine |
FILM_VIDEO TAPE EDITOR | Film_Video Tape Editor |
FLASH | Flash |
LENS | Lens |
MOTOR DRIVE_CAMERA | Motor Drive_Camera |
PHOTO DRYER | Photo Dryer |
PRISM RANGE FINDER | Prism Range Finder |
PROJECTOR | Projector |
PROJECTOR_MOVIE | Projector_Movie |
PROJECTOR_MOVIE_SLIDE | Projector_Movie_Slide |
PROJECTOR_SLIDE | Projector_Slide |
RANGE FINDER | Range Finder |
SCREEN | Screen |
TRIPOD | Tripod |
VIEWFINDER | Viewfinder |
A data type for a code that identifies a rare metallic chemical element of high economic value, typically regarded as an investment and industrial commodity.
Code | Definition |
ALUMINUM | Aluminum |
BRASS | Brass |
BRONZE | Bronze |
COPPER | Copper |
GOLD | Gold |
IRIDIUM | Iridium |
IRON | Iron |
LEAD | Lead |
OSMIUM | Osmium |
PALLADIUM | Palladium |
PEWTER | Pewter |
PLATINUM | Platinum |
RHENIUM | Rhenium |
RHODIUM | Rhodium |
RUTHENIUM | Ruthenium |
SILVER | Silver |
TIN | Tin |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of security present at the point of entry to a premises for an incident.
Code | Definition |
Alarm_audio | Alarm_audio |
Alarm_silent | Alarm_silent |
AntiTheft device | AntiTheft device |
Camera | Camera |
Camera_Recording | Camera_Recording |
Dog | Dog |
Fence | Fence |
Gate | Gate |
Guard | Guard (person immediately present) |
Guard_Security Patrol | Guard_Security Patrol |
Kill switch | Kill switch |
Lights | Lights |
Lights_Exterior | Lights_Exterior |
Lights_Interior | Lights_Interior |
Lock | Lock |
Lock_Deadbolt | Lock_Deadbolt |
Lock_Electronic | Lock_Electronic |
Lock_Padlock | Lock_Padlock (includes Master Locks) |
Neighborhood watch | Neighborhood watch |
None | None |
Operation ID | Operation ID |
Security sign_Sticker | Security sign_Sticker |
Unknown | Unknown |
Unlocked | Unlocked |
Window bars | Window bars |
A data type for a code that identifies the unit of measure of an age of an unborn child.
Code | Definition |
PM | Prenatal Months |
PW | Prenatal Weeks |
A data type for a code that identifies the release status of the subject of pre-trial investigation.
Code | Definition |
ACCEPT | The subject will be conditionally released / released to supervision without bail being required. |
ACCEPT BAIL_BOND | The subject will be conditionally released / released to supervision and bail or bond is stipulated as a part of the subjects conditional release. |
REJECT | The subject is a poor risk for release and/or a risk to not appear and/or likely to re-offend, thus Pre-Trial release is rejected and the subject will not be released. |
A data type for a code that identifies the race of the person.
Code | Definition |
A | ASIAN: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. |
B | BLACK: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. |
I | AMERICAN INDIAN or ALASKAN NATIVE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Americas and maintaining cultural identification through tribal affiliations or community recognition. |
P | NATIVE HAWAIIAN or OTHER PACIFIC ISLANDER: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. The term “Native Hawaiian” does not include individuals who are native to the State of Hawaii by virtue of being born there. However, the following Pacific Islander groups are included: Carolinian, Fijian, Kosraean, Melanesian, Micronesian, Northern Mariana Islander, Palauan, Papua New Guinean, Ponapean (Pohnpelan), Polynesian, Solomon Islander, Tahitian, Tarawa Islander, Tokelauan, Tongan, Trukese (Chuukese), and Yapese. |
W | WHITE: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or Middle East. |
A data type for a code that identifies the category of a person’s offender registration.
Code | Definition |
CONVICTED PERSON | Convicted Person |
DEPORTED FELON | Deported Felon |
HABITUAL OFFENDER | Habitual Offender |
HABITUAL VIOLENT OFFENDER | Habitual Violent Offender |
SEXUAL OFFENDER | Sexual Offender |
SEXUAL OFFENDER_PREDATOR | Sexual Offender_Predator |
TERRORIST | Terrorist |
VIOLENT OFFENDER | Violent Offender |
A data type for a code that identifies a risk level corresponding to the assessment score estimating the likelihood that the offender will recidivate during his or her term of supervision.
Code | Definition |
EXTREME | Extreme |
HIGH | High |
LOW | Low |
LOW-MEDIUM | Low-Medium |
MEDIUM | Medium |
MEDIUM-HIGH | Medium-High |
A data type for a code that identifies the gender or sex of the person.
Code | Definition |
F | Subject’s gender reported as female |
G | Occupation or charge indicated “Male Impersonator” |
M | Subject’s gender reported as male |
N | Occupation or charge indicated “Female Impersonator” or transvestite |
X | Unknown gender |
Y | Male name, no gender given |
Z | Female name, no gender given |
A data type for a code that identifies the general type of securities.
Code | Definition |
MONEY | Legal tender/currency, e.g. Federal Reserve Bank Notes, U.S. Notes, Gold Certificate, Silver Certificate. |
NEGOTIABLE | Instruments (not money) that is payable without restriction, e.g., endorsed travelers checks and money orders; bearer checks and bonds. |
NONNEGOTIABLE | Instruments requiring further action to become negotiable, e.g., unendorsed checks, stocks, and bonds. |
A data type for a code that identifies the functioning of the security system at the entry point for an incident.
Code | Definition |
Disabled | Disabled |
Nonexistent | Nonexistent |
Off | Off |
On | On |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of public utility service.
Code | Definition |
Communication Signal | Communication Signal |
Communication Signal_Internet | Communication Signal_Internet |
Communication Signal_Internet_Phone | Communication Signal_Internet_Phone |
Communication Signal_Internet_Radio | Communication Signal_Internet_Radio |
Communication Signal_Internet_Television | Communication Signal_Internet_Television |
Communication Signal_Phone | Communication Signal_Phone |
Communication Signal_Phone_Land Line | Communication Signal_Phone_Land Line |
Communication Signal_Phone_Satellite | Communication Signal_Phone_Satellite |
Communication Signal_Radio | Communication Signal_Radio |
Communication Signal_Television | Communication Signal_Television |
Communication Signal_Television_Cable | Communication Signal_Television_Cable |
Communication Signal_Television_Satellite | Communication Signal_Television_Satellite |
Electric | Electric |
Natural Gas | Natural Gas |
Sanitation_Garbage | Sanitation_Garbage |
Sanitation_Sewage | Sanitation_Sewage |
Water | Water |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of sports/recreational equipment.
Code | Definition |
AQUALUNG | Aqualung |
BALL | Ball (all types) |
BB GUN | BB Gun |
BENCH_EXERCISE | Bench_Exercise |
BICYCLE RACK | Bicycle Rack |
BICYCLE_SKI RACK | Bicycle_Ski Rack |
BOW | Bow (all types) |
CROSS COUNTRY SKI_MACHINE_EXERCISE | Cross Country Ski_Machine_Exercise |
CYCLE_EXERCISE | Cycle_Exercise |
FISHING ROD_POLE | Fishing Rod_Pole |
GOLF CART_NONMOTORIZED | Golf Cart (nonmotorized) |
GOLF CLUBS | Golf Clubs |
GUN_BB | Gun_BB |
HOME_GYM | Home_ Gym (includes BowFlex and Total Gym) |
INCLINE BENCH_EXERCISE | Incline Bench_Exercise |
LANTERN | Lantern |
LASER TAG GUN | Laser Tag Gun |
LEG DEVELOPING MACHINE_EXERCISE | Leg Developing Machine_Exercise |
PAINT BALL GUN | Paint Ball Gun (used in military war games) |
PARACHUTE | Parachute |
RACKET | Racket |
REEL | Reel |
ROLLER BLADES | Roller Blades |
ROWING MACHINE_EXERCISE | Rowing Machine_Exercise |
SADDLE | Saddle |
SCOOTER | Scooter |
SCUBA | Scuba |
SKATE BOARD | Skate Board |
SKATES_ICE | Skates_Ice |
SKATES_INLINE | Skates_Inline |
SKATES_ROLLER | Skates_Roller |
SKI RACK | Ski Rack |
SKIS | Skis |
SKIS_SNOW | Skis_Snow |
SKIS_WATER | Skis_Water |
SLANT BOARD | Slant Board |
SNOWBOARD | Snowboard |
STEP MACHINE_EXERCISE | Step Machine_Exercise |
STOP WATCH | Stop Watch |
SURFBOARD | Surfboard |
SWORD | Sword |
TENT | Tent |
TREADMILL_EXERCISE | Treadmill_Exercise |
TREE STAND | Tree Stand |
A data type for a code that identifies a direction that appears before a street name.
Code | Definition |
EAST | East |
NORTH | North |
NORTHEAST | Northeast |
NORTHWEST | Northwest |
SOUTH | South |
SOUTHEAST | Southeast |
SOUTHWEST | Southwest |
WEST | West |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of structure.
