JSON-LD identifiers

One of the ways NIEM supports data reuse is through object references which eliminate the need to describe the same object multiple times. JSON-LD supports references to objects with a reserved key @id which can be used either as an object identifier or a reference to an object identifier. The value of @id must be a string.

For example, a person object may described and identified as “P01” as follows:

  "nc:Person" : {
    "@id" : "P01",
    "nc:PersonBirthDate": {
      "nc:Date": "1893-05-04"
    "nc:PersonName": {
      "nc:personNameCommentText" : "copied",
    "exch:PersonFictionalCharacterIndicator": true

An role object referencing that person object would be:

  "nc:RoleOfPerson" : {
    "@id" : "P01"