Modeling Metadata

Metadata Elements


A metadata element should end with the representation term Metadata.

For general metadata that may be applied to anything, the name Metadata is sufficient. For more specific metadata, a more descriptive name should be used, like PersonMetadata.


A metadata element must have a metadata type.


A metadata element may be able to be used by any NIEM element or type, or it may be constrained to only certain ones.

If a metadata element is constrained to a given type, then any element of that type or of a type that extends from that type may reference it. For example, a metadata element constrained to type structures:AssociationType may be used by any association element.

Use the attributes appinfo:appliesToElements and appinfo:appliesToTypes to limit the metadata element to one or more elements and/or types.

Metadata Types


A metadata type should end with the representation term MetadataType.

For general metadata that may be applied to anything, the name MetadataType is sufficient. For more specific metadata, a more descriptive name should be used, like PersonMetadataType.

Parent type

A metadata type must extend structures:MetadataType.

There is no need to extend other metadata types in the model. Elements can link to multiple metadata elements.

No augmentation points

Metadata types should not contain augmentation points. Other namespaces can define their own metadata elements and types and create references to them in NIEM release elements.


Rule Applicability Title
NDR 10-38 REF, EXT Metadata type has data about data
NDR 10-39 REF, EXT Metadata types are derived from structures:MetadataType
NDR 10-40 REF, EXT Metadata element declaration type is a metadata type
NDR 10-41 REF, EXT, SET Metadata element has applicable elements
NDR 11-31 REF, EXT Standard opening phrase for metadata element data definition
NDR 11-43 REF, EXT Standard opening phrase for metadata type data definition
NDR 12-10 INS Metadata applies to referring entity
NDR 12-11 INS Referent of structures:relationshipMetadata annotates relationship
NDR 12-12 INS Values of structures:metadata refer to values of structures:id
NDR 12-13 INS Values of structures:relationshipMetadata refer to values of structures:id
NDR 12-14 INS structures:metadata and structures:relationshipMetadata refer to metadata elements
NDR 12-15 INS Attribute structures:metadata references metadata element
NDR 12-16 INS Attribute structures:relationshipMetadata references metadata element
NDR 12-17 INS Metadata is applicable to element