Code | Definition |
COMMERCIAL_BUSINESS | Commercial_Business (store, restaurant, office building, etc.) |
INDUSTRIAL_MANUFACTURING | Industrial_Manufacturing (factory, plant, assembly line, etc.) |
OTHER_STRUCTURE | Other_Structure (Any structure not fitting the other Structure definitions, e.g., building under construction, monument, etc) |
PUBLIC_COMMUNITY | Public_Community (college, passenger terminal, court house, fire dept, religious structure, arena, meeting hall, etc.) |
RESIDENTIAL_NONSINGLE OCCUPANCY | Residential_Nonsingle Occupancy (A structure of residence that does not meet the description of Single Occupancy, e.g., apartment, tenements, flats, as well as temporary living quarters, e.g., hotels) |
RESIDENTIAL_SINGLE OCCUPANCY | Residential_Single Occupancy (house, townhouse, mobile home, or other private dwellings occupied by a single person, family, housemates, or other group) |
STORAGE | Storage (barns, garages, storehouses, warehouses, etc) |
A data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods or services are exchanged for profit.
Code | Definition |
BAR | Bar |
BAR_LOUNGE | Bar_Lounge |
BAR_STRIP CLUB | Bar_Strip Club |
CASINO | Casino |
DAY CARE | Day Care |
DEALERSHIP | Dealership (all commercial) |
DEALERSHIP_BOAT | Dealership_Boat |
DEALERSHIP_VEHICLE | Dealership_Vehicle (includes all vehicles, e.g., car, bus, truck, snowmobile, motorcycle, etc.) |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION | Financial Institution |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_BANK | Financial Institution_Bank |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_BANK_DRIVE THRU | Financial Institution_Bank_Drive Thru |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_CREDIT UNION | Financial Institution_Credit Union |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_MORTGAGE COMPANY | Financial Institution_Mortgage Company |
FINANCIAL INSTITUTION_SAVINGS LOAN | Financial Institution_Savings Loan |
GYM | Gym (includes fitness facility) |
KIOSK | Kiosk |
KIOSK_INFORMATION | Kiosk_Information |
KIOSK_INFORMATION_COMPUTER | Kiosk_Information_Computer |
LAUNDROMAT | Laundromat |
MALL_RETAIL COMPLEX | Mall_Retail Complex |
MOVIE THEATER | Movie Theater |
NIGHT CLUB | Night Club |
OFFICE BUILDING | Office Building |
RESTAURANT | Restaurant |
RESTAURANT_CAFETERIA | Restaurant_Cafeteria |
RESTAURANT_FAMILY DINING | Restaurant_Family Dining |
RESTAURANT_FAST FOOD | Restaurant_Fast Food |
RESTAURANT_SNACK BAR | Restaurant_Snack Bar |
STORE | Store (all) |
STORE_ARCADE | Store_Arcade |
STORE_AUTO PARTS | Store_Auto Parts |
STORE_CANDY | Store_Candy |
STORE_COIN | Store_Coin |
STORE_CONVENIENCE | Store_Convenience |
STORE_DEPARTMENT | Store_Department |
STORE_DISCOUNT | Store_Discount |
STORE_DOLL | Store_Doll |
STORE_DRESS | Store_Dress |
STORE_DRUG | Store_Drug |
STORE_ELECTRONIC | Store_Electronic |
STORE_FUR | Store_Fur |
STORE_GAS STATION | Store_Gas Station |
STORE_GROCERY | Store_Grocery |
STORE_JEWELRY | Store_Jewelry |
STORE_LIQUOR | Store_Liquor |
STORE_MARKET | Store_Market |
STORE_MINIMART | Store_Minimart |
STORE_MUSIC | Store_Music |
STORE_PAWN SHOP | Store_Pawn Shop |
STORE_PHARMACY | Store_Pharmacy |
STORE_SECOND HAND | Store_Second Hand |
STORE_SERVICE STATION | Store_Service Station |
STORE_SEX | Store_Sex |
STORE_SPECIALTY | Store_Specialty |
STORE_STAMP | Store_Stamp |
STORE_STRIP MALL_RETAIL COMPLEX | Store_Strip Mall_Retail Complex |
STORE_SUPERMARKET | Store_Supermarket |
STORE_TV | Store_TV |
STORE_VIDEO | Store_Video |
A data type for a code that identifies a structure where goods are created or assembled using mechanical equipment.
Code | Definition |
ASSEMBLY LINE | Assembly Line |
FACTORY | Factory |
MILL | Mill |
MINE | Mine |
OIL PLATFORM_OFFSHORE | Oil Platform_Offshore |
PLANT | Plant |
QUARRY | Quarry |
REFINERY | Refinery |
UTILITY_STATION | Utility_Station |
UTILITY_STATION_ELECTRIC | Utility_Station_Electric |
UTILITY_STATION_NATURAL GAS | Utility_Station_Natural Gas |
UTILITY_STATION_NUCLEAR REACTOR | Utility_Station_Nuclear Reactor |
UTILITY_STATION_SEWER | Utility_Station_Sewer |
UTILITY_STATION_WATER | Utility_Station_Water |
UTILITY_STATION_WINDMILL | Utility_Station_Windmill |
YARD | Yard (production yards) |
YARD_JUNK | Yard_Junk |
YARD_PIPE | Yard_Pipe |
YARD_RAIL | Yard_Rail |
YARD_SHIP | Yard_Ship |
A data type for a code that characterizes structural occupancy.
Code | Definition |
ABANDONED | Abandoned |
INHABITED | Inhabited |
NOT NORMALLY USED | Not normally used |
OCCUPIED | Occupied |
UNINHABITED | Uninhabited |
VACANT | Vacant |
A data type for a code that identifies any structure not fitting the other structure category definitions.
Code | Definition |
AQUEDUCT | Aqueduct |
BEACH | Beach |
BRIDGE | Bridge (all kinds) |
BRIDGE_OVERPASS | Bridge_Overpass |
BRIDGE_TRESTLE | Bridge_Trestle |
BRIDGE_VIADUCT | Bridge_Viaduct |
BUILDING UNDER CONSTRUCTION | Building under Construction |
CAMPGROUND | Campground |
CAMPUS | Campus |
CANAL | Canal |
CANOPY | Canopy (includes gazebo or cabana) |
CEMETERY | Cemetery |
CONSTRUCTION SITE | Construction Site |
DAM | Dam |
DAM_HYDROELECTRIC POWER | Dam_Hydroelectric Power |
DOCK | Dock (ship_boat) |
DRILLING SITE | Drilling Site |
FAIRGROUNDS | Fairgrounds |
FERRIS WHEEL | Ferris wheel |
GARDEN | Garden |
GOLF COURSE | Golf Course |
LAKE | Lake |
LIGHTHOUSE | Lighthouse |
LOCK_CANAL LOCK | Lock_Canal Lock (nonmechanical means for transporting boats between water at two different elevations) |
LOCK_LIFT LOCK | Lock_Lift Lock (mechanical means for transporting boats between water at two different elevations, alternative to canal lock) |
MONUMENT | Monument |
OIL FIELD | Oil Field |
PARK | Park |
PARK_CITY | Park_City |
PARK_FEDERAL | Park_Federal |
PARK_NATIONAL | Park_National |
PARK_PLAYGROUND | Park_Playground |
PARK_ROADSIDE | Park_Roadside |
PARK_STATE | Park_State |
PIER | Pier (all kinds) |
PIER_FISHING | Pier_Fishing |
PIER_PLEASURE | Pier_Pleasure |
PIER_WORKING | Pier_Working |
PIPELINE | Pipeline |
RAILBED | Railbed |
RETAINING WALL | Retaining Wall |
RIGHT OF WAY | Right of Way |
RIGHT OF WAY_RAILBED_TRAIN | Right of Way_Railbed_Train |
RIGHT OF WAY_ROAD | Right of Way_Road |
RIGHT OF WAY_UTILITY | Right of Way_Utility (all types of utility) |
ROADWAY | Roadway |
ROADWAY_ALLEY | Roadway_Alley |
ROADWAY_CUL_DE_SAC | Roadway_Cul_de_sac |
ROADWAY_DIRT ROAD | Roadway_Dirt Road |
ROADWAY_FIRE ROAD | Roadway_Fire Road |
ROADWAY_HIGHWAY | Roadway_Highway |
ROADWAY_INTERCHANGE | Roadway_Interchange |
ROADWAY_INTERSTATE | Roadway_Interstate |
ROADWAY_REST AREA | Roadway_Rest Area |
ROADWAY_SERVICE ROAD | Roadway_Service Road |
ROADWAY_STREET | Roadway_Street |
ROADWAY_TOLL ROAD | Roadway_Toll Road |
ROLLER COASTER | Roller coaster |
SIDEWALK | Sidewalk |
TOWER | Tower |
TOWER_AERIAL TRAMWAY SUPPORT | Tower_Aerial Tramway Support (includes ski lift tower) |
TOWER_ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION | Tower_Electric Transmission |
TOWER_TV_RADIO MAST | Tower_TV_Radio Mast |
TUNNEL | Tunnel |
WATERWAY | Waterway |
WATERWAY_LAKE | Waterway_Lake |
WATERWAY_OCEAN | Waterway_Ocean |
WATERWAY_RIVER | Waterway_River |
WATERWAY_SEA | Waterway_Sea |
WHARF | Wharf |
A data type for a code that identifies a non-residential structure open to the public and/or maintained using tax dollars.
Code | Definition |
COMMUNITY CENTER_MEETING HALL | Community Center_Meeting Hall |
COMMUNITY CENTER_SENIOR CITIZENS | Community Center_Senior Citizens |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY | Correctional Facility (Unspecified all) |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_JAIL | Correctional Facility_Jail |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_JUVENILE DETENTION | Correctional Facility_Juvenile Detention |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_PENITENTIARY | Correctional Facility_Penitentiary |
CORRECTIONAL FACILITY_PRISON | Correctional Facility_Prison |
FIRE STATION | Fire Station |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING | Government Building (Unspecified all) |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_CITY | Government Building_City |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_COUNTY | Government Building_County |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_FEDERAL | Government Building_Federal |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_MUNICIPAL | Government Building_Municipal |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_STATE | Government Building_State |
GOVERNMENT BUILDING_TOWN | Government Building_Town |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY | Law Enforcement Facility (Unspecified all) |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_CITY | Law Enforcement Facility_City |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_COUNTY | Law Enforcement Facility_County |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_FEDERAL | Law Enforcement Facility_Federal |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_STATE | Law Enforcement Facility_State |
LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITY_TRIBAL | Law Enforcement Facility_Tribal |
LIBRARY | Library |
MEDICAL CENTER | Medical Center |
MEDICAL CENTER_CLINIC | Medical Center_Clinic |
MEDICAL CENTER_HOSPITAL | Medical Center_Hospital |
MEDICAL CENTER_HOSPITAL_CONVALESCENT | Medical Center_Hospital_Convalescent |
MEDICAL CENTER_OFFICE | Medical Center_Office |
MUSEUM | Museum |
PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY | Public Works Facility |
RECREATION FACILITY | Recreation Facility (Unspecified all) |
RECREATION FACILITY_CIVIC CENTER | Recreation Facility_Civic Center |
RECREATION FACILITY_SPORTS ARENA | Recreation Facility_Sports Arena |
RECREATION FACILITY_SWIMMING POOL | Recreation Facility_Swimming Pool |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING | Religious Building |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_CHAPEL | Religious Building_Chapel |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_CHURCH | Religious Building_Church |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_MOSQUE | Religious Building_Mosque |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_SYNAGOGUE | Religious Building_Synagogue |
RELIGIOUS BUILDING_TEMPLE | Religious Building_Temple |
SCHOOL | School (Unspecified all) |
SCHOOL_COLLEGE | School_College |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12 | Combine K_12 |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12_PRIVATE | School_Combined K_12_Private |
SCHOOL COMBINED K_12_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School Combined K_12_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_COMBINED K_12_PUBLIC | School_Combined K_12_Public |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY | School Elementary (Unspecified all) |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PRIVATE | School_Elementary_Private |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Elementary_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_ELEMENTARY_PUBLIC | School_Elementary_Public |
SCHOOL_HIGH | School_High (Unspecified all) |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PRIVATE | School_High_Private |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_High_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_HIGH_PUBLIC | School_High_Public |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE | School_Middle (Unspecified all) |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE_PRIVATE | School_Middle_Private |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Middle_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_MIDDLE_PUBLIC | School_Middle_Public |
SCHOOL_PAROCHIAL | School_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PRE_PUBLIC | School_Preschool_Public |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL | School_Preshool (Unspecified all) |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL_PRIVATE | School_Preschool_Private |
SCHOOL_PRESCHOOL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Preschool_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PRIVATE | School_Private |
SCHOOL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_PUBLIC | School_Public |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL | School_Technical |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PRIVATE | School_Technical_Private |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PRIVATE_PAROCHIAL | School_Technical_Private_Parochial |
SCHOOL_TECHNICAL_PUBLIC | School_Technical_Public |
SCHOOL_UNIVERSITY | School_University |
SCHOOL_VOCATIONAL | Vocational_Technical |
TERMINAL | Terminal (Unspecified passenger) |
TERMINAL_AIRPORT | Terminal_Airport (passenger) |
TERMINAL_BOAT | Terminal_Boat (passenger) |
TERMINAL_BUS | Terminal_Bus (passenger) |
TERMINAL_TRAIN | Terminal_Train (passenger) |
TERMINAL_TRAIN_SUBWAY | Terminal_Train_Subway (passenger) |
THEATER_COMMUNITY | Theater_Community |
A data type for a code that identifies a structure of residence that does not meet the definition of Single Occupancy.
Code | Definition |
APARTMENT | Apartment |
BOARDING HOUSE | Boarding House |
CONDO | Condo |
CONVALESCENT_HOME | Convalescent_Home |
DORMITORY | Dormitory |
DUPLEX | Duplex |
FLAT | Flat |
HOTEL | Hotel |
INN | Inn |
MOTEL | Motel |
NURSING_HOME | Nursing_Home |
TENEMENT | Tenement |
TOWNHOUSE | Townhouse |
A data type for a code that identifies a private structure of residence by a single person, family, or other group (housemates).
Code | Definition |
AIRPLANE_AFFIXED | Airplane_Affixed (No longer designed to transport people) |
BOAT_AFFIXED | Boat_Affixed (No longer designed to transport people) |
DUPLEX | Duplex |
HOUSE | House |
MOBILE HOME | Mobile Home |
RV_AFFIXED | RV_Affixed (No longer designed to transport people) |
TOWNHOUSE | Townhouse |
VAN_AFFIXED | Van_Affixed (No longer designed to transport people) |
A data type for a code that identifies a structure designed or used to store material for later use.
Code | Definition |
BARN | Barn |
CARGO CONTAINER | Cargo Container |
CARGO CONTAINER_STORAGE_UNIT | Cargo Container_Strorage_Unit (e.g. PODS) |
GARAGE | Garage |
GARAGE_PARKING | Garage_Parking |
MEDICAL CENTER_SUPPLY BUILDING | Medical Center_Supply Building |
RESERVOIR | Reservoir |
SILO | Silo |
STABLE | Stable |
STORAGE_HANGER | Storage_Hanger |
STORAGE_LOCKER | Storage_Locker |
STORAGE_TANK | Storage_Tank (includes liquid holding towers) |
STORAGE_UNIT | Storage_Unit (includes mini and rental storage) |
STOREHOUSE | Storehouse |
WAREHOUSE | Warehouse |
A data type for a code that indicates the subject’s attitude toward his or her actions.
Code | Definition |
BLAMES VICTIM | Subject blames victim for the violence. |
NOT RESPONSIBLE | Subject denies responsibility for behavior. |
PREOCCUPIED WITH VICTIM | Subject seems preoccupied or obsessed with the victim (following, monitoring whereabouts, very jealous, etc.). |
STALKING VICTIM | There is information to suggest the subject is stalking the victim. |
UNREMORSEFUL | Subject lacks remorse about incident. |
A data type for a code that identifies the actions of the subject at the crime scene to perpetrate crime and/or avoid apprehension based on investigator experience.
Code | Definition |
Altered Scene | Subject Altered Scene |
Altered Scene_Burned | Subject Burned Scene |
Altered Scene_Cleaned | Subject Cleaned Scene |
Altered Scene_Cleaned_Washed Clothing_Bedding | Subject Cleaned Scene and washed clothing and or bedding |
Altered Scene_Planted Evidence | Subject Planted Evidence at Scene |
Altered Scene_Ransacked | Subject Ransacked Scene |
Altered Scene_Vandalized | Subject Vandalized Scene |
Asked Victim to Model_Pose | Subject Asked Victim to Model_Pose |
Assaulted_Asphyxiated Victim | Subject Asphyxiated Victim |
Assaulted_Blindfolded Victim | Subject Blindfolded Victim |
Assaulted_Bound Victim | Subject Bound Victim |
Assaulted_Bound Victim_ArmsToTorso | Subject Bound Victim_ArmsToTorso |
Assaulted_Bound Victim_Feet | Subject Bound Victim_Feet (includes ankles and legs) |
Assaulted_Bound Victim_Hands | Subject Bound Victim_Hands (includes wrists and arms) |
Assaulted_Bound Victim_HandsToFeet | Subject Bound Victim_HandsToFeet |
Assaulted_Bound Victim_Object | Subject Bound Victim to Object |
Assaulted_Burned Victim | Subject Burned Victim |
Assaulted_Choked Victim | Subject Choked Victim |
Assaulted_Covered Face of Victim | Subject Covered Face of Victim |
Assaulted_Cut_Stabbed Victim | Subject Cut or Stabbed Victim |
Assaulted_Distracted Victim | Subject Distracted Victim |
Assaulted_Drowned Victim | Subject Drowned Victim |
Assaulted_Drugged_Sedated Victim | Subject Drugged or Sedated Vicitm |
Assaulted_Excessive Force | Subject Used Excessive Force |
Assaulted_Exploited Victim | Subject Exploited Victim |
Assaulted_Forced Victim Lie on Floor | Subject Forced Victim to Lie on Floor |
Assaulted_Forced Victim to Disrobe | Subject Forced Victim to Disrobe |
Assaulted_Forced Victim to Disrobe Subject | Subject Forced Victim to Disrobe Subject |
Assaulted_Forced Victim to Move | Subject Forced Victim to Move |
Assaulted_Gagged Victim | Subject Gagged Victim |
Assaulted_Hit Victim | Subject Hit Victim |
Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object | Subject Hit Victim_Blunt Object |
Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Aircraft | Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Aircraft |
Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Boat | Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Boat |
Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Vehicle | Assaulted_Hit Victim_Blunt Object_Vehicle |
Assaulted_Hit Victim_Personal Weapon | Subject Hit Victim_Personal Weapon (includes hands, fist, feet, etc.) |
Assaulted_Inflicted Injury | Subject Inflicted an Unlisted Injury on Victim |
Assaulted_Locked Victim In | Subject Locked Victim In |
Assaulted_Made Victim Count | Subject Made Victim Count |
Assaulted_Pinched Victim | Subject Pinched Victim |
Assaulted_Pistol Whipped Victim | Subject Pistol Whipped Victim |
Assaulted_Poisoned | Subject Poisoned Victim |
Assaulted_Pushed_Shoved Victim | Subject Pushed or Shoved Victim |
Assaulted_Ripped_Cut Clothing | Subject Ripped or Cut Victim Clothing |
Assaulted_Sexual | Subject Assaulted Victim Sexually (unspecified sexual activity) |
Assaulted_Sexual_Anal | Subject Forced contact with Victim Anal region |
Assaulted_Sexual_Digital Penetration | Subject Digital Penetration in Victim |
Assaulted_Sexual_Fondled Victim | Subject Fondled Victim |
Assaulted_Sexual_Forced Oral Copulation | Subject Forced Victim to Orally Copulate Subject |
Assaulted_Sexual_Forced Victim Fondle Subject | Subject Forced Victim to Fondle Subject |
Assaulted_Sexual_Forced Victim to Bathe | Subject Forced Victim to Bathe (includes Douche) |
Assaulted_Sexual_Forced Victim to Masturbate | Subject Forced Victim to Masturbate |
Assaulted_Sexual_Hand Insertion | Subject Hand Insertion in Victim |
Assaulted_Sexual_Post Mortem Activity | Subject engaged in Post Mortem Sexual Activity |
Assaulted_Sexual_Vaginal | Subject Forced contact with Victim Vaginal region |
Assaulted_Shot Victim | Subject Shot Victim |
Assaulted_Slapped Victim | Subject Slapped Victim |
Assaulted_Strangled Victim | Subject Strangled Victim |
Assaulted_Suffocated Victim | Subject Suffocated Victim |
Assaulted_Threatened Retaliation | Subject Threatened Retaliation |
Assaulted_Threatened Victim | Subject Threatened Victim |
Assaulted_Threatened_Weapon | Subject Threatened Victim With Weapon |
Assaulted_Tortured_Mutilated Victim | Subject Tortured or Mutilated Victim |
Behaved_Altered Temperature Setting | Subject Altered Temperature Setting |
Behaved_Ate_Drank On Premesis | Subject Ate_Drank On Premesis |
Behaved_Cleaned Self | Subject Cleaned Self |
Behaved_Cleaned Victim | Subject Cleaned Victim |
Behaved_Disrobed Self | Subject Disrobed Self |
Behaved_Exposed Self | Subject Exposed Self |
Behaved_Exposed Self_Disrobed | Subject Exposed Self, Disrobed |
Behaved_Fondled Self | Subject Fondled Self |
Behaved_Injured Self | Subject Injured Self |
Behaved_Masturabated | Subject Masturabated Self (failed to ejaculate) |
Behaved_Masturabated_Ejaculated | Subject Masturabated, Ejaculated Self |
Behaved_Placed Unique Objects | Subject Placed Unique Objects at Scene |
Behaved_Smoked | Subject Smoked |
Behaved_Unusual or Symbolic Act | Subject Performed Unusual or Symbolic Act |
Broke Cash Box | Subject Broke Cash Box |
Broke Lock | Subject Broke Lock |
Broke Window | Subject Broke Window |
Concealed Goods | Subject Concealed Goods |
Defeated Security | Subject Defeated Security |
Demanded Property | Subject Demanded Property (unspecified property) |
Demanded Property_Drugs | Subject Demanded Drugs |
Demanded Property_Money | Subject Demanded Property_Money |
Disabled Electricity | Subject Disabled Electricity |
Disabled Phone | Subject Disabled Phone |
Disabled Security System | Subject Disabled Security System |
Disabled Vehicle | Subject Disabled Vehicle |
Forced Entry | Subject Forced Entry |
Gang Related | Subject motives were Gang Related |
Hid In Building | Subject Hid In Building |
Hijacked Victims Vehicle | Subject Hijacked Victims Vehicle |
Ignition Punched | Subject Punched Ignition |
Jumped The Counter | Subject Jumped The Counter |
Knew Location Of Hidden Stash | Subject Knew Location Of Hidden Stash |
Left Defecation and Urine at Scene | Subject Left Defecation and Urine at Scene |
Left Defecation and Urine on Victim | Subject Left Defecation and Urine on Victim |
Left Defecation at Scene | Subject Left Defecation at Scene |
Left Defecation on Victim | Subject Left Defecation on Victim |
Left Foreign Substance on Victim Body | Subject Left Foreign Substance on Victim Body |
Left Graffiti | Subject Left Graffiti |
Left Item | Subject Left Item |
Left Semen at Scene | Subject Left Semen at Scene |
Left Semen on Victim | Subject Left Semen on Victim |
Left Semen on Victim_Anus | Subject Left Semen on Victim_Anus |
Left Semen on Victim_Body | Subject Left Semen on Victim_Body |
Left Semen on Victim_Clothing | Subject Left Semen on Victim_Clothing |
Left Semen on Victim_Mouth | Subject Left Semen on Victim_Mouth |
Left Semen on Victim_Vagina | Subject Left Semen on Victim_Vagina |
Left Urine at Scene | Subject Left Urine at Scene |
Left Urine on Victim | Subject Left Urine on Victim |
Left Writing at Scene | Subject Left Writing at Scene (includes drawings) |
Left Writing on Victim Body | Subject Left Writing on the Victims Body (includes drawings) |
Prepared Exit | Subject Prepared Exit |
Put Cash in Purse_Bag | Subject Put Cash in Purse or Bag |
Recorded_Logged Events_Audio | Subject Recorded or Logged Events using Audio |
Recorded_Logged Events_Photographed_Videoed | Subject Recorded or Logged Events Photo or Video |
Recorded_Logged Events_Written | Subject Recorded or Logged Events Written |
Solicited for Sex | Subject Solicited Victim for Sex |
Staged_Caused Traffic Accident | Subject Staged or Caused Traffic Accident |
Staged Scene | Subject Staged Scene for purpose of deception |
Takeover | Subject Seized Control |
Tampered with Alarm | Subject Tampered with Alarm |
Tampered with Vehicle | Subject Tampered with Vehicle |
Took Cash from Register Personally | Subject Took Cash from Register Personally |
Took Concealables | Subject Took Concealables |
Took Property from Person | Subject Took Property from Person |
Took Property from Vehicle | Subject Took Property from Vehicle |
Took Property_Snatched Purse | Subject Took Victim Purse |
Took Specific Items | Subject Took Specific Items |
Took Specific Types of Items | Subject Took Specific Types of Items |
Turned Lights Off | Subject Turned Lights Off |
Used Condom | Subject Used Condom |
Used Demand Note | Subject Used Demand Note |
Used Disguise | Subject Used Disguise (includes costume) |
Used Gloves | Subject Used Gloves |
Used Hand Signal | Subject Used Hand Signal |
Used Internet for Research | Subject Used Internet for Research |
Used Lookout | Subject Used Lookout |
Used Mask | Subject Used Mask to Hide Face |
Used Multiple Subjects | Subject was not sole subject in incident |
Used Multiple Weapons | Subject Used Multiple Weapons |
Used Phone at Scene | Subject Used Phone at Scene |
Used Pillowcase | Subject Used Pillowcase |
Used Police Scanner | Subject Used Police Scanner |
Used Stolen Vehicle | Subject Used Stolen Vehicle to commit offense |
Used Unauthorized Key | Subject Used Unauthorized Key |
Used Vehicle To Remove Property | Subject Used Vehicle To Remove Property |
Used Victims Name | Subject Used Victims Name |
Used Victims Tools | Subject Used Victims Tools |
Used Weapon | Subject Used Weapon |
Used Weapon_Displayed Only | Subject Displayed Weapon |
Used Weapon_Fired No Injury | Subject Used Weapon and Fired without injury |
Used Weapon_ Not Firearm | Subject Used Weapon Other Than Firearm |
A data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the subject person based on investigator experience.
Code | Definition |
ALCOHOLIC | Alcoholic |
BISEXUAL | Bisexual |
DRUG SELLER | Drug Seller |
DRUG USER | Drug User |
HABITUAL OFFENDER | Habitual Offender |
HETEROSEXUAL | Heterosexual |
HITCHHIKER | Hitchhiker |
HOMOSEXUAL | Homosexual |
LONER | Loner |
MENTALLY ILL | Mentally Ill |
PEDOPHILE | Pedophile |
PIMP | Pimp |
PROSTITUTE | Prostitute |
REGISTERED SEX OFFENDER | Registered Sex Offender |
STREET PERSON_HOMELESS | Street Person_Homeless |
STUDENT | Student |
TRANSIENT | Transient |
TRANSVESTITE | Transvestite |
UNKNOWN | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies observations of the subject.
Code | Definition |
Alcohol on breath | Alcohol on breath |
Angry | Angry |
Apologetic | Apologetic (“Im so sorry this had to happen to you.”) |
Bad breath | Bad breath |
Body odor | Body odor |
Body odor unusual odor | Body odor, unusual odor |
Coerce | Coerce |
Complimentary | Complimentary (“You are very pretty.”) |
Ego Satisfying | Ego Satisfying (“tell me Im better than your boyfriend.”) |
Gang related | Gang related |
Inquisitive | Inquisitive (subject asked vicitm questions) |
Intimidate coerce | Intimidate, coerce |
Intimidate_Commanding | Intimidate_Commanding (“Remove your blouse, now!”) |
Kind | Kind |
Knowledgeable | Knowledgeable (“Your two children are upstairs and . . .”) |
Negotiating | Negotiating (“If you stop, Ill . . .”) |
Never spoke | Never spoke |
Never spoke quiet | Never spoke, quiet |
Personal | Personal (subject talked about self) |
Polite_Kind | Polite_Kind |
Profane | Profane |
Quiet | Quiet |
Quotes unusual | Quotes, unusual |
Rage | Rage |
Reassuring | Reassuring (“Im not going to hurt you, just do as I say.”) |
Self Demeaning | Self Demeaning |
Threatening | Threatening (“Ill cut you, if you dont . . .”) |
Trust violation | Trust violation |
Under influence | Under influence |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies the sexual practices and preferences of a subject based on investigator perception.
Code | Definition |
Bestiality | Bestiality |
Bisexuality | Bisexuality |
Bondage Practitioner | Bondage Practitioner |
Child Molester_Pediphile | Child Molester_Pediphile |
Exibitionist | Exibitionist |
Group Sex Practitioner | Group Sex Practitioner |
Heterosexuality | Heterosexuality |
Homosexuality | Homosexuality |
Incest | Incest |
Masochism | Masochism |
Necrophilia | Necrophilia |
Promiscuity | Promiscuity |
Sadism | Sadism |
Transsexualism | Transsexualism |
Transvestitism | Transvestitism |
Unknown | Unknown |
Voyeurism | Voyeurism |
A data type for a code that identifies a kind of supervised release.
Code | Definition |
COURTESY SUPERVISION | Courtesy Supervision: A form of temporary supervision often centered around travel through an otherwise non supervising jurisdiction/district. |
HOME CONFINEMENT | Released to Home Confinement: (also called house arrest or home detention) A form of supervision in which a person is confined by order to his or her residence. Travel is usually restricted, if allowed at all. Home Confinement is a lenient alternative to jail/prison time or juvenile-detention time. |
MANDATORY RELEASE | Mandatory Release: (also called mandatory supervision) Supervision whereby an inmate is released prior to the completion of their sentence due to legal technicalities (often factors “good time”) which oblige the criminal justice system to free them. Where parole is granted or denied at the discretion of a parole board, mandatory release does not involve a decision making process: one either qualifies for it or does not. Mandatory supervision tends to involve stipulations that are more lenient than those of parole, and in some cases place no obligations at all on the individual being released. |
MILITARY SUPERVISED RELEASE | Military Supervised Release (MSR): Through a Memorandum of Understanding between the Office of Probation and Pretrial Services of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts and the Department of Defense (DOD), the United States Probation Office provides assistance to military prisoners released from military confinement facilities through parole and supervised release. The only prisoners eligible fore MSR are those with an approved finding of guilty of an offense that occurred on or after 16 Aug 01, and are eligible for parole, but are not paroled. All military prisoners prior to being released from confinement on their MRD will be reviewed by the NC and PB for MSR. All prisoners who fall under the rules of MSR are required to submit an adequate release plan to include employment, residence and aftercare treatment as required. |
PAROLE | Parole: A post-prison supervision program where eligible inmates have the terms and conditions of parole set. Parole is a conditional extension of the limits of confinement after an offender has served a minimum part of his sentence. The period of parole cannot exceed the balance of the sentence. Under parole, the offender is to be supervised in the community under specific conditions. |
PAROLE COMPASSIONATE RELEASE | Parole Compassionate Release: The release of a subject on medical or humanitarian grounds, such as terminal illness or a child in the community with an urgent need for his or her incarcerated guardian. |
PAROLE IN STATE | Parole In State (for def. of Parole, see PAROLE) |
PAROLE OUT OF STATE | Parole Out of State (for def. of Parole, see PAROLE) |
PAROLE SPECIAL TERM | Special Parole Term: A term of parole imposed at the expiration of imprisonment or other parole, the offender becomes subject to a Board of Paroles rules and conditions of parole. |
PRESENTENCE | Presentence: Bail or Bond Pending Sentence |
PRETRIAL | Presentence: Bail or Bond Pretrial |
PRETRIAL DIVERSION | Pretrial Diversion, includes pretrial intervention, withheld adjudication, good behavior, withdraw and file, deferred prosecution, and withheld sentencing. |
PROBATION | Probation: A court-ordered term of community supervision under specified conditions for a specific period of time. The probationer is required to abide by all conditions ordered by the court. Violation of these conditions may result in revocation by the court and imposition of any sentence which it might have imposed before placing the offender on probation. |
PROBATION IN STATE | Probation In State: Probation within state of sentencing court, applies to state/local court related probation. (for def. of Probation, see PROBATION) |
PROBATION JUVENILE DELINQUENT | Juvenile Delinquent Probation: Probation resulting from a court finding a person under the age of 21 to be a juvenile delinquent. |
PROBATION OUT OF STATE | Probation Out of State: Probation outside state of sentencing court, applies to state/local court related probation. (for def. of Probation, see PROBATION) |
UNSPECIFIED | Unspecified Supervised Release: A high level typing of supervised release used when a supervising agency cannot provide supervision type. (Describe Supervised Release) |
WORK RELEASE | Work Release: A form of community supervision which allows a prisoner who is sufficiently trusted or can be sufficiently monitored to leave confinement to work at a place of employment or undertake vocational training, returning to facility supervision when his/her work is complete. Work release is generally designed to facilitate an offenders successful reentry into the community. |
A data type for a code that indicates the release status of the subject involved in supervised release.
Code | Definition |
ABSCONDER | Subject is out of compliance with release conditions, subject is sought, and subjects whereabouts are unknown. |
ACTIVE | Subject is on supervised release. |
CANCELED | Supervised release was discontinued before it could be successfully completed. |
CANCELED DECEASED | Supervised release was canceled because subject died. |
CANCELED REVOKED | Supervised release is unsuccessful and discontinued with subject being returned to jail, facility corrections, etc. |
CANCELED TRANSFERRED | Supervised release was canceled and oversight responsibility for the subject was transferred to another supervising agency. |
CANCELED UNSUCCESSFUL | Supervised release is unsuccessful and discontinued because the subject was not totally compliant with release conditions and the court, supervising organization, and/or supervising official believed that keeping the subject under supervision was not working and/or there was not a reasonable expectation for improvement in future. |
COMPLETED | Supervised release is successfully completed. |
COMPLETED EARLY | Supervised release is successfully completed with early termination afforded the subject as reward for the subjects compliance (paid fines, fulfilled obligations, completed community service, etc.) with release conditions of the court, supervising agency, and/or authorizing organization, or the subject was deemed to have health or life threatening issues at hand that otherwise precluded the subject from otherwise participating in/completing the specified period of supervision. |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of telephone number.
Code | Definition |
Facsimile | Fax telephone number |
Landline | Landline telephone number |
Mobile | Mobile telephone number |
Other | Other telephone number |
Pager | Pager telephone number |
VoIP | VoIP telephone number ( such as Skype, Vonage) |
A data type for a code that identifies a type of tool.
Code | Definition |
ADAPTOR | Adaptor |
AIR BRUSH | Air Brush |
AIR COMPRESSOR | Air Compressor |
AIR CONDITIONING CHARGING SYSTEM | Air Conditioning Charging System |
AIR FILE | Air File |
AIRHANDLING UNIT | Airhandling Unit |
AIR RATCHET | Air Ratchet |
AIR SPADER | Air Spader |
AIR WRENCH | Air Wrench |
ALARM | Alarm |
AMMETER | Ammeter |
ANALYZER | Analyzer |
ANGLE | Angle |
ANTENNA AND RADAR CROSS-SECTION MEASUREMENT SYSTEM | Antenna and Radar Cross-Section Measurement System |
ATTENUATOR | Attenuator |
AUDIOMETER | Audiometer |
AUGER | Auger |
AUTOMATIC PILOT | Automatic Pilot |
BALANCER | Balancer |
BAROMETER | Barometer |
BATTERY CHARGER_AUTOMOBILE | Battery Charger_Automobile |
BATTERY CHARGER_NONAUTOMOBILE | Battery Charger_Nonautomobile |
BINDER | Binder |
BIT_NONWELL | Bit (not well-drilling) |
BLADE | Blade (not otherwise coded) |
BLADE_FAN | Blade_Fan |
BLADE_KNIFE | Blade_Knife |
BLADE_MOWER | Blade_Mower |
BLADE_SAW | Blade_Saw |
BLOOD PRESSURE INSTRUMENT | Blood Pressure Instrument |
BLOOD PRESSURE INSTRUMENT_SPHYGMOMANOMETER | Blood Pressure Instrument_Sphygmomanometer |
BLOWER | Blower |
BOLT CUTTER | Bolt Cutter |
BRAKE | Brake |
BREAKER | Breaker |
BREATH ANALYZER_TESTER | Breath Analyzer_Tester |
CABLE | Cable (except telecommunication) |
CABLE LOCATOR | Cable Locator |
CALIBRATOR | Calibrator |
CALIPER | Caliper |
CARDIOGRAPH | Cardiograph |
CARPET TOOL_KICKER | Carpet Tool_Kicker |
CARPET TOOL_ LAYING IRON | Carpet Tool_ Laying Iron |
CARPET TOOL_POWER STRETCHER | Carpet Tool_Power Stretcher |
CEMENT MIXER | Cement Mixer |
CHAIN SAW | Chain Saw |
CHISEL | Chisel |
CHRONOMETER | Chronometer |
CLIPPERS | Clippers |
COIL_AIR CONDITIONING UNIT | Coil_Air Conditioning Unit |
COMPACTOR_TAMPER | Compactor_Tamper |
COMPASS | Compass |
CONDENSER | Condenser |
CONTROLLER | Controller |
CONVEYOR | Conveyor |
COUNTER | Counter |
COUPLER | Coupler |
CRUNCHER | Cruncher (hydraulic machine; crushes cans; recycles) |
CUTTER | Cutter (not otherwise coded) |
DEFIBRILLATOR | Defibrillator |
DENTAL BOWL | Dental Bowl |
DENTAL HANDPIECE | Dental Handpiece |
DEPTHFINDER | Depthfinder (depthsounder_fathometer) |
DETECTOR_METAL | Detector_Metal |
DETECTOR_RADAR | Detector_Radar |
DIAGNOSTIC SCANNER | Diagnostic Scanner (handheld; used by automotive service technicians; connected to a vehicles diagnostic connector to access trouble codes and monitor the operation of sensors to make a repair) |
DIE TOOL SET | Die Tool Set |
DOPPLER | Doppler (for measuring fetal heartbeat) |
DOSIMETER | Dosimeter |
DRILL | Drill |
DRILL PRESS | Drill Press |
DUMPSTER | Dumpster |
DWELL METER | Dwell Meter |
EDGER | Edger |
ENGINE_NONVEHICLE | Engine_Nonvehicle |
ENGRAVER | Engraver |
EQUALIZER | Equalizer (equipment not stereo_sound) |
EVAPORATOR | Evaporator |
EXPLOSIVES | Explosives |
FILE | File |
FILTER | Filter |
FINISHING MACHINE | Finishing Machine |
FIRE EXTINGUISHER | Fire Extinguisher |
FLASHLIGHT | Flashlight (includes rechargeable) |
FUSE | Fuse |
GARAGE DOOR OPENER | Garage Door Opener |
GAUGE | Gauge |
GAUGE_ULTRASONIC THICKNESS | Gauge_Ultrasonic Thickness |
GEIGER COUNTER | Geiger Counter |
GENERATOR_NONAUTOMOBILE | Generator_Nonautomobile |
GRINDER | Grinder |
GUN_RIVET | Gun_Rivet |
GUN_SCREW | Gun_Screw |
GUN_SEALANT | Gun_Sealant |
GUN_SEALANT_CAULKING | Gun_Sealant_Caulking |
GUN_SEALANT_GLUE | Gun_Sealant_Glue |
GUN_SOLDERING | Gun_Soldering |
GUN_SPRAY | Gun_Spray |
GUN_STAPLE | Gun_Staple |
GUN_STUD_RAMSET | Gun_Stud_Ramset |
GYROSCOPE | Gyroscope |
HAMMER | Hammer (all kinds) |
HAMMER_GUN_IMPACT | Hammer_Gun_Impact ( Air Hammer) |
HAMMER_JACKHAMMER | Hammer_Jackhammer |
HAMMER_ROTOHAMMER | Hammer_Rotohammer |
HANDHELD RADIO_POLICE | Handheld Radio_Police |
HAND TRUCK | Hand Truck |
HEART MONITOR | Heart Monitor |
HEART MONITOR_APNEA MONITOR | Heart Monitor_Apnea Monitor |
HEDGE CUTTER | Hedge Cutter |
HOE | Hoe |
HOIST | Hoist |
HOLSTER | Holster |
HORSE_HARNESS RACING EQUIPMENT | Horse_Harness Racing Equipment |
INDICATOR | Indicator |
INVERTER | Inverter |
IRON_SOLDERING | Iron_Soldering |
JACK | Jack |
JOINTER | Jointer |
KEY | Key (all types) |
KEY MAKING MACHINE | Key Making Machine |
KNIFE | Knife |
LAB EQUIPMENT | Lab Equipment (not otherwise coded) |
LADDER | Ladder |
LAMINATING MACHINE | Laminating Machine |
LASER | Laser |
LASER MEASURING DEVICE | Laser Measuring Device |
LATHE | Lathe |
LAWNMOWER_NONRIDING | Lawnmower_Nonriding |
LEAF BLOWER | Leaf Blower |
LEAK DETECTOR | Leak Detector |
LEVEL | Level |
LIFE PRESERVER | Life Preserver |
LIFT | Lift |
LOCK | Lock |
LONG RANGE NAVIGATION UNIT | Long Range Navigation (LORAN) Unit |
MACE_TEAR GAS | Mace_Tear Gas |
MAGAZINE_NEWSPAPER STAND_RACK | Magazine_Newspaper Stand_Rack |
MEDICAL EQUIPMENT | Medical Equipment (not otherwise coded) |
MEGOHMMETER | Megohmmeter |
METER | Meter |
MICROMETER | Micrometer |
MICROWAVE RADIO FREQUENCY HEAT APPLICATION SYSTEM | Microwave Radio Frequency Heat Application System (microwave treatment systems used to eradicate wood-destroying organisms) |
MILLING MACHINE | Milling Machine |
MITER BOX | Miter Box |
MOTOR | Motor |
MULTIMETER | Multimeter |
NAVIGATION METER | Navigation Meter |
NAVIGATION SYSTEM | Navigation System (vehicle navigation aid_may also include alarm device_pager_ theft prevention device) |
NAVIGATION SYSTEM_AUTOLINK | Navigation System_AutoLink |
NAVIGATION SYSTEM_GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM | Navigation System_Global Positioning System (GPS) (handheld or mounted) |
NEON SIGN | Neon Sign |
NEON SIGN_FLASHING SIGN FOR ROADWORK | Neon Sign_Flashing Sign for Roadwork |
NERVE STIMULATION UNIT | Nerve Stimulation Unit |
NIBBLER | Nibbler |
OHMMETER | Ohmmeter |
OSCILLOSCOPE | Oscilloscope |
OXIMETER | Oximeter |
PAINT SPRAYER | Paint Sprayer |
PAINT STRIPPER | Paint Stripper |
PARKING METER | Parking Meter |
PIPE THREADING MACHINE | Pipe Threading Machine |
PLANE | Plane |
PLANER | Planer |
PLIERS | Pliers |
PLOW | Plow |
POLICE_CRUISER MINIBAR | Police Cruiser MiniBar (lights used on top of police cruisers) |
POLICE_EMERGENCY LIGHT | Police Emergency Light (see Police Cruiser Mini-Bar) |
POLICE_WARNING LIGHT | Police Warning Light (see Police Cruiser Mini-Bar) |
POSTHOLE DIGGER | Posthole Digger |
POWER PACK | Power Pack |
POWER SUPPLY | Power Supply |
PRESS | Press |
PROBE | Probe |
PROBE_DIGITAL | Probe_Digital |
PROBE_PULSAR | Probe_Pulsar |
PROBE_TEMPERATURE | Probe_Temperature |
PROBE_TEMPERATURE_DIGITAL | Probe_Temperature_Digital |
PROBE_TEMPERATURE_PULSAR | Probe_Temperature_Pulsar |
PULLER | Puller |
PULLER_BEARING PULLER | Puller_ Bearing Puller (used to pull bearing without dismantling machinery) |
PULLER_PIN PULLER | Puller_Pin Puller |
PUMP | Pump |
PUNCH | Punch |
PYROMETER | Pyrometer |
RADAR | Radar |
RADIO TELEMETRY SYSTEM | Radio Telemetry System (measures and transmits data from a distant source) |
RAKE | Rake |
REFRIGERANT RECOVERY UNIT | Refrigerant Recovery Unit |
REGULATOR | Regulator |
RESPIRATOR | Respirator |
RESUSCITATOR | Resuscitator |
ROLLER | Roller |
ROUTER | Router |
SANDBLASTER | Sandblaster |
SANDER | Sander |
SAW | Saw (not chain saw) |
SAW_HACKSAW | Saw_Hacksaw (not chain saw) |
SAW_JIGSAW | Saw_Jigsaw (not chain saw) |
SAW_SCROLL | Saw_Scroll (not chain saw) |
SAW_TABLE | Saw_Table (not chain saw) |
SCAFFOLD | Scaffold |
SCALES | Scales |
SCAN TOOL_AUTOMOTIVE | Scan Tool_Automotive (connects to a vehicles diagnostic connector to access trouble codes and monitor the operation of sensors to make a repair) |
SCREWDRIVER | Screwdriver |
SCRUBBER | Scrubber |
SEISMOGRAPH | Seismograph |
SENSOR | Sensor |
SEPARATOR | Separator |
SEWER CLEANER | Sewer Cleaner |
SEXTANT | Sextant |
SHARPENER | Sharpener (all types) |
SHARPENER_KNIFE | Sharpener_Knife |
SHEARS | Shears |
SHOVEL | Shovel |
SHREDDER | Shredder |
SHREDDER_PAPER | Shredder_Paper |
SHREDDER_WOOD | Shredder_Wood |
SLICER | Slicer |
SMOKE ALARM_DETECTOR | Smoke Alarm_Detector |
SNAKE | Snake |
SNAKE_ELECTRIC | Snake_Electric |
SNOWBLOWER | Snowblower |
SNOWPLOW_NONRIDING | Snowplow_Nonriding |
SOCKET SET_SOCKET WRENCH | Socket Set_Socket Wrench |
SOD CUTTER | Sod Cutter |
SONAR | Sonar |
SONAR_ECHO SOUNDER | Sonar_Echo Sounder (video fish finder) |
SONAR_FISH LOCATOR | Sonar_Fish Locator |
SPOTLIGHT | Spotlight |
SPRAYER | Sprayer (all types) |
SPREADER | Spreader |
SPRINKLER | Sprinkler |
STETHOSCOPE | Stethoscope |
STROBE LIGHT | Strobe Light |
SWEEPER_OUTDOOR POWER | Sweeper_Outdoor Power |
SWITCHES | Switches (all types) |
TACHOMETER | Tachometer |
TANK | Tank |
TANK_ACETYLENE | Tank_Acetylene |
TANK_HYDROGEN | Tank_Hydrogen |
TANK_OXYGEN | Tank_Oxygen |
TANK_PROPANE | Tank_Propane |
TAPE APPLICATOR_DRYWALL | Tape Applicator_Drywall |
TAPE MACHINE_AUTOMATIC | Tape Machine_Automatic |
TAPE MEASURE | Tape Measure |
TESTER | Tester |
THATCHER_POWER RAKE | Thatcher_Power Rake |
THEODOLITE | Theodolite |
THERMOMETER | Thermometer |
THERMOSTAT | Thermostat |
THREADER | Threader |
TILLER | Tiller |
TILLER_FARM CULTIVATOR | Tiller_Farm Cultivator |
TILLER_ROTOTILLER | Tiller_Rototiller |
TIME CLOCK | Time Clock |
TIMER | Timer |
TIMING LIGHT | Timing Light |
TONGS | Tongs |
TONOMETER | Tonometer |
TOOLBOX | Toolbox |
TORCH | Torch |
TORCH_CUTTING | Torch_Cutting |
TRAFFIC COUNTER | Traffic Counter |
TRANSDUCER | Transducer |
TRANSFORMER | Transformer |
TRANSIT SURVEY | Transit Survey |
TRANSPONDER | Transponder |
TRENCHER | Trencher |
TRIMMER | Trimmer |
TROWEL | Trowel |
TROWEL_POWER | Trowel_Power |
ULTRASOUND MACHINE | Ultrasound Machine |
VALVE | Valve |
VIBRATOR | Vibrator |
VISE | Vise |
VOLTMETER | Voltmeter |
WATER BLASTER_PRESSURE WASHER | Water Blaster_Pressure Washer |
WATT METER | Watt Meter |
WEEDER | Weeder |
WELDER | Welder |
WELDER_ARC | Welder_Arc |
WHEEL BALANCER | Wheel Balancer |
WINCH | Winch |
WINDSHIELD REPAIR KIT | Windshield Repair Kit (mobile device used to repair windshield on site) |
WIRE STRIPPER | Wire Stripper |
WOOD SPLITTER | Wood Splitter |
WRENCH | Wrench |
XRAY EQUIPMENT | Xray Equipment |
ZAPPER_BUG | Zapper_Bug (bug killing light) |
A data type for a code that identifies the general style of vehicle.
Code | Definition |
AUTOMOBILE | Motor vehicles that serve the primary purpose of transporting people , e.g., sedans, coupes, station wagons, convertibles, taxicabs, etc. (excludes buses) |
BUS | Motor vehicles that are specifically designed, but not necessarily used, to transport groups of people. |
FARM EQUIPMENT | Equipment used to support agricultural production, e.g., tractors, combines, etc. |
HEAVY EQUIPMENT | Industrial equipment, e.g., cranes, bulldozers, steamrollers, oil-drilling rigs, etc. |
OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE | Motor vehicles that do not fit other category definitions, e.g., motor cycles, snowmobiles, golf carts, motorized toys, motorized wheelchairs, etc. |
RECREATIONAL | Motor vehicles that are specifically designed, but not necessarily used, to transport people and also provide them temporary lodging for recreational purposes, e.g., motor home. |
TRAILER | A vehicle attached to another vehicle, used especially in hauling freight. |
TRUCK | Motor vehicles which are specifically designed, but not necessarily used, to transport cargo, e.g., pickup, tanker, fire truck, ambulance, etc. |
A data type for a code that identifies how subject initially approached victim based on investigator experience.
Code | Definition |
Blitz | Blitz (unspecified direct and immediate physical assault without warning) |
Blitz_Choked | Blitz_Choked |
Blitz_Hit | Blitz_Hit |
Blitz_Hit_Blunt Object | Blitz_Hit Victim_Blunt Object (includes, club, hammer, etc.) |
Blitz_Hit_Personal Weapon | Blitz_Hit Victim_Personal Weapon (includes, hands, feet, teeth,etc.) |
Blitz_Physically Overpowered | Blitz_Physically Overpowered (grabbed, picked-up, carried away, etc.) |
Blitz_Shot | Blitz_Shot |
Blitz_Shot_Drive by Attack | Blitz_Shot_Drive by Attack |
Blitz_Stabbed | Blitz_Stabbed (includes cut) |
Deception | Deception (includes con) |
Deception_Administered Drug | Deception_Administered Drug |
Deception_Administered Drug_GHB | Deception_Administered Drug_GHB |
Deception_Advertising_Placed | Deception_Advertising_Placed |
Deception_Advertising_Responded | Deception_Advertising_Responded |
Deception_Contacted_Fax | Deception_Contacted_Fax |
Deception_Contacted_Internet | Deception_Contacted_Internet |
Deception_Contacted_Internet Communication | Deception_Contacted_Internet Communication |
Deception_Contacted_Mail | Deception_Contacted_Mail |
Deception_Contacted_Phone | Deception_Contacted_Phone |
Deception_Offered | Deception_Offered |
Deception_Offered_ Assistance | Deception_Offered_ Assistance |
Deception_Offered_Goods | Deception_Offered_Goods |
Deception_Offered_Goods_Toys | Deception_Offered_Goods_Toys |
Deception_Offered_Goods_Treats | Deception_Offered_Goods_Treats |
Deception_Offered_Job | Deception_Offered_Job |
Deception_Offered_Money | Deception_Offered_Money |
Deception_Offered_Services | Deception_Offered_Services (unspecified services) |
Deception_Offered_Services_Sex | Deception_Offered_Services_Sex |
Deception_Offered_Services_Transportation | Deception_Offered_Services_Transportation |
Deception_Pretend | Deception_Pretend (unspecified person role) |
Deception_Pretend_Business person | Deception_Pretend_Business person |
Deception_Pretend_Common Friend | Deception_Pretend_Common Friend (Friend of a Friend) |
Deception_Pretend_Conversation Befriend | Deception_Pretend_Conversation Befriend |
Deception_Pretend_Customer | Deception_Pretend_Customer |
Deception_Pretend_Delivery Person | Deception_Pretend_Delivery Person |
Deception_Pretend_Family Member | Deception_Pretend_Family Member |
Deception_Pretend_Handicapped | Deception_Pretend_Handicapped |
Deception_Pretend_Job Seeker | Deception_Pretend_Job Seeker |
Deception_Pretend_Law Enforcement | Deception_Pretend_Law Enforcement |
Deception_Pretend_Position of Trust | Deception_Pretend_Position of Trust |
Deception_Pretend_Repair Person | Deception_Pretend_Repair Person |
Deception_Pretend_Sales Person | Deception_Pretend_Sales Person |
Deception_Pretend_Utility Employee | Deception_Pretend_Utility Employee |
Deception_Requested | Deception_Requested (unspecified request) |
Deception_Requested_Assistance | Deception_Requested_Assistance (need help/emergency) |
Deception_Requested_Donation | Deception_Requested_Donation |
Deception_Requested_Other Object | Deception_Requested_Other Object (includes tools, sugar, etc.) |
Deception_Requested_Phone | Deception_Requested_Phone |
Deception_Requested_Toilet | Deception_Requested_Toilet |
Deception_Requested_To Show | Deception_Requested_To Show (wanted to show something to victim) |
Deception_Requested_Victim Model | Deception_Requested_Victim Model |
Deception_Requested_Water | Deception_Requested_Water |
Deception_Solicited Sex | Deception_Solicited Sex |
Deception_Staged Traffic Accident | Deception_Staged Traffic Accident |
Deception_Used animal to lure | Deception_Used animal to lure |
Deception_Used third person to lure | Deception_Used third person to lure |
Surprise | Surprise (unspecified) |
Surprise_Followed | Surprise_Followed |
Surprise_Lay in Wait_In Building | Surprise_Lay in Wait_In Building |
Surprise_Lay in Wait_In Vehicle | Surprise_Lay in Wait_In Vehicle |
Surprise_Lay in Wait_Out Doors | Surprise_Lay in Wait_Out Doors |
Surprise_Threatened with Weapon | Surprise_Threatened with Weapon |
Surprise_Victim Sleeping | Surprise_Victim Sleeping |
Unknown Approach | Unknown Approach |
A data type for a code that identifies the type of article used by the subject at the crime scene to bind a victim.
Code | Definition |
Chain | Chain |
Clothing | Clothing |
Electrical Cord | Electrical Cord (includes telephone cord) |
Flexcuffs | Flexcuffs (includes plastic ties) |
Glue | Glue |
Handcuffs | Handcuffs |
Linens | Linens |
Rope | Rope |
Tape | Tape |
Wire | Wire (non-electrical) |
A data type for a code that identifies the manner of victim body disposal based on investigator perception.
Code | Definition |
Apparent Lack of Concern | No concern as to whether or not victim was discovered, includes released. |
Concealed | Placed to prevent discovery. |
Openly Placed | Placed to ensure discovery. |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that characterizes clothed condition of the victim.
Code | Definition |
Dressed without Socks_Shoes | Dressed without Socks_Shoes |
Fully Dressed | Fully Dressed |
Fully Dressed_Redressed | Fully Dressed_Redressed |
Nude | Nude |
Nude with Socks_Shoes | Nude with Socks_Shoes |
Partially Dressed | Partially Dressed |
Partially Dressed_Waist Down | Partially Dressed_Waist Down |
Partially Dressed_Waist Down_Redressed | Partially Dressed_Waist Down_Redressed |
Partially Dressed_Waist Up | Partially Dressed_Waist Up |
Partially Dressed_Waist Up_Redressed | Partially Dressed_Waist Up_Redressed |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies lifestyle characteristics for the victim person based on investigator experience.
Code | Definition |
Alcoholic | Alcoholic |
Bisexual | Bisexual |
Child | Child |
Criminal Activity Engaged | Criminal Activity Engaged |
Drug Seller | Drug Seller |
Drug User | Drug User |
Elderly | Elderly |
Gang Member | Gang Member |
Heterosexual | Heterosexual |
Hitchhiker | Hitchhiker |
Homosexual | Homosexual |
Infant | Infant |
Lived Alone | Lived Alone |
Mentally Ill | Mentally Ill |
Physically Disabled | Physically Disabled |
Prostitute | Prostitute |
Recluse | Recluse |
Runaway | Runaway |
Street Person_Homeless | Street Person_Homeless |
Student | Student |
Transient | Transient |
Transvestite | Transvestite |
Unknown | Unknown |
Worked Alone | Worked Alone |
A data type for a code that characterizes the recovery of the victim based on investigator perception.
Code | Definition |
As skeletal remains | As skeletal remains |
Buried | Buried |
Covered | Covered |
Covered_Completely | Covered_Completely |
Covered_Face Only | Covered_Face Only |
Covered_Partially | Covered_Partially |
In Bag | In Bag (describe) |
In Bag_Garbage | In Bag_Garbage |
In Bag_Laundry | In Bag_Laundry |
In Bag_Plastic | In Bag_Plastic |
In Bathtub | In Bathtub |
In Container | In Container (describe) |
In Container_Box | In Container_Box |
In Container_Dumpster | In Container_Dumpster |
In Container_refrigerator | In Container_refrigerator |
In Container_suitcase | In Container_suitcase |
In Vehicle | In Vehicle |
In Water | In Water |
In Water_Not Weighted | In Water_Not Weighted |
In Water_Weighted Down | In Water_Weighted Down |
Wrapped | Wrapped (describe) |
A data type for a code that identifies how victim subject contact ended based on investigator perception.
Code | Definition |
Escape | Escape (subject lost control of victim) |
Inadvertant Intervention | Inadvertant Intervention (by third party) |
Intentional Release | Intentional Release (subject intentionally gave up control of victim) |
Offender Left Scene | Offender Left Scene |
Rescue_Intervention | Rescue_Intervention |
Unknown | Unknown |
A data type for a code that identifies the actions of the victim at time of incident.
Code | Definition |
Administered drugs | Administered drugs |
Asked to Model | Asked to Model |
Asked to Model_Pose for Photos | Asked to Model, Pose for Photos |
Asked to Pose | Asked to Pose |
Asked to Pose_Model | Asked to Pose, Model |
Asphyxiated | Asphyxiated |
Blindfolded | Blindfolded |
Bound | Bound |
Bound Gagged | Bound, Gagged |
Burned | Burned |
Camping | Camping |
Cut | Cut |
Cut Stabbed | Cut, Stabbed |
Distracted | Distracted |
Drowned | Drowned |
Drugged | Drugged |
Drugged Sedated | Drugged, Sedated |
Exploited | Exploited |
Face Covered | Face Covered |
Fishing | Fishing |
Followed | Followed |
Fondled | Fondled |
Forced to Disrobe | Forced to Disrobe |
Forced to Fondle Suspect | Forced to Fondle Suspect |
Forced to Lie on Floor | Forced to Lie on Floor |
Forced to Masturbate | Forced to Masturbate |
Forced to Move | Forced to Move |
Forced to Orally Copulate Suspect | Forced to Orally Copulate Suspect |
Gagged | Gagged |
Gang Related | Gang Related |
Going from Bar | Going from Bar |
Going from Club | Going from Club |
Going from Residence | Going from Residence |
Going from Restaurant | Going from Restaurant |
Going from Work | Going from Work |
Going to Bar | Going to Bar |
Going to Club | Going to Club |
Going to or from Bar Club Restaurant | Going to or from Bar, Club, Restaurant |
Going to or from Residence | Going to or from Residence |
Going to or from Work | Going to or from Work |
Going to Residence | Going to Residence |
Going to Restaurant | Going to Restaurant |
Going to Work | Going to Work |
Handcuffed | Handcuffed |
Hiking | Hiking |
Hit | Hit |
Hitchhiking | Hitchhiking |
Hunting | Hunting |
Hunting Camping Hiking Fishing | Hunting, Camping, Hiking, Fishing |
Injured | Injured |
Injured Hit | Injured, Hit |
Involved in Drug Transaction | Involved in Drug Transaction |
Locked In | Locked In |
Made to Count | Made to Count |
On a Date | On a Date |
On Vacation | On Vacation |
Outdoor Exercising | Outdoor Exercising (eg. Jogging, biking, etc.) |
Pinched | Pinched |
Pistol Whipped | Pistol Whipped |
Prostituting | Prostituting |
Sedated | Sedated |
Shot | Shot |
Slapped | Slapped |
Sleeping | Sleeping |
Stabbed | Stabbed |
Strangled | Strangled |
Suffocated | Suffocated |
Threatened | Threatened |
Tortured Mutilated | Tortured, Mutilated |
Using Alcohol Drugs | Using Alcohol, Drugs |
Victim Sleeping | Victim Sleeping |
A data type for a code that indicates the victims perception of the subject or actions of the subject.
Code | Definition |
IN DANGER | Victim believes the subject may seriously injure or kill him/her. |
ISOLATED FROM HELP | Victim seems isolated from sources of help (car, phone, family, friends). |
PREVIOUSLY SEPARATED | Victim has separated or tried to separate from the subject in the past. |
PREVIOUSLY SOUGHT HELP | Victim has sought outside help (police, counseling, shelter) in the past. |
PROTECTIVE OF SUBJECT | Victim appears extremely protective of the subject (trying to reduce bail, charges, etc.). |
A data type for a code that identifies the victim’s relationship to subject who perpetrated a crime against them, depicting who the victim was to the offender.
Code | Definition |
Accomplice | Accomplice |
Acquaintance | Acquaintance |
Authority Figure | Authority Figure |
Babysittee | Babysittee |
Babysitter | Babysitter |
Boyfriend | Boyfriend |
Caregiver | Caregiver |
Child of Boyfriend_Girlfriend | Child of Boyfriend_Girlfriend |
Client | Client |
Cohabitant | Cohabitant |
Delivery Person | Delivery Person |
Employee | Employee |
Employer | Employer |
Ex_Spouse | Ex_Spouse |
Family Member | Family Member |
Family Member_Aunt | Aunt |
Family Member_Child | Child |
Family Member_Cousin | Cousin |
Family Member_Foster Child | Family Member_Foster Child |
Family Member_Foster Parent | Family Member_Foster Parent |
Family Member_Grandchild | Grandchild |
Family Member_Grandparent | Grandparent |
Family Member_In-Law | In-Law |
Family Member_Nephew | Nephew |
Family Member_Niece | Niece |
Family Member_Parent | Parent |
Family Member_Sibling | Sibling |
Family Member_Spouse | Family Member_Spouse |
Family Member_Spouse_Common Law | Spouse_Common Law |
Family Member_Stepchild | Stepchild |
Family Member_Stepparent | Stepparent |
Family Member_Stepsibling | Stepsibling |
Family Member_Uncle | Uncle |
Former Employee | Former Employee |
Former Employer | Former Employer |
Friend | Friend |
Girlfriend | Girlfriend |
Guardian | Guardian |
Homosexual relationship | Homosexual relationship |
Neighbor | Neighbor |
NonFamily_Otherwise Known | NonFamily_Otherwise Known |
Patient | Patient |
Relationship Unknown | Relationship Unknown |
Stranger | Stranger |
Student | Student |
Teacher | Teacher |
Victim Was Offender | Victim Was Offender